Basically, let’s be honest, a lot comes out of my mouth frequently without planning to say it ahead of time! I was speaking on the livestream on Rumble earlier when I said something that I hadn’t planned on saying.
Can you empathize?
However, this one type of hit me at the perfect time.
I remarked,” I believe this is the most significant article I’ve written in a while!” Possibly in the future!
Right, a striking statement?
Yet to me at the time, it seemed strong, but of course I knew it was true.
a commercial
It is directly taken from Matthew 12:34:
Because the mouth speaks from the abundance of the heart.
That’s correct.
I said it in the video below( there is a lot of wonderful stuff in around ):
What article was I referring to, then?
Above is the complete article that I’ve published.
Since 2015, my goal has been to release the TRUTH that the MSM does never want you to be aware of.
There is so much evil and deception surrounding your HEALTH that I’m starting to expose that BIG LEAGUE( to quote a guy I know ). That has generally been politics and social truth.
I believe this is extremely significant if you have daughters, grandkids, or also know any young people who are struggling with it.
Please remember this:
a commercial
Every day you pick up a new skill.
And for me, this was a significant one.
Although it makes perfect sense in retrospect, I had not given it much thought.
In fact, I remarked,” Wait, hold up … say that again ,” when someone started telling me about this. What exactly said you?
But they told me once more. I did some research after that, and the end result is this article.
This may be a similarly spectacular wake-up call for many of you as it was for me, even though some may already be aware of it.
( Read all the way through because I’ll give you the solution as well as the problem! )
The premise is that some well-known makeup brands then contain” EDCs,” as studies have now demonstrated.
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals is known as EDC.
EHN claims. Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals may have the following serious health effects:
These harms include the following for the sexual system:
malformations of the genitalia
cancers of the genitalia
first sexual puberty
menopause first
lowered sperm totals
Unhealthy Miscarriage
birth weights that are lower
Numerous incendiary and chronic diseases, such as:
Obesity and another physiological dysfunctional conditions
Having diabetes
disease of the heart
cancers that are hormone-sensitive
disorders of the immune system
asthma and allergies
EDCs can even be harmful to the nervous system and brain. Childhood and antenatal exposure are related to:
lower IQ
deficits in memory and attention
delays in development
a depression
Degenerative conditions like Parkinson’s
Look at the earliest grouping, and therefore consider whether it’s surprising that so many younger couples are having infertility problems all of a sudden.
People don’t talk about it very often because it’s so personal, but I bet you know someone who is currently having infertility problems.
And the reason might be EDCs…
especially, the EDCs that we regularly rub all over our skin!
The people who are building are the enemy!
a commercial
The pricey creams and lotions that we spend so much money on and then rub all over our skin are the enemy.
This one truly hits close to home for someone who has young daughters at home.
How are you doing?
In fact, studies are currently demonstrating that younger women use EIGHT EDC-containing personal care products per day on common!
You’ve got to be kidding me.
Some reached a height of 17:
Younger women use at least eight personal care products per day that contain chemicals known to disrupt hormonal systems, according to the study that follows. Some of the female participants in the study used up to 17. / tUVs66h5Fn
— July 21, 2023, RAW EGG NATIONALIST(@ Babygravy9 )
Is this truly a great surprise, though?
We are being poisoned by the food we consume( mRNA steaks, anyone )? ) the air we breathe( good day, Chemtrails! … …………………….. Is it truly any surprise that what we rub on our skin contains poison as well?
How did I not realize this until today, as I said, which is so obvious in retrospect?
I mean, give it some thought as well.
God largely created our skin to be this enormous thermal panel.
a commercial
It absorbs sunlight and transforms it into the essential vitamins D and various nutrients we require.
Like the most sophisticated solar cell possibly, our skin is.
Since it is absorbing and receiving a variety of substances, ingesting toxins would naturally cause it to become extremely vulnerable.
Where do we frequently apply creams and ointments?
frequently in delicate areas.
