IN LESSER THAN 36 HOUR, HAPPENING! Make sure you are registered, please.
The link is below and it is free.
Mike has a unique update:
The most important election event we have ever seen is only 36 hours away. The plan to SECURE our election right away is REVEALED at this historic summit, making it a historic occasion! You’re going to live on in history! For all the information you require, keep reading!
We are assembling representatives from ALL 50 states at a cost of more than$ 3 million! The plan will blow you away, so we’re here to fix our election platforms and guarantee that those who win lawfully do so! !
The plan we are about to announce will be embraced by everyone, whether you are a Republican, Democrat, democratic, or conventional. The world will learn about this strategy at the Election Summit after it has been developed for more than a year.
From, this event will be broadcast in 90 distinct languages worldwide! Register at and share this message with everyone you know.
On August 16th, Mike will reveal something he wouldn’t yet tell me about THIS WEEK.
[ Free Registration Link Below ] We’re all about to learn together.
It resembles the introduction of a fresh iPhone in some ways.
Because he wanted to surprise his rivals, Steve Jobs constantly kept that entirely a secret.
Mike is the similar way.
He wants to surprise his enemies, so he’s keeping it fully under wraps.
Who are his adversaries, then?
those who want to see America destroyed because they despise it.
a commercial
those who rig elections.
You are ACTUALLY aware of the person I’m referring to.
However, Mike gave me permission to share a couple things with you that I do know.
First of all, this has never been done.
# 2- The 2024 election will be SAVED and SECURED by this.
Kari Lake will play a role in# 3.
# 4- You’ll want to attend( online )
# 5- This is NOT about providing fresh” evidence” of an election that was stolen.
Let’s dissect that a little bit, then.
Mike has a businesslike mindset.
a prosperous businessman!
Because he is exactly that.
Mike returned to the drawing board after presenting his earlier symposiums outlining all the election fraud and realizing that it was ineffective.
We must approach this in a different way, he said.
Then he had this idea, which will be made public on August 16 – 17.
Mike likens Al Capone to it.
The government had all the evidence against Al Capone again when it was less corrupt and truly pursued criminals. But they were unable to capture him.
He couldn’t be imprisoned.
because Capone was carrying every judge and prosecutor.
a commercial
Do you sound familiar?
With the exception of the” Government’s” new roles, everything is exactly the same as it is right now.
They finally approached the situation differently and charged Capone with tax evasion.
That tale is perhaps familiar to you.
And Mike is doing precisely that around.
Mike has a totally unique perspective on the situation.
It’s never about presenting fresh or additional evidence in this case.
People, the evidence has now been gathered!
Because the system has been tainted, it won’t go somewhere.
Mike is therefore introducing something brand-new and surprising.
Fixing 2020 is NOT the focus here.
Yes, that must also take place.
And it very well could happen as a result of this innovative action, but Mike is currently launching an unexpected Guerrilla marketing campaign to SAVE and SECURE our election in 2024.
Don’t let them steal the second one is the key to fixing 2020, and Mike is doing just that.
He called me because he needed YOU, though.
He asked me to ensure that EVERYONE OF YOU attend because he is aware that there are 5 million readers around each month.
The overall optimum turnout is essential to his strategy.
You won’t need to travel somewhere because it will be online. And … It is entirely FREE!
Mike only needs you to show up because you are crucial to the mission’s success. He doesn’t need anything else from you.
Because it’s crucial to confirm your identity, Mike will not just send you a complimentary gift after you register.
So … Can you be trusted?
It’s actually easy; all you have to do is sign up with your best email address and use WLTR to let him know we sent you over where it says Referral Code.
You will receive a complimentary gift via email as soon as you complete those two actions, but more importantly, you will leave history!
I want to express my gratitude for helping Mike and for making this happen.
Mike has greatly benefited this nation!
He was patient.
He donated his cash.
He contributed his clout.
His reputation was given …
And then, with the decisive victory shot, he’s bringing it back!
He is also requesting YOUR assistance.
You’re in?
Our friends at WLTReport have posted this as a guest post.
Below is the original article.
Please register as soon as possible!
The link below is free.
Special Update from Mike:
We are only 36 hours away from the most important Election event that we have ever experienced. This will be an historic summit as the plan to SECURE OUR ELECTION immediately is revealed! You will be a part history! Continue reading to get all the information you need!
We are bringing together 50 state representatives at a cost of more than $3 million! We are here to fix the election platforms and make sure those who win legitimately get elected. THE PLAN WILL BLOW YOUR MIND!! !
We are ready to announce a plan that will be embraced by all, whether they are Republicans, Democrats, liberals, or conservatives. This plan was developed over the past year and will be presented to the world during the Election Summit. will stream this event in 90 different languages throughout the world! Register at and share this message with your friends.
Mike will reveal something NEXT WEEK, on the 16th of August, that he would not even tell me about.
We’re about to find out together. [Free Registration Link Below]
It’s like the launch of an iPhone…
Steve Jobs kept this secret because he liked to surprise his competitors.
Mike is the same.
He keeps it under wraps to keep his enemies in the dark.
Who are his enemies?
The people who hate America, and want it destroyed.
The people who cheat at elections.
You know EXACTLY what I am talking about.
Mike has authorized me to tell you a few things.
This has never been done before
This will SAVE the 2024 elections
Kari Lake will be involved in #3
You will want to be there!
#5 – This is NOT about presenting “new evidence” of a rigged election
Let’s take a look at that a little bit more…
Mike is thinking as a businessman.
A successful businessman!
Because that’s who he is.
Mike then went back to his drawing board after he realized that his previous symposiums, which outlined all the election fraud, had failed.
He said, “We have to approach this in a different manner”.
Then he had a brilliant idea (that will be revealed August 16-17).
Mike compares the situation to Al Capone.
When the government was less corrupt, they actually went after criminals. They had all the evidence against Al Capone …. but they couldn’t catch him!
He couldn’t be sent to prison.
Capone had all the judges, prosecutors and prosecutors in his pockets.
Sounds familiar?
The “Government” is now in a different role.
They finally came at it with a new angle and caught Capone for tax fraud.
You’re probably familiar with this story.
Mike is doing exactly that here ….
Mike approaches the problem from a totally different angle.
This is NOT about presenting more or new evidence ….
The evidence is already gathered!
The system is corrupted and it’s not going to change.
So Mike launches something completely unexpected and new.
This is NOT about fixing the 2020 deadline.
Yes, this still needs to be done.
It may very well happen through this new move. But what Mike is doing right now is launching an unexpected Guerrilla Marketing attack to SAVE and SECURED our 2024 elections.
Mike is fixing 2020 by ensuring that the next generation does not steal the next.
He called me because he needed YOU.
He knows that we have 5,000,000 readers each month, so he wanted to make sure that I made sure that EVERYONE was there.
It’s important to his plan that he gets the maximum number of people possible.
It will be online and you don’t have to travel anywhere….and….it’s completely FREE!
Mike does not want anything else from you than your attendance because you are very important to the mission’s success.
Mike will send you a gift for free after you register, because it is so important that we confirm your registration.
Can we count on ….?
You can register using your best email and use WLTR as the Referral Code to let him know that we sent you!
You’ll receive a free gift via email if you do these two things. But more importantly, you’ll become part of history if you do them!
Please support Mike and help make this event a success.
Mike has done so many things for this country!
He gave his time…
He gave his money…
He gave his influence…
He gave his reputation ….
Now he’s bringing it home with his final victory shot!
He’s asking YOU for help.
Are you in?
Click here to register for free.
This is a guest post from our friends at WLTReport.
Original article can be viewed here.