
Biden’s Katrina Moment: Smirks, Says “No Comment” When Asked About Maui

Is this the” normalcy” that Biden promised the United States? The self-described” man of empathy ,” Joe Biden, is currently too preoccupied to offer any commentary on the Maui tragedy.
President Biden is getting some sun, cycling, and taking in the beach vibes while thousands of people are left in despair and families are grieving the loss of loved ones.
What a dramatic contrast, don’t you think?
It is perplexing.
He was portrayed by the same media as America’s savior in its hour of need, but it today seems strangely motionless.
a commercial
Do you recall their portrayal of him?
The” right man for the moment ,”” beacon of hope ,” and” empathetic grandfather.”
It appears that Maui’s catastrophe is not included in that moment.
Demanding a expressive appearance at disaster sites is not the goal here.
No, it’s about being current and leading with fundamental human decency.
Compare this behavior to how Republicans are handled in comparable situations.
It is obvious that there are two standards.
How did Hurricane Katrina affect President George W. Bush?
never-ending criticism
During the Texas winter storm, Senator Ted Cruz took an ill-timed vacation.
almost vilification
However, Biden seems to get away with his silence, smirks, and vacations while there are regional tragedies.
Watch: Biden smiles once more before eluding reporters who inquire about the rising death toll of Americans caused by the wildfires in Maui. He next takes a quick helicopter ride to Lake Tahoe for ONE WEEK.
pic. twitter.com / BH1igElIPD
15th of August 2023, Benny Johnson(@ bennessjohnson )
US TAX PAYER DOLLARS TO UKRAINE AROUND$ 115, 000, 00 000 BILLION…$ 1. 9 million for British Maui fire victims. Biden despises Americans, as seen in the picture. zyG52CdEkf on twitter.com
August 15, 2023, Rob Schneider(@ RobSchneider )
BREAKING: When questioned about the devastating Maui wildfire, which is currently the deadliest US blaze in more than a century, President @ JoeBiden responded with” no comment.” Americans were horrified that Biden continued to sunbathe despite the death toll reaching about 100. S3hrBdrpAJ on Twitter
14th of August 2023 Simon Ateba(@ simonatebo )
After the turbulent Trump years, the story surrounding Biden was meant to be a welcome change.
But Joe, where is the empathy today?
The leadership is absent.
To see how far the mighty attentive have sunk, you should read this.
Returning to normalcy seems more like returning to apathy.
See the hypocrisy in action by taking a deep breath.
According to The Washington Examiner:
” I have no comment.”
When asked about the fatal wildfires that have decimated the island of Maui and claimed the lives of 96 people and counting, President Joe Biden responded in this manner, having just finished his most recent sunbathing session to cap off weeks of cycling and relaxing at the beach.
Biden should be a shining example of avuncular empathy, right? After all, wasn’t this idea reinforced during his 2020 campaign by a deluge of legacy media propaganda?
Forbes made the statement,” How Empathy Defines Joe Biden.” In a column titled” Biden May Be Just the Person America Needs ,” Peter Wehner penned the following article for the Atlantic. What about” Joe Biden’s Empathy Offensive” Time?
a commercial
The key word here is disrespectful.
It is true that the current obsession with expressive politics during tragedies has led to the odd expectation that politicians will show up at the scene of any disaster right away to demonstrate both their ability to control the situation and their unwavering compassion.
Additionally, any politician who, regardless of their prior actions or covert work, fails to act then at any point is commonly demonized, especially if they are a Republican.
The deliberate political destruction of President George W. Bush in the days after Hurricane Katrina destroyed New Orleans is probably the best-known illustration of this phenomenon. If the state or local government is run by Democrats, this may have been done in an effort to divert attention from regional institutional and structural flaws by spreading the myth that everything bad is the fault of the federal government.
The worst-timed vacation in history and Sen. Ted Cruz( R-TX ), who was seen flying to Mexico while Texas dealt with the severe effects of a winter storm, including widespread power outages, can both be compared.
How disengaged or, dare I say, casual must one be in the face of tragedy to smile and smirk?
Instead of offering any words of sympathy when reporters questioned President Joe Biden about the devastating Maui fires, he lightly uttered” No comment” and grinned jarringly.
It almost seems as though he was being questioned about something innocent, like his preferred ice cream flavor.
Is Biden really this disconnected from the feelings and sensitivities of the moment, or is it just his natural tendency to smile and put up with it?
Biden took a vacation while Maui burned.
Biden took a vacation as East Palestine fell apart.
Biden took a vacation while Kabul fell.
Biden took a vacation after the border fell.
Joe Biden is the final American. pic. twitter.com / RYdBHnSqph
— August 15, 2023, Wesley Hunt(@ WesleyHuntTX )
Breaking: The US recently sent Ukraine another$ 200 million in aid.
Today, Ukraine sends$ 200 million, but Maui receives no response.
President Joe Biden recently sent a picture worth$ 200 million to Lahaina, Maui, where American citizens are suffering from the loss of life and property. MyNBAJjoh1 on twitter.com
14th of August 2023, Collin Rugg(@ CollinRugg )
In Lahaina, Maui, more than 2,700 structures worth about$ 5.6 billion were destroyed.
While sending$ 115 billion to Ukraine, President Joe Biden only offers Lahaina$ 1.9 million ($ 700 per household ).
This offends me greatly. pic. twitter.com / nSwyuU8Vbt
14th of August 2023, KanekoaTheGreat(@ KanekoAtheGreat )
Is it possible that Biden is unable to stray from his” No comment” mantra because he has grown so accustomed to it?
One might wonder if he is really unaware of the situation’s mood or is using this strategy to protect himself from potential mistakes.
Silence can be beautiful at times, but it’s terribly clear that this wasn’t one of them.
That grin, too?
completely inappropriate.
Red State provides more information regarding Biden’s response, which was dreadful and heartless:
Joe Biden’s response to the question about the Maui fire was, as I’ve already mentioned, incredibly chilly.
At least 93 people died over the course of the weekend as more bodies from the terrible fire were found; hundreds more are also missing, and the number of fatalities is expected to rise. The worst wildfire in a century, according to authorities. Lahaina was largely destroyed, and thousands of people were displaced. Many people are asking questions about the response, and they really need assistance.
Biden, however, reportedly replied,” No comment.” While on still another of his numerous vacations, he seemed unable to find the time to comment on Maui’s residents.
That, in my opinion, was awful enough. But things worsen.
There is a video of Biden responding to that question, and in addition to saying” No Comment ,” he also grinned widely and smirked.
a commercial
He is invited by the reporters to discuss the Hawaii response, but instead he gets in his car and drives away.
He must be relying on his team’s preparation work and those dependable note cards, you have to wonder.
Is he like a deer caught in headlights without them, defaulting to that automatic response and grinning out of place?
This” no comment” says a lot given the situation.
And that doesn’t actually include his quick exit after that.
Biden is contributing billions more to Ukraine while thousands of Americans suffer.
Is this a true people’s man?
Are you truly glad to refer to this person as the free world’s leader? 

