
Feminists’ Fear and Loathing of Their Own Sons

I initially understood HuffPost Personal’s opinion piece,” I Took My 15-Year-Old Son To See Barbie Because I’m Worried He Could Become Ken ,” to be satire. However, progressivism is frequently just a parody of itself, as this HuffPost article demonstrates. Beyond its unexpected amusement value, it provides a revealing window into feminists’ thinking as they struggle with the unfortunate reality of having one or more male children rather than daughters with whom to share oppression. Wendy Besel Hahn( pronouns she / her ), a writer and editor who is 51 years old and the mother of her 15-year-old son, is the author. Her HuffPost article is chock-full of virtue-signaling about her benevolent activism, Trump-hating social superiority, and her resolve to raise a female son, but it also reveals an underlying misandrist fear that her son’s harmful nature necessitates his expulsion. She says, referring to the” privilege” of” bodily autonomy” she” lost” when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade,” I’m painfully aware that my son is only six years away from having more rights in America than I do.” Hahn was therefore” thrilled” to have the chance to teach her son about” the patriarchal American society we live in today” thanks to the popular summer film Barbie, which has received harsh criticism from many conservatives for its overtly feminist messaging. She wishes” all teachers would assign their students to watch” Barbie” instead of summer reading selections like” The Grapes of Wrath” as a past American teacher. She need not worry about that because many activist educators would be happy to substitute female propaganda for great literature from our cultural heritage. Unintentionally, Hahn makes a strong argument in favor of homeschooling. Hahn has previously worked to instill in her son a neo-Marxist worldview. Hahn claims that she has” been immunizing my son against hate for years ,” happily accepting accusations of” woke” and” indoctrination.” She” implored” Donald Trump to use his privilege to help” fight hate as far back as his victory in the 2016 presidential election, which left her” sobbing on our family room couch in a suburb outside of Washington, D.C.” Eight years older was he. We live in a nation where light nationalism, racist incidents, and anti-LGBT legislation are on the rise, she claims, so their fight is an upward battle. ” Women don’t have any control over their own bodies in the country we live in.” She adds fiercely that she is” fighting to raise a son who doesn’t become the next Kyle Rittenhouse, Brock Turner, or Elon Musk.” What an odd trio to hold up as examples of dangerous patriarchy in the face of this medieval oppression. Three( white ) Black Lives Matter rioters were shot by the adolescent Rittenhouse, who killed two of them in self-defense as they attacked him and attempted to steal his weapon. The attackers, incidentally, were all men, but it appears that Hahn views left-wing racial behavior as acceptable male behavior while defending oneself as toxic. Turner, a Stanford student who was found guilty of sexual assault in 2016, was outraged by his six-month sentence, three years of probation, and the label of” sex offender” for the rest of his life. Of course, billionaire Musk is now basically a doctor. After taking control of Twitter and making it reasonably less repressive of traditional voices, the Left now views it negatively. The fact that these three are white males is the only thing they appear to share, but from Hahn’s racist and misandrist perspective, that is devastating much. In any case, she visited Barbie with her son. Hahn writes,” I had the chance to emphasize that consent is critical and needs to be honored while watching Ken ask Stereotypical Barbie( played by Margot Robbie) if she wants to have a sleepover.” She has a charming movie-going voice. It’s amazing that her son didn’t sneak apart from her and go to a nearby theater to watch the most recent testosterone-fueled Mission: Impossible movie without his embarrassed mother reprimanding him. We talked about how Ken’s annoyance at not being included in the fun in Barbieland reflects how women and various minorities feel today in America, according to Hahn. We shared a laugh about Barbie and Ken’s trip to the” real world” and the boardroom-only environment at the Mattel corporate headquarters. I reassured my son that feeling disrespected and wanting to be in charge is acceptable. It makes sense that Ken would try to rewrite the Constitution to install Kens as president after his return. I understand why there are just four