On a recent trip, we were staying at a place that had streaming subscription services. While we don’t have any at home, and if we had any, it certainly would not be Disney+, here I gave it a try. I ignored the firehose of Marvel/Star Wars junk and the recent identity politics cartoons and everything from the last two generations.I figured there were bound to be some older family-friendly movies from the classic Disney era. The most inoffensive movie of the bunch seemed to be ‘Those Calloways’ set in early 1900s America. The movie mirrors Walt Disney’s two obsessions, the ideal world of his childhood in the 1900s and conservationism.Up popped an angry Disney+ title card berating us for watching the movie on its service.“This program includes negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures. These stereotypes were wrong then and are wrong now. Rather than remove this content, we want to acknowledge its harmful impact, learn from it and spark conversation to create a more inclusive future together. Disney is committed to creating stories with inspirational and aspirational themes that reflect the rich diversity of the human experience around the globe.”The unskippable title card sat on the screen for 15 seconds to shame us for our hate crime.The only hate crime in ‘Those Calloways’ was that it was a terrible and tedious movie whose baffling premise is that a fur trapper is willing to sacrifice everything, including his family, his home and his life, to stop people from hunting geese. I couldn’t tell you why he values geese above the animals he hunts and kills which have ten times the manner and the IQ of those obnoxious flying Democrats who take over land, befoul it and then angrily demand that you feed them. The movie seemed to feature no close-up shots of the geese because they were probably more likely to attack the camera. The movie’s happy ending has the government stepping in to make the marsh where the geese honk into protected wetlands. (If I’m confused on any of these points, it was because I kept falling asleep throughout it and that was a major purpose of picking this movie.)What would have been a mindlessly woke movie for its age in the 60s has for some reason been deemed a hate crime in the 20s. Why? Who knows. The fur trapper was raised by the sort of noble Indians who are clearly Italian liberals. Ed Wynn, complete with Brooklyn accent, plays the least convincing Vermont elder this side of Queens. But these are the same people who rewrote Roald Dahl to take any mention of “fat” out.Trying to understand them is like trying to talk to geese who have been sniffing glue.All this comes to mind as Snow Woke and the Seven Diverse Non-Male Non-Dwarves is making the rounds. The dwarves have been mostly replaced with the same kind of diverse casting as the Lost Boys in the Peter Pan movie. That movie couldn’t even break $50 million domestically, and set a negative audience score record.Disney is going to great trouble to signal that Snow Woke is going to be as woke as it gets.The character of the fictional princess, who will be played by Rachel Zegler in the film, has been pictured for the first time with her new companions who appear to be a mix of genders, ethnicities and heights.
Disney announced that ‘magical creatures’ would replace the seven dwarves to ‘avoid reinforcing stereotypes’…
Co-written by Barbie’s Greta Gerwig, the upcoming adaptation will not feature a Prince Charming and will instead focus on a ‘stronger’ Snow White who dreams of becoming a leader.
Ms Zegler previously addressed reports that the film was trying to be politically correct, claiming that the story needed ‘refreshing’.
She said: ‘People are making these jokes about ours being the PC Snow White… yeah, it is – because it needed that.
‘Our version is a refreshing story about a young woman who has a function beyond Someday My Prince Will Come.’Her function, like that of any contemporary Disney character, is to sell toys, dolls, lunchboxes, costumes, and assorted junk.But how many years will it take until Snow Woke gets her own title card denouncing its crimes against humanity?The message of ‘Those Calloways’ is that yesterday’s woke movie is tomorrow’s hate crime. Disney’s catalog is filled with movies, some fairly recent, that have generated the dreaded title card. None of them are “right-wing”. Leftist revolutions are self-devouring. The primary victims of wokeness remain liberals who didn’t manage to keep up with the party’s ideology. Much like the Soviet Union quickly switched to killing its own party members once it had purged the few remaining political opponents who hadn’t gone underground.The Left is a destructive force pretending to be a constructive one. Its purity spirals eventually wipe out everything until the movement collapses or a strongman rises to power and arrests the trend.Those lefty heroes who live long enough will discover that they have become the villains.
We were on a recent vacation and stayed at a hotel that offered streaming subscription services. I tried it out, even though we don’t get any streaming services at home and if we did, it would be Disney+. I ignored the slew of Marvel/Star Wars crap and the recent identity-politics cartoons, and everything from the past two generations. The least offensive movie was ‘Those Calloways,’ set in early 1900s America. The movie reflects Walt Disney’s obsessions with the idealized world of his childhood and conservationism. A Disney+ title card appeared, berating us that we were watching the movie through its service. These stereotypes were incorrect then and they are still wrong today. Disney is committed to creating stories with inspirational and aspirational themes that reflect the rich diversity of human experience around the globe. Disney is committed in creating stories that are inspirational and aspirational and reflect the rich diversity of human experience around the world. “The unskippable titles card sat there for 15 seconds to shame and humiliate us for our hate crimes. The only hate crime that ‘Those Calloways” had was that it was a terrible, tedious movie whose baffling premise was that a fur-trapper is willing to sacrifice his family, home, and life to stop people hunting geese. I couldn’t explain why he valued geese over the animals he hunts, which have ten-times the intelligence and manner of those obnoxious Democrats who fly around and befoul land and then demand that you feed the birds. The geese were not shown in close-up because they would have attacked the camera. In the movie’s happy end, the government steps in to protect the marsh where geese honk. If I’m confused about any of these points it is because I fell asleep during the movie and that was my main reason for choosing it. What would have been an incredibly woke movie in the 60s was deemed a hate crimes in the 20s. Why? Who knows? Who knows? Ed Wynn’s Brooklyn accent makes him the least convincing Vermont elder east of Queens. It’s like trying to communicate with geese that have been snorting glue. The dwarves are mostly replaced by the same type of diverse casting that was used for the Lost Boys in Peter Pan. The movie didn’t break $50 million in domestic sales and had a negative score. Disney is making a big effort to show that Snow Woke will be as woke and progressive as possible.
Disney announced that a new cast of’magical creatures’ would replace the seven dwarfs in order to ‘avoid reinforcing stereotypical images ‘…
The upcoming adaptation, co-written by Barbie’s Greta Gerwig will not feature a Prince Charming but will instead focus a’stronger Snow White’ who dreams of becoming an leader.
Ms Zegler has previously responded to reports that the film is trying to be political correct. She claimed that the story needs’refreshing.’
She said: “People make jokes about us being the PC Snow White… Yeah, it is. It needed that.
The message of “Those Calloways” is that yesterday’s woke film is tomorrow’s hate crimes. Disney’s catalog has a number of movies, some recent, that have been branded with the dreaded “title card”. None of them is “right-wing”. Leftist revolutions are destructive to themselves. Liberals who couldn’t keep up with party ideology are the primary victims of wokeness. The Left is a destructive force that pretends to be constructive. Its purification spirals will eventually wipe out the entire movement until a strongman comes to power or the movement collapses.