Perhaps in our present state of hyper-polarization, it could be argued that child trafficking is the least political issue and the most likely to bring people of all political stripes together. How could opposition to the heinous kidnapping of children and their forced entry into the global sex trade go unnoticed from all directions? The Left, however, oddly rallies to undermine it with partisan smears and unpleasant innuendo whenever a movie comes on that dares address this miserable topic, this horrifying evil, head-on – one that is intended not only to raise awareness but also to inspire action. The thriller” Song of Freedom” by Angel Studios debuted next week. It is based on the gripping genuine account of Tim Ballard, a Homeland Security Special Agent who was frustrated by the lack of efficient rescue tactics and legal authority to assist trafficked children in developing countries. Ballard made the decision to get around the legal system in order to find a more clear, if risky, method of rescuing missing children. He established Operation Underground Railroad ( OUR ), a U.S. – based nonprofit organization committed to protecting children from sex trafficking and sexual exploitation, in 2013. According to reports, the company has carried out more than a dozen sting operations. In the movie, actor Jim Caveziel portrays Ballard with a zealous intensity. You may recall that Caveziel is best known for his incredible portrayal of Jesus Christ in the Mel Gibson-directed blockbuster The Passion of the Christ, which won over some Hollywood executives who didn’t think or care that there was a sizable audience in flyover America looking for entertainment fare that didn t trash their faith. Sound of Freedom is the most significant film Caveziel has made since Passion. He is explicitly Christian and conventional in a field dominated by secular elites. The low-budget movie, which had been put on hold for almost five years and had hardly ever been seen, has now been revived and has enjoyed incredible box office and Rotten Tomatoes entertainment review site success( with a 99 % Audience Score ). How effective is Sound of Freedom? Sound of Freedom has brought in$ 40.2 million at the close of business on Sunday, after only six days in theaters, according to John Nolte at Breitbart News. Additionally, it averaged$ 6, 388 per screen over the weekend, surpassing [ the most recent installment of the Indiana Jones franchise ] and Sound of Freedom’s$ 18.2 million total box office haul, respectively. Dial of Destiny may have finished following with a weekend gross of$ 26.50 million.
Sound of Freedom is currently successful, in contrast to Disney’s Dial of Destiny, which is expected to lose tens of millions, if not hundreds. Sound of Freedom, which had a$ 14.5 million budget, began to earn millions as soon as it reached$ 25 to$ 30 million. And it’s only really beginning. Word of mouth is all set up to be extraordinary with an A + Cinemascore and the business media’s hungry and derogatory attacks. Therefore, the Left has decided that Sound of Freedom must be sabotaged with high-profile articles blaming it as linked to the darkest corners of right-wing conspiracy – mongering. The Left panics when conservatives make inroads into the culture owned by the left. The Washington Post, for instance, denigrated the film right in the headline:” Song of Freedom” is a box office smash whose star embraces QAnon; similarly, the far-left Guardian exposed the conspiracy theory by referring to the” paranoid” film as” the adjacent thriller seducing America.” The Guardian writer downplays the film’s success and sniffs about it benefiting from an” unsavory network of astroturfed boosterism among the far – right fringe, a constellation of paranoids now attempting to spin a cause célèbre out of a movie with vaguely simpatico leanings “. The unhinged harpies at the feminist website Jezebel too, coincidentally, have written off the film as” an Anti – Child Trafficking Fantasy Fit for QAnon”. What is QAnon? Great question. I’ve heard of it, but neither I nor any traditional I know could tell you anything about it, except that it is a favourite right – wing boogeyman of the Left. According to Wikipedia( which like every other Big Tech site is carefully curated and patroled by leftist activists, with whom I have personally wrestled when trying to correct misinformation on the site ),” QAnon conspiracy theory is that a cabal of Demonic, cannibalistic child molesters are operating a global child sex trafficking ring which conspired against former U. S. President Donald Trump during his term in office”. But now you know. I don’t know about the cannibalism or the