The CEO of Ford, the man behind the iconic Mustang sports cars and F150 pickup trucks, did learn a harsh lesson this week about the realities of being an EV driver as the compromised Biden administration continues its relentless campaign to replace ICE ( internal combustion engine ) vehicles with electric ( EV ) ones. When Joe Biden released another moonshot with additional tax incentives in January of next year, this story began:
The great American road trip will be electrified, in my opinion.
Additionally, you can now purchase a new electric vehicle for up to$ 7,500 with the aid of tax credit. pic. / n3iZ9etL4A
— January 30, 2023, President Biden(@ POTUS )
Biden, as usual, not absolutely comprehends the press when he boasts about something. He most definitely isn’t aware of how his half-baked, lunatic ideas affect the enthusiastic, tax-paying American public.
But this week, a pretty significant individual rode on our tires while walking in our shoes. Jim Farley, the CEO of Ford, went on a road trip after receiving complaints from customers about the difficulties of electric vehicles for months.
Crooked Joe might want to read about Jim’s journeys in an electrical pickup truck owned by his business.
The Gateway Pundit claims that the drive was intended to use a truck for actual people who perform actual work to travel more remote routes.
For” real people who do real work ,” a quick note: Mr. Farley wasn’t towing any trailers or hauling any loads while he was traveling.
As soon as the trip began, Mr. Farley publicly acknowledged the drawbacks of the time-consuming charging process, the availability of lightning chargers, and the active charging stations.
Surprise pricing shouldn’t be difficult, but we’re also learning a lot from dealing with our customers’ problems first. In order to give Ford drivers access to more than 12, 000 superchargers andamp, our EV-certified dealers are installing strong chargers at their location. / fES15o9orT
On August 13, 2023, Jim Farley(@ jimfarley98 )
In order to get ready for the day’s travel, he then tweeted a picture of his early-morning charging stop( took him two tries to locate an empty EV charger ). Check the tweet time to determine whether this is a” positive” selling point for the EV.
To prepare for the day away when the hotel didn’t have chargers, I had to purchase a complete charge. Lightning image # F150 / SBfONZAq5Q
On August 10, 2023, Jim Farley(@ jimfarley98 )
Mr. Farley’s charging difficulties appear to be nothing out of the ordinary. Another EV road trip charging experience that is more akin to the” real people” experience is described here. When YouTubers tested an EV vs. ICE truck, this is what happened, according to Breitbart News:
The results appeared to speak for themselves, according to a group of YouTubers known as Fast Lane Truck, who tested both gas – and electric-powered trucks to see how far they could haul trailers.
A gas-powered GMC Denali Ultimate Edition and an electronic Ford F-150 pickup were put to the test.
embedded content
The computer in the energy pickup, according to the testers, had trouble calculating the distance, so it had to stop and charge for the 85-mile journey.
This Twitter comment will undoubtedly persuade you that America is not prepared to” electrify” if the video didn’t. It provides a clear picture of what it’s like to drive an EV for the typical American.
a commercial
Can you picture what a mother with three children in the back would experience? eager, need to urinate, weary, and begin arguing. It feels like an eternity to be 40 minutes.
August 14, 2023, KH(@ tdiguy1963 )
Ford may just be using this exercise for marketing purposes, but it does give Americans a chance to ask some challenging questions about” natural energy.”
In fact, there is a difficult question to be asked regarding the sizable wind farm that Mr. Farley’s driving video evidently depicts in the background. In the middle of the day, not a single turbine was operating.
Surprise pricing shouldn’t be difficult, but we’re also learning a lot from dealing with our customers’ problems first. In order to give Ford drivers access to more than 12, 000 superchargers andamp, our EV-certified dealers are installing strong chargers at their location. / fES15o9orT
On August 13, 2023, Jim Farley(@ jimfarley98 )
How will that kind of energy system be” charged” into anything, including taxis, school buses, minivans and pickup trucks?
It resembles this wise Twitter poster more:
pic. Q4mZieA0Um on
— August 19, 2023, Howard Roark(@ Bonzotour2011 )
Alternatively, this one:
pic. / TDg2OyRjzb
Gizmo (@ gizmothegrrreat ) January 30, 2023
Finally, we need to discuss Ford’s financial loss from electric vehicles.
Ford loses money on energy cars, according to a Daily Wire report from July:
According to Ford Motor Company’s second-quarter earnings report, which was released on Thursday, the company anticipates losing a staggering$ 4.5 billion from its electric vehicles( EVs ) this year.