Toxins have immediate access.
Man, this is some harsh stuff, but I must warn you that perhaps we can actually help some people! !
You better believe I’m implementing IMMEDIATE changes for my daughters as they mature!
I have a lot to show you about this, but let’s move on to this future:
embedded content
More from EHN is provided below. org:
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals, also referred to as EDCs, are synthetic or man-made substances that impair the body’s ability to function normally.
The body’s glands make up the endocrine system, which also includes hormones produced by them as well as hormone-responsive receptors. The pituitary, thymus, pancreas, and adrenal glands are examples of endocrines. In order to control genetic processes like growth and development, sleep, digestion, and childbirth, hormones function as messengers that move through the body.
More than 50 hormones are present in humans. These include the hormones serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin( which regulate mood, among many other processes ), as well as estrogen and testosterone, which help to regulate physical development.
Chemicals that disrupt the endocrine system alter how it functions. Some EDCs mimic the effects of our hormones in the body and share chemical similarities with them. Others alter how the body reacts, increase or decrease hormone levels, or block the action of hormones.
Endocrine disruptors can be dangerous in very small amounts, such as one part per trillion, which is the equivalent of one drop of water in 20 Olympic-sized swimming pools. This is because the human body is extremely delicate. There is no known level of exposure that is hardly regarded as dangerous to some extent because some of these substances, like lead, are so risky.
One estimate places the number of endocrine-disrupting chemicals already in use at around 1, 000. This number, however, is probably an undercount. Just a little portion of the thousands of synthetic chemicals have had their effects on the endocrine system evaluated.
These studies and others make it abundantly clear that personal care products are one of the most important sources of exposure for women to endocrine-disrupting chemicals. If you’re concerned about your ability to conceive, stop using them or look for healthy alternatives. pic. / FvVCuPQoez
On July 21, 2023, RAW EGG NATIONALIST(@ Babygravy9 )
Now that you’ve said it, I understand that this is bad, but what can I do?
You’re straight; the situation IS hopeless.
In actuality, the 11 corporations listed above are the owners of each brand you see in the wheel below:
However, it’s much worse than that.
Due to the fact that those 11 corporations are primarily owned by THREE corporations:
BlackRock …
Vanguard …
as well as State Street!
The ILLUSION of choice is what it is known as:
You won’t discover the answer in that wheel, I assure you.
or at your neighborhood grocery store …
Surely no at Target or Wal-Mart.
Those people are EDC havens!
What then is the remedy?
Consider this:
There is only one remaining pro-American company that is chemical, toxin-, and hormone-free. And I’m joining forces with them to RETURN THE FIGHT!
I keep mentioning this business that I worked with on my novel mission.
Although this company has been doing this for more than 38 years, we only launched the novel Mission in February. !
Describe a track record.
Observe this:
http ://
If that doesn’t play, below is a backup:
Want to enter?
It’s just an invitation. http :// // t. Co / 9cjSEFFqKF picture. / aRfYggpCGo
— July 26, 2023, (@ DailyNoohNews )
Although it is only open to invites, they are entirely completely!
In fact, I’ve put together a group of patriots who will physically arrange for your invitation and registration. if you wish to enter.
Folks, there aren’t some strongholds left.
This is a.
And I’m completely inside.
Go here: http :// / 3E5K89d if you’d like to learn more and receive a FREE personal invitation.
I guarantee you will receive a personalized call, text, or email if you tell them Noah sent you.
Avoid panicking when you do.
If you request a Free Invite( Link here: http :// / 3E5K89d ), someone from my Inner Circle WILL get in touch with you. I know I get worried when I receive messages from unknown numbers. So get available!
These are wonderful people, and I believe you’ll enjoy having the opportunity to speak with them.
They’ll also assist in getting you all set up.
next put me to the test …
I’ve had clients put their products through the most thorough, academic lab testing imaginable, and they always come out on top.
Who is with me right now?