Trump parts, but the part about international child sex trafficking is not conspiracy theory but observable fact and taken very seriously by law enforcement and human rights agencies from the FBI to the United Nations and all points in – between. Regardless, Rolling Stone piled on with a sneering hit piece by a keyboard coward named Miles Klee who claims, tellingly, that Caveziel and the other filmmakers have been” fomenting moral panic for years over this greatly exaggerated’ epidemic’ of child sex – trafficking”. Klee to dismisses the movie as a” QAnon – tinged thriller”” designed to appeal to the conscience of a conspiracy – addled boomer”, and slams its” hackneyed white savior narrative”– even though the real – life Ballard is white( unlike Klee, Ballard has really put his own life on the line to save kidnapped children– does it matter what color he is? It does to the racist Left ). Klee concludes his hate – filled screed with a lament that instead of making movies about police brutality and climate catastrophes,” the far right turns to these filthy fantasies about wicked monsters hurting children”. Try to imagine what kind of a person rolls his eyes about the very real physical enslavement of children abroad, a person who calls the child sex – trafficking phenomenon a” greatly exaggerated’ epidemic. ‘”” Grossly exaggerated”? Here are a few statistics from the Polaris Project, a movement to end human trafficking: Human trafficking is a$ 150 billion – a – year criminal enterprise business worldwide
27 % of human trafficking victims are children
The United States is# 1 in the world for sex trafficking
More than 500, 000 children a year go missing in the U. S. left
Over 500, 000 website sexual predators are active each day
As of 2021, there are 252, 000 websites containing images or videos of children biologically abused
Similar information can be found on several different sites dedicated to rescuing children from this plight. And yet Rolling Stone not only wants you to dismiss Jim Caveziel and the Sound of Freedom filmmakers as conspiracy theorists so that you will shun the movie and its excited message on behalf of trafficked children, but even to believe that child sex trafficking itself is exaggerated, especially compared to communist shibboleths like the police genocide of blacks and climate change. Remember, Rolling Stone is the magazine that glamorized the 2013 Boston Marathon bomber with a sexy come – hither cover shot, a terrorist who murdered 8 – year – old Martin William Richard among others, and who would have killed several more with his ball – bearing – and – nail bomb if he had positioned it higher off the ground. In addition, Rolling Stone was the publication that attempted to demonize ivermectin users during the pandemic, suppressed mention of child sexual abuse material in a child pornography investigation because the perpetrator was friends with an RS editor, and hyped an untrue account of an interstate rape at the University of Virginia that almost claimed the lives of innocent younger men. Rolling Stone is a shameful, celebrity-policing, left-wing activist rag that seeks to discredit political rivals initially and ask questions later, or ideally no at all. It is not an important literary outlet. In order to own” much appropriate” filmmakers, this magazine defends pedophiles and child traffickers. Consider that. The Left was whitewashing child trafficking yet before Sound of Freedom made its large screen debut. A conspiracy fear-mongering piece titled” The Great ( Fake ) Child Sex – Trafficking Epidemic” was published by The Atlantic, another left-wing publication, a year ago in an effort to discredit conservative concerns about child trafficking. The tagline was” dispatches from a spiritual panic.” To draw attention to their climate change hysteria, the Left will paint on priceless works of art, block main thoroughfares, and set themselves on fire, but they will dismiss worries about the reality of widespread sexual abuse of children as a” spiritual panic.” This is because the media venom spewed at Sound of Freedom is so cruel and well-coordinated. Who are they? Child traffickers and pedophiles. Visit Sound of Freedom to send a message to the historical Marxists defending child sex traffickers and pedophiles. In order to offer Pay it Forward tickets to see it, Angel Studios has also partnered with a number of theater ticketing services. Find out how to get a free ticket to see the movie in theaters Ok. For information on and participation in the fight against child trafficking Ok, Angel Studios even has excellent resources. Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior is followed.