female vice presidents and Supreme Court justices. She is upset that there are only female vice presidents and that just about half of the Supreme Court is adult. What would it take for this woman to be convinced that crushing misogyny is hardly a dystopian dystopia from Handmaid’s Tale? She seeks a world where women rule, no equality, like all ardent feminists. To paraphrase Hillary Clinton’s discriminatory campaign slogan, she wants a future for women. Is that what she envisions for her son’s future? What intolerable self-pity, Hahn continues,” To be silent or outnumbered is to be susceptible, and worse, it frequently means being able to succeed in a world where you don’t have the same rights or opportunities as others.” No one in America is hard, despite the shadow-banning of cultural media, to use Barack Obama’s phrase. Even if you fall into one of the Left’s some victim categories, there have never been so many cheap opportunities to express oneself easily to the entire world. The weak of all races, who society ignores because they lack the social or political influence to take advantage of, are the only people who can justifiably be said to be voiceless. Because she is so entangled in her own prized illusion of victimhood, Hahn totally misses the irony of complaining that she and her oppressed sisters are silenced and denied opportunities to succeed in an opinion piece that was published at one of the biggest liberal websites on the internet. Because the patriarchy is real and too many people are suffering as a result of it, I want my son to fully comprehend the message that” Barbara” has emblazoned in front of us. She adds that he can contribute to changing that. She plans to” keep teaching him about this messy world whenever I can ,” says Hahn. It appears that the indoctrination is working. She recalls being wonderfully taken aback one day when he remarked,” How twisted up” the liberal boycott of Bud Light beer was following the self-inflicted death blow of its Dylan Mulvaney advertising campaign. ” He understands his privilege and sees a world that desperately needs diversity ,” his mother remarked. What intellectual blinders she wears, thinking that America lacks diversity and that white men are essentially” wealthy” in our culture. Where is the son’s father in all of this? is one question that dominates this cheerless essay. No one — not a father, grandfather, uncle, dependable teacher, pastor, or any other female adult role model— is mentioned in this teen boy’s life. It is unfortunately revealing that the boy either doesn’t have any or his mother decides not to include them in the story. Since neither sex’s sibling is mentioned, we must assume that he is the sole child of a woman who is obviously concerned about the masculinity of her son. It is not uncommon for lesbian mothers to express their frustration, panic, and occasionally little – concealed resentment over having to raise a boy, so I thoroughly dissected Wendy Besel Hahn’s story in order to mock her. There are many online tips for raising your son to be a submissive feminist, but there are also articles like this one from the 2016 Washington Post where the author muses over the idea that her two sons might contribute to” rape culture.” Then there’s the question,” Why Do I Feel But Depressed About Having a Boy?” These progressive mothers( as well as feminist fathers) see themselves as burdened or challenged with children whose” toxic” nature terrifies and disgusts them. The author of” I Am a Feminist Raising A Boy and I Am Scares” says,” In which I am terrified I will raise another male who is prejudice [ sic ] against women into our society.” According to Hahn, no one in America is” suffering” because of a patriarchy, but also many sons are suffering because their lesbian parents view them as an impending threat to society. If those boys manage to escape the indoctrination in many, it will take them years or even decades, or they will reject it( as well as their mothers ) in a harsh retaliation. In either case, it harms and painfully embodies the fear and abhorrence of masculinity in our gendered culture. Esculating our sons is not the best way to foster a culture where men value and defend women and where they coexist in society as complement but likewise deserving children of God. The solution is to completely reject the false intellectual presumptions of feminism and provide boys and young men with moral and spiritual guidance that will channel their masculinity toward honorable goals, never to brainwash them out of what makes them masculine. Our daughters and sons can both prosper in this way. 

