Following the worst wildfire in modern U.S. history, Hawaii’s current administration has been criticized for being anything but good. The British people are blaming inept authorities for the start of the fire, including delayed aid, a lack of relief supplies, and politicized explanations. …
Josh Green, the governor of Hawaii, recently said something that is not helping because we do not already have sufficient information to make a decision or determine what started the wildfires. …
I’m currently considering ways for the state to buy the land, Green just told the media. …
The land might be used to house workers and serve as a sanctuary site, he continued, telling reporters.
This has sparked speculation about whether the wildfire was truly the wild on the internet. Could the worst wildfire in American history have been started on purpose?
Josh Green, the governor of Hawaii, said,” I’m currently considering ways for the state to buy that land.” PN78wPcNy6 on
August 15, 2023, Pelham(@ Resist_ 05 )
Others, in their opinion, provided more proof and irregularities that suggested controlled demolition or unintentional arson.
This Lady discusses the remarks made by the Muai governor prior to the Lahaina fires. Exciting. Pictures of” Hawaii ,”” Lahaina ,” and” MauiFires” are shown. JANdDZxW2a on
August 15, 2023 (@ Truthpole ) T R U T H P O L E
Governor Green’s complete statement was presented by The Post Millennial:
” I’m already considering ways for the state to buy that land so that we can use it for family housing, open spaces forever as a memorial to the lost ,” she said.
” After the pain has passed, we want to remember this as a magical place.” Rebuilding will happen in Lahaina. The current tragedy is the death toll.
We don’t want this to become a clear space where people from abroad just show up and decide they’re going to take it. The buildings can be rebuilt over time, and also the banyan tree might survive. It will be taken and preserved initially by the state.
Josh Green, the governor of Hawaii, was quoted by journalist Kyle Becker, who then discussed the recent events in Hawaii for his news outlet.
” I’m already considering ways to buy that land for the state.”
Comments made by the governor of Hawaii following the fatal Maui wildfire fuel conspiracy theorieshttps: // t co / kdqtSyXgdM
On August 15, 2023, Kyle Becker(@ kylenabecker )
With the headline” How Convenient: Hawaii Governor Reveals State Plans” to Acquire Land” Ravaged by Wildfires ,” The Gateway Pundit began their article on Governor Green’s remarks.
How Convenient: Hawaii Governor Reveals State Plans” to Acquire Land” Ravaged by Wildfires( VIDEO ) via @ gatewaypundit https :// / SL9HR8GUFs
— August 15, 2023, The Gateway Pundit(@ gatewaypundits )
Governor Green even issued the following caution, according to Newsweek:
a commercial
In a press release, Green stated that” I’ve contacted the Attorney General to look into options to impose an moratorium on any sales of damaged or destroyed properties.”
Additionally, I would warn people that it will take a very long time before any housing or growth can be constructed.
Therefore, if you attempted to take our people’s land and therefore build around, you would be fairly ignorant.
Our friends at WLTReport have posted this as a guest post.
Below is the original article.
Hawaii’s current leadership has been accused of not being helpful after the worst wildfire in U.S. modern history. The American people are pointing their fingers at incompetent officials for delayed aid, a lack relief supplies, and politicized reasons for the fire’s start. …
We do not yet have enough information to make a decision or determine what started the fires. However, recent comments by Hawaii Governor Josh Green don’t help. …
Green told the media recently that “I am already thinking of ways for the State to acquire the land.”
He told reporters that the land could be used for workers’ housing and as a memorial site.
The internet is ablaze with speculation about whether the wildfire really was that wild. Could the most destructive wildfire in modern U.S. History have been deliberately set?
Hawaii Governor Josh Green… “I’m already thinking about ways for the state to acquire that land”…
— Pelham (@Resist_05) August 15, 2023
Others presented additional evidence and irregularities that they felt indicated intentional arson or controlled destruction.
This lady talks about what the Governor of Muai told Lahaina before the fires. Interesting. #Hawaii #hawaiifires #LahainaFires #MauiFires #lahaina #Maui #Prayformaui
Truthpole (@Truthpole), August 15, 2023
The Post Millennial published Governor Green’s complete statement:
“I am already thinking about ways that the state can acquire this land so that it can be turned into workforce housing or put back into the hands of families. Or, it could become open spaces for all time as a memorial space to those who were lost.”
“We want to remember this place as a magical place after the pain has passed. Lahaina is going to rebuild. The tragedy is the loss of lives.
The buildings can be rebuilt with time and even the banyan may survive. But we don’t wish for this to be a place where people from abroad just decide to take it. The state will take and preserve it first.”
Journalist Kyle Becker cited Hawaiian Governor Josh Green, and presented the news outlet’s view on the current situation in Hawaii.
“I am already thinking about ways to acquire this land …”
Hawaii governor’s comments in the wake of the deadly Maui wildfire fuel wildfire conspiracy theories
Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker), August 15, 2023
The headline of the article on Governor Green’s remarks was “How Convenient: Hawaii Gov. Reveals State Plan “to Acquire” Land Ravaged by Wildfires.”
How Convenient: Hawaii Governor Reveals State Plans “to Acquire Land” Ravaged by Wildfires (VIDEO) via @gatewaypundit
The Gateway Pundit August 15, 2023
According to Newsweek Governor Green also issued the following warning:
Green said in a release that she had contacted the Attorney General about exploring options for a moratorium of any sales on properties that were damaged or destroyed.
“I would warn people that it will be a long time before any housing or growth can be built.
You would be a pretty poor informed person if you tried to steal land and then build here.”
This is a guest post from our friends at WLTReport.
Original article can be viewed here.