Child trafficking is a topic that, despite our current hyper-polarization, can unite people from all political stripes How can the opposition to the cruel kidnapping and forced recruitment of children into the international sex industry fail to attract When a film is released that tackles this unsettling topic, this horrifying evil, head on – a film Ballard decided to bypass the law enforcement bureaucracy in order to find a direct, but dangerous, way to rescue In 2013, he founded Operation Underground Railroad, a nonprofit organization based in the United States that is dedicated to saving children The organization has reportedly conducted more than a dozen “sting operations”. Jim Caveziel brings a passionate intensity to the portrayal of Ballard. You will remember that Caveziel is best known for Caveziel, an openly conservative Christian in a secular industry, calls Sound of Freedom his most important film since Passion. How well is Sound of Freedom performing? John Nolte of Breitbart writes that Sound of Freedom grossed $40.2M after only six days. Over the weekend, Sound of Freedom averaged $63,388 per screen. This was higher than the average of Dial of
Sound of Freedom, unlike Disney’s Dial of Destiny which is expected to lose tens, if not even Sound of Freedom, which had a budget of just $14.5million, began making millions as soon as it crossed the $25 to It’s only just beginning. With an A+ Cinemascore and the corporate media’s desperate and insulting attacks, word of mouth is all set up to be phenomenal.So now the Left, which panics when conservatives make inroads into the culture owned by the Left, has determined that Sound of Freedom must be sabotaged with high-profile articles smearing it as linked to the darkest corners of right-wing conspiracy-mongering.The Washington Post, for example, undermined the movie right in the headline: “‘Sound of Freedom’ is a box office hit whose star embraces QAnon.”Similarly, the far-Left Guardian put the conspiracy theory smear right up front, calling the “paranoid” movie “the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America.” The Guardian writer downplays the film’s success and sniffs about it benefiting from an “unsavory network of astroturfed boosterism among the far-right fringe, a constellation of paranoids now attempting to spin a cause celebre out of a movie with vaguely simpatico leanings.”The unhinged harpies at the feminist website Jezebel too, coincidentally, have written off the film as “an Anti-Child Trafficking Fantasy Fit for QAnon.”What is QAnon? Good question. I’ve heard about it, but neither myself nor any conservatives I know can tell you much about it. Other than the According to Wikipedia, “QAnon conspiracy theories” claim that a cabal Satanic cannibalistic child Ballard, who is white, has put his life on the line for kidnapped kids, so does it really It does to the racist Left).Klee ends his hate-filled rant with a lament about how instead of Here are some statistics from the Polaris Project.
27% of victims of human trafficking are children
The United States is the #1 country in the world when it comes to sex trafficking
In the U.S., alone, more than 500,000 children go missing every year
Each day, over 500,000 online predators are active.
By 2021, 252,000 websites will contain images or videos of sexually abused children.
Many other sites are dedicated to saving children from this plight. And yet Rolling Stone not only wants you to dismiss Jim Caveziel and the Sound of Freedom filmmakers as conspiracy theorists so that you will shun the movie and its passionate message on behalf of trafficked children, but also to believe that child sex trafficking itself is overblown, especially compared to leftist shibboleths like the police genocide of blacks and climate change.Remember, Rolling Stone is the magazine that glamorized the 2013 Boston Marathon bomber with a sexy come-hither cover shot, a terrorist who murdered 8-year-old Martin William Richard among others, and who would have killed many more with his ball-bearing-and-nail bomb if he had positioned it higher off the ground. Rolling Stone was also the magazine who tried to demonize ivermectin-users during the pan Rolling Stone is a disgraceful leftwing activist magazine that aims to destroy political opponents before asking questions, or Even before Sound of Freedom was released, the Left was attempting to whitewash child trafficking. A year ago The Atlantic, another left-wing publication, tried to discredit conservative concerns over child trafficking with a conspiracy fear-mongering piece called “The Great (Fake) Child Sex-Trafficking Epidemic.” “Dispatches from a moral panic” was the tagline.The Left will hurl paint on priceless works of art, block major traffic arteries, and set themselves on fire to draw attention to their climate change hysteria, but then shrug off concerns about the reality of widespread sexual exploitation of children as a “moral panic.”The media venom spewed at Sound of Freedom is so vicious and coordinated that one can’t help but wonder: who benefits from targeting the storytellers and heroes who target real-world pedophiles and child traffickers?Pedophiles and child traffickers, that’s who. Send a message to the cultural Marxists who protect child sex pedophiles and traffickers by going Angel Studios has partnered with theater ticketing services for Pay it Forward tickets. You can find instructions HERE on how to get a free ticket for the movie. Angel Studios also offers great resources HERE to learn