Do I mean to say that we can CURE infertility? No, no at all. Do I mean to say that you ought to think about avoiding EDCs at all costs? Yes without a doubt. Let’s begin thither and observe what transpires. Sound nice?
What is the main credo in medicine?
What if we stop the harmful products and then decide where we go from it?
That well-liked by everyone?
– Noah
p.s. Since everyone receives individualized attention, we will take these in the order that they are received. Therefore, if you are enthusiastic, request your invitation right away or you risk being way down the list. I have a fantastic team, but they can only accomplish so much and will just work on first-come-first-served basis.
Visit http :// / 3E5K89d to request a free invitation.
This is a guest post from our WLTReport friends.
View the unique article right here.
I was doing a Rumble livestream earlier and I said something I hadn’t intended to say…Actually let’s be honest, I often say things without planning it in advance!
Can you relate to this?
This one hit me in the moment.
I said, “I think this is my most important article in a long time!” Perhaps ever!”
It’s a bold statement, right?
Even though it seemed bold to me at the time, I now know that it is true.
Matthew 12:34.
Out of the abundance of your heart, you speak.
So true.
Here’s a video where I said it. There’s a lot of good stuff in here:
What article did I mention?
The full article is below.
Since 2015, my mission has been to expose the TRUTH that the MSM doesn’t want you to know.
There is so much deception and evil surrounding your HEALTH (to quote someone I know …)
This is a very important message for anyone who has daughters, grandkids, or knows any young people who are struggling with this.
Please remember this:
Every day you learn something new…
This was a big deal for me.
It makes perfect sense in retrospect, but I never really thought about this.
When someone told me about it, I asked “Wait…say that again?” What did you say?”
Then they told me ….and I did some research …..and the article that you are reading is the result.
Some of you already know this, but for many others it may be an eye-opening experience like mine.
Please read the entire article because I will not only give you the problem but also the solution!
So, basically, let’s say that studies have shown that many popular cosmetic brands contain “EDCs”.
EDC stands for Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals.
According to Endocrine Disrupting chemicals can have the following major consequences on health:
These harmful effects include:
Genital malformations
Cancer of the reproductive organs
Early female puberty
Early menopause
Sperm counts are dropping
Low birth weights
These chemicals are also linked with many chronic and inflammatory diseases, including:
Obesity, metabolic dysfunction and other forms
The Diabetes
Cardiovascular disease
Hormone-sensitive cancer
Autoimmune disorders
Allergies, asthma and other allergies
EDCs can also damage the brain and nervous systems. Prenatal and childhood exposure to EDCs is linked to:
Lower IQ
Memory and attention deficits
Developmental delays
The following are some of the ways to reduce your risk:
Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases
Look at the first grouping, and ask yourself why so many young couples suddenly face infertility problems.
Infertility is a very private issue that people rarely discuss. But I’m willing to bet that you know someone who is currently struggling with infertility.
EDCs ….
Specifically, the EDCs we rub all over our skin every day!
The enemy is inside the building!
The creams and lotions we buy and rub on our skin are the enemy.
This one is very close to my heart as a mother of young daughters.
How about you?
Studies show that on average, young women use EIGHT EDCs per day!
Are you kidding?
Some were as high at 17:
According to a study, young women are using at least eight personal care products per day that contain endocrine disrupting chemicals. Some of the women in the study used up to 17.
— RAW EGG NATIONALIST (@Babygravy9) 21 July 2023
Is this really a big surprise?
They poison us through the food we eat. (mRNA steaks anyone?) They poison us with the food we eat (mRNA steaks anyone? )….is there any surprise that the products we use to rub on our skin also contain poison?
How did I not know about this before now?
Think about it ….
God created our skin to be a giant solar panel.
It converts sunlight into Vitamin D and other nutrients that we need.
Our skin is the most advanced solar cells ever.
It’s receiving all kinds of things and taking them in, so it would be very sensitive to toxins.
Where do we usually rub creams and ointments on our skin?