Is this the “normalcy” Biden promised America?Joe Biden, the proclaimed “man of empathy,” is now too busy to comment on the tragedy unfolding in Maui?
While thousands are left in despair and families mourn the loss of their loved ones, President Biden is catching rays, cycling, and enjoying beach vibes.
Quite the stark contrast, isn’t it?
It’s baffling.
The same media that painted him as the savior America needed in its hour of need now seems oddly silent.

Remember how they portrayed him?
“The empathetic grandfather,” the “beacon of hope,” and the “right man for the moment.”
It seems that moment does not include Maui’s disaster.
This isn’t about demanding a performative appearance at disaster sites.
No, this is about basic human decency, being present and being a leader.
Contrast this behavior to how Republicans are treated when faced with similar circumstances.
The double standards are glaring.
President George W. Bush’s response to Hurricane Katrina?
Endlessly criticized.
Senator Ted Cruz’s ill-timed vacation during the Texas winter storm?
Near vilification.
And yet, Biden, with his silence, his smirks, his vacations amid national tragedies… seems to get a pass?

WATCH: Biden once again SMIRKS then runs away from reporters asking about the rising death toll of Americans from the Maui wildfires– quickly zips away in helicopter for a ONE WEEK vacation in Lake Tahoe
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) August 15, 2023

$115,000,000,000 BILLION US TAX PAYER DOLLARS TO UKRAINE…$1.9 million dollars to American Maui fire victims.Biden hates Americans… pic.twitter.com/zyG52CdEkf
— Rob Schneider (@RobSchneider) August 15, 2023

BREAKING: Outraged Americans blasting President @JoeBiden after he said ‘no comment’ when asked about the catastrophic Maui wildfire, now the deadliest US blaze in over a century. Despite the death toll climbing to about 100, Americans were outraged that Biden remained sunbathing… pic.twitter.com/S3hrBdrpAJ
— Simon Ateba (@simonateba) August 14, 2023
The narrative around Biden was supposed to be a refreshing change after the tumultuous Trump years.
But where’s the empathy now, Joe?
Where’s the leadership?
You’ll want to read this to see just how far the mighty empathetic have fallen.
The “return to normalcy” seems more like a “return to apathy.”
Dive deep and see the hypocrisy unfold.
The Washington Examiner reports:
“No comment.”
That’s how President Joe Biden , fresh off his latest sunbathing session capping off weeks of cycling and chilling at the beach , responded when asked about the deadly wildfires that have decimated the island of Maui and taken the lives of 96 people and counting.
Wait, isn’t Biden supposed to be a shining beacon of grandfatherly empathy? After all, didn’t a tsunami of legacy media propaganda cement this notion in place during his 2020 campaign?
“How Empathy Defines Joe Biden,” Forbes offered. “Biden’s Empathy Is What Matches Him to This Moment,” Peter Wehner wrote for the Atlantic in a column now titled “Biden May Be Just the Person America Needs.” And what about Time with “Joe Biden’s Empathy Offensive”?