According to the Michigan-based automaker, its” Ford Model e” all-electric vehicle division has already suffered losses of more than$ 2.8 billion in the first two quarters of this year, including$ 1.8 billion during the second quarter alone, or roughly$ 32 000 for each EV Ford sold.
It is now fairly obvious that EVs won’t work for actual people performing actual work, also known as AMERICANS, in Biden’s corrupt” green energy” game.
Our friends at WLTReport have posted this as a guest post.
Below is the original article.
The story begins in January, when Joe Biden announced a new moonshot that included tax incentives.
The great American road trip will be fully electrified under my watch.
You can now get up to $7500 in tax credits on a new electric car.
President Biden (@POTUS), January 30, 2023
As usual, Biden doesn’t really understand what he is bragging to the media. He doesn’t know the impact his half-baked and crackpot ideas will have on the hardworking, taxpayers of America.
This week, a very important person drove on our tires (or walked in our shoes?). Ford CEO Jim Farley went on a road trip after months of hearing complaints from customers regarding the challenges of electric cars.
Maybe Crooked Joe would like to read about Jim’s journeys in his electric pickup truck.
According to The Gateway Pundit “the purpose of this drive was to take more rural routes with a truck — a truck for people who actually do real work.”
A quick note for “real workers”: Mr. Farley did not haul a load or tow a trailer on his travels.
Mr. Farley admitted that he had problems with the charging stations being overcrowded, the lack of lightning chargers and the time it took to charge.
No surprise charging is a challenge. But we learn a lot from our customers. This is why we’re working w/ @Tesla to provide @Ford drivers access to +12,000 superchargers & our EV certified dealers are installing fast chargers at their…
— Jim Farley @jimfarley98 August 13, 2023
He then tweeted a photo of his charging stop in the early morning (it took him two tries to find a charger that was open) to prepare for travel. Check the tweet time to see if this is a positive selling point for EVs.
When the hotel didn’t have chargers… I had to charge my phone to be ready for tomorrow. #F150Lightning
— Jim Farley @jimfarley98 August 10, 2023
It seems that Mr. Farley’s charging problems are not unusual. Here’s a story of another EV road trip that is closer to “real people’s” experience. According to Breitbart, this is what happened after YouTubers tested a EV vs ICE vehicle:
Fast Lane Truck, a group of YouTubers, tested gas and electric-powered trucks in order to see how far each could tow a trailer. The results were impressive.
The test involved a comparison between a Ford F-150 pickup with an electric engine and a GMC Denali Ultimate Edition with a gas-powered engine.
[embedded content]
The testers reported that the computer of the electric pickup had difficulty calculating distances and was forced to stop and charge the vehicle approximately 85 miles into a trip.
If the video did not convince you that America was not ready to “electrify”, this tweet will. This video paints a vivid image of what the average American experiences when driving an electric vehicle.
Imagine a mom in the back with three kids. Hungry, bored, needing to pee. 40 minutes is a long time.
— KH (@tdiguy1963), August 14, 2023
Ford’s entire marketing campaign may only be for marketing reasons, but it offers Americans who are being pushed to “green energy” an opportunity to ask some difficult questions.
The huge wind farm that is clearly visible in the background of Mr. Farley’s driving video should be questioned. The wind turbines were all still in the middle the day.
No surprise charging is a challenge. But we learn a lot from our customers. This is why we’re working w/ @Tesla to provide @Ford drivers access to +12,000 superchargers & our EV certified dealers are installing fast chargers at their…
— Jim Farley @jimfarley98 August 13, 2023
How can anything – a taxi, a school bus, a mini van, s pickup truck – be “charged” using this type of energy system
It’s like this wise Twitter poster:
Howard Roark (@Bonzotour2011), August 19, 2023
Or this one:
Gizmo, (@gizmothegrrreat), January 30, 2023
Last but not least, we need to talk about the amount of money Ford has lost on EVs.
Daily Wire published a report in July under the headline Ford Loses Billions on Electric Cars.
Ford Motor Company said it expects to lose $4.5 billion on its electric vehicles this year. The company announced the news in its earnings report for the second quarter, released Thursday.
The Michigan-based automaker stated that its all-electric vehicles division, “Ford Model e,” had already lost more than $2,8 billion in the first and second quarters of the year, including $1.8 in the second quarter or about $32,000 per EV Ford sold.
It’s clear that EVs will not work for Americans doing real work, as Biden’s “green energy” game is corrupt.
This is a guest post from our friends at WLTReport.
Original article can be viewed here.