Often in sensitive places.
Toxins are available instantly.
This is a nasty thing, but I must warn you and perhaps we can save and improve some people’s lives! !
You better believe that I will make INSTANT changes to my daughters’ lives as they grow!
Let’s move on to the next section.
[embedded content] has more to offer:
EDCs are substances, either natural or man-made, that disrupt the endocrine system’s healthy functioning.
The endocrine glands are located throughout the body. They also produce hormones and have receptors to respond to these hormones. Endocrine glands are the pituitary and thymus. Hormones are messengers that travel through the body, delivering instructions to biological processes such as growth and development, sleep, digestion, and childbirth.
Humans have over 50 hormones. These include estrogen and testosterone, which control sexual development. They also include the “feel-good” hormones, serotonin and endorphins, which regulate mood and many other processes.
Endocrine-disrupting substances alter the way in which the endocrine systems works. Some EDCs mimic the effects of hormones in the body. Some EDCs block hormones’ action, increase or reduce their levels, or change how the body reacts.
Endocrine disruptors, which are extremely toxic, can be harmful in small amounts. For example, one part per trillion, which is equivalent to one drop of water in twenty Olympic-sized swimming pool. Some of these substances are so dangerous, such as lead that there is no level of exposure that does not cause harm.
According to an estimate, there are currently around 1,000 endocrine disrupting chemical products in use. This number is probably an underestimate. There are hundreds and thousands of synthetic chemicals. Only a small number have been evaluated for their effects on endocrine systems.
These studies and others have shown that personal-care products can be a significant source of exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in women. If you are concerned about your reproductive health then ditch them or look for natural alternatives.
RAW EGG NATIONALIST (@Babygravy9) – July 21, 2023
You may be saying, “I get it. This is terrible. But what can I do?”
You are right, the situation is bleak…
The 11 companies below own all the brands you see on this wheel.
It’s actually worse than that
Three corporations own most of these 11 corporations.
State Street and…
You won’t find the answer in that wheel…
Or at your local grocery store ….
Wal-Mart and Target are definitely not the place to go.
These are EDC havens for you!
No thank you!
What’s the solution to this problem?
What about this?
There’s only ONE pro-American, American manufactured, chemical free and hormone free company left ….and we’re teaming up to FIGHT BACK with them!
This is the company that I’ve partnered with on my new Mission, which I keep mentioning.
This company has been in business for 38 years, and we just launched our new Mission. !
Talk about a track-record.
Watch this:
If that doesn’t work, click here to backup:
Want in?
It’s invite only…. – (@DailyNoahNews), July 26, 2023
The invitation is free!
If you want to join, I have assembled a team that will personally invite you and sign you up …..
We don’t have too many strongholds to defend.
This is one.
I’m in.
If you’d like to find out more and get a FREE personal invite, just go here:
Tell them Noah sent ya and I will make sure you get a personal phone call, text message or email.
Do not panic if you do.
I know I tend to get concerned when I get messages from numbers I don’t recognize, but if you request a Free Invite (Link here: you WILL have someone from my Inner Circle reach out to you….so be ready!
These are amazing people and I’m sure you’ll enjoy the chance to speak with them.
They’ll also help you get set up.
Test me!
I’ve seen people put their products through the most rigorous scientific testing and they pass with flying colours.
Who’s with you?
Do I mean that we can CURE infertility? Absolutely not. Do I mean that you should think about getting as far as possible away from EDCs? 100% yes. Let’s see what happens if we start there. Sound good?
What is the basic medical credo?
What if we stop using the products that cause harm, and then see what happens?
What’s the word?
p.s. We will go in order of arrival, since everyone gets individual attention. If you’re excited, you should ask for an invite as soon as possible. Otherwise, you may be at the bottom of the list. I have a fantastic team, but they are limited in their abilities and will work on a “first-come-first-served” basis.
Request a free Invite here:
This is a guest post from our friends at WLTReport.
Original article can be viewed here.