HuffPost Personal posted an opinion article titled “I took my 15-year-old son to see ‘Barbie’ because I’m worried he could become Ken”, which I initially thought was satire. This HuffPost article is a parody. But progressivism is not always satire. Wendy Besel Hahn, 51, is a writer, editor, and mother of a 15 year old son. She has a lot to say about her compassionate activism, Trump-hating moral superiority, and determination to raise a feminist son. But it also betrays an underlying, misandrist panic that her son’s very nature is toxic and must be exorcised out of him. Her HuffPost piece is full of virtue signaling about her compassionate activism and Trump-hating moral inferiority, but it also betrays a misandrist fear that her son’s nature is toxic and needs to be exorcised. “I’m painfully conscious that my son is only six years away from having a greater level of rights in America than me,” she says. She is referring to the ” Hahn makes a compelling case for homeschooling. This isn’t even the first time Hahn worked to instill a neomarxist worldview into her son. Hahn, who embraces accusations of being “woke” or “indoctrinated,” says she’s been “inoculating my child against hate for years.” She even “implored” him to use his “privilege” to help” fight hatred as far back as 2016, when Donald Trump won the presidential election, which left Hahn “sobbing” on her family room couch outside Washington, D She says that their fight is uphill because “we live a country in which white nationalism, antisemitic acts, and anti-LGBTQ laws are on the rise.” She adds that “we live in a nation where women don’t control their own bodies.” In response to this medieval oppression she says defiantly, “fighting to bring up a son who won’t be the next Kyle Rittenhouse or Brock Turner or Elon. Musk.” What an odd trio of people to hold up as toxic patriarchy. Rittenhouse, a teenager, shot three (white), Black Lives Matter protesters, killing two in self-defense, as they assaulted and tried to steal his weapon. They very possibly could have killed him with that weapon. Turner, a Stanford student who was convicted of sexual assault in 2016, received a six-month sentence and three years probation. His lifetime label as a “sex offender”, along with reprimands for the offense, caused outrage. Musk has, of course, essentially become Dr. After taking over Twitter, the Left has deemed him evil for his moderately less repressive treatment of conservative voices. Hahn’s racist and misandrist view is that these three men have nothing in common but are white males. Hahn writes, “Sitting with my son in a movie theater and watching Ken ask Stereotypical Barbie played by Margot Robbie if she wanted to have a sleepover gave me the opportunity and need to honor consent.” She sounds like an interesting movie companion. Hahn continues, “We discussed how Ken’s frustration at being left out in Barbieland mirrors the frustration women and other minority groups feel in America today.” Together, we laughed at Barbie and Ken’s visit to the “real-world” and Mattel corporate headquarters where only men occupy the boardroom. I reassured my son that it was OK to feel slighted or to want to be in control. It’s not surprising that Ken, after his return to the US, leads a rebellion and tries rewrites the Constitution in order to put Kens into power. She’s upset that only half of the Supreme Court is made up of women and that there is only one female vice president. What would it take for this woman to believe that America isn’t a Handmaid’s Tale dystopia filled with crushing misogyny and oppression? She is a feminist who wants a world where women are dominant, not equality. She wants a female future, to paraphrase Hillary Clinton’s sexist slogan. Is this the future she wants to give her son?Hahn continues to lament: “To be voiceless is to be vulnerable – and worse, it often means not being able to succeed in a society where you don’t get the same opportunities or rights as others.” What insufferable pity. As Barack Obama used to say: shadow-banning on social media aside, no American is voiceless. Never before in history has there been such a wide range of affordable ways to express yourself to the world, even (or perhaps more so) if you fall into the most intersectional victim category of the Left. (The only people that can be considered voiceless in society are the poor, regardless of color. They are ignored by society because they lack cultural or political power.) “I want my child to understand the message ‘Barbie,’ has emblazoned before us, because patriarchy is a real thing and too many people suffer under it.” She concludes, “And he can change that.” Hahn says she will “keep teaching him” about this messy world. The indoctrination seems to be working. She says she was surprised when her son commented on “how messed-up” the conservative boycott against Bud Light beer in response to its ad campaign featuring the trans performance artist Dylan Mulvaney. He was happy that “he understood his privilege and saw a world that desperately needed diversity.” What ideological blinders he wears to believe that white men are inherently “privileged”. The father or any male role model in the life of this teenager is never mentioned. Not a single mention is made. It is either a case of the boy having no male role models or his mother choosing not to include any in the story. I dissected Wendy Besel Hahn’s story in great detail, not to mock her, but because it’s not uncommon for feminist mothers express their frustration, panic and sometimes barely-concealed anger over having to raise a boy. There are many articles online that offer advice on how to raise a boy to be a submissive woman. Others, like this Washington Post article from 2016, express their fear that they will raise a misogynist male, adding another male who is prejudice against women to our society. Hahn says that no one in America “suffers” under patriarchy. But too many sons suffer because their feminist parents treat them as a threat to society. It will take these boys years, and perhaps decades, to escape the indoctrination. If they do, they will either reject it (and their mother) in a reaction that goes too far. Either way, it’s damaging and tragically emblematic of our feminized culture’s fear and loathing of masculinity.Emasculating our sons is not the way to create a culture in which men respect and defend women, and in which both men and women function together in society as equally dignified children of God but in complementary fashion. It is not the responsibility of feminist parents to brainwash young men and boys out of their masculinity. Instead, they should reject the false ideologies of feminism and provide them with moral and spiritual guidance to channel this masculinity towards honorable ends. This is how both our sons and girls can thrive.


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