Offensive being the operative word….
It is true that the modern obsession with performative politics in times of tragedy has resulted in the somewhat bizarre expectation that politicians immediately descend on the site of any disaster as proof not only of their control of the situation, but also of their deep and unwavering compassion.
Not only that, but any politician who fails at any stage to behave otherwise, regardless of their previous actions or work behind the scenes, is widely demonized … if they’re a Republican.
Perhaps the best-known example of this phenomenon is the intentional political demolition of President George W. Bush in the days following Hurricane Katrina’s destruction of New Orleans. This was arguably motivated by the desire to distract from local institutional and structural failures by pushing the falsehood that the federal government is to blame for all that is bad … if the state or local government is controlled by Democrats.
But the same can be said of the worst-timed vacation in history and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who was photographed flying to Mexico while Texas grappled with the severe impact of a winter storm, including mass power outages.
How disconnected or, dare I say, nonchalant does one have to be to smile and smirk in the face of tragedy?
When journalists asked President Joe Biden about the devastating Maui fires, instead of a word of compassion, he casually threw out a “No comment,” accompanied by a jarring grin.
It’s almost as if he was asked about a benign topic like his favorite flavor of ice cream.
It begs the question: Is Biden genuinely this out of touch with the emotions and sensitivities of the moment, or is it simply his default to grin and bear it?

Maui burned and Biden vacationed.
East Palestine crumbled and Biden vacationed.
Kabul fell and Biden vacationed.
The border collapsed and Biden vacationed.
AMERICA LAST: Joe Biden. pic.twitter.com/RYdBHnSqph
— Wesley Hunt (@WesleyHuntTX) August 15, 2023

BREAKING: The United States has just sent another $200 million in aid to Ukraine.
$200 million to Ukraine today and Maui doesn’t even get a comment.
As American citizens in Lahaina, Maui suffer from the loss of life and property President Joe Biden has just sent $200M worth of… pic.twitter.com/myNBAJjoh1
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) August 14, 2023

Over 2,700 structures were destroyed in Lahaina, Maui, valued at approximately $5.6 billion.
Meanwhile, President Joe Biden, with $115 billion sent to Ukraine, offers just $1.9 million ($700 per household) to Lahaina.
This is deeply insulting. pic.twitter.com/nSwyuU8Vbt
— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) August 14, 2023
Is it possible that Biden has become so conditioned to his “No comment” mantra that he’s incapable of deviating from it?
One might speculate if this is a tactic to shield himself from potential blunders or if he’s genuinely oblivious to the mood of the situation.
There are times when silence might be golden, but it’s painfully evident that this wasn’t one of them.
And that grin?
Entirely out of place.
Red State has more details on just how terrible and cold-hearted Biden’s response was:
As I previously reported, Joe Biden’s response when asked for a comment about the Maui fire was truly cold.
Over the weekend, as more bodies were discovered from the horrible fire, the death total moved to at least 93 people, with hundreds of people still missing and the number of dead likely to rise. Authorities were calling it the worst wildfire in a century. Thousands have been displaced, and much of Lahaina was wiped out. People are raising a lot of questions about the response, and they need a lot of help there.
But according to reports, Biden responded, “No comment.” He seemingly couldn’t be bothered to comment about the people in Maui when he was on yet another one of his many vacations.
I thought that was bad enough. But it gets worse.
Now there is a video of Biden answering that question, and not only does he say “No Comment” in response, but he also smirks/has a big wide grin as he responds.

The reporters ask him to come to talk with them about the Hawaii response, but he gets into his car and takes off.
You have to wonder if he’s relying too heavily on his team’s prep work and those trusty note cards.
Without them, is he like a deer caught in headlights, defaulting to that auto-response with an ill-timed grin?
Given the circumstances, this “no comment” speaks volumes.
And that’s not even delving into his prompt exit afterward.
While thousands of Americans are suffering, Biden is giving billions more to Ukraine.
Is this really a man of the people?
Is this really a man you are proud to call leader of the free world?


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