My favorite” politician” who isn’t Donald Trump is still Kari Lake. The causes are clear.
They are both made of the same material.
Except for the Americans, they have no one to answer to.
They express their opinions and act in accordance with THEIR own judgment, certainly that of a poll or lobbyist.
Both of them are rebels.
Both of them have BDE.
However, I passed out watching the most recent Kari Lake clip about Ron DeSantis!
She pauses Steve Bannon and requests a” professional tip” for Ron. She then starts ripping him off for touching people on the campaign trail while wiping his snot all over his disgusting hands.
utterly cruel and brilliant!
Keep an eye on Rumble around:
Cold-blooded Kari Lake!
And it’s hilarious!
originating in Mediaite
Trump allegedly lost 2020, according to DeSantis. DeSantis’ run came to an end in single digits. Everything else is foolishness. Steve Bannon, the host, declared,” I don’t care how many times he debates Newsom ,” demonstrating that DeSantis had gone beyond the MAGA base by recognizing the election’s legitimacy in 2020. All of this was produced by Murdoch. Murdoch phony permeates everything. The Murdochs are foreigners, didn’t I mention that? Is that something I mentioned? What do you think of Ron DeSantis, Kari Lake?
Well, I said I’d give him a professional tip because I was watching him run for office across Iowa and it was popular outside. Lake laughed. Have you seen the video? I know people are reminded of the chilly winters that. He acts awkwardly whenever he is around people, actually wiping the sweat from his face before touching them and rubbing his nose. Please, Ron, use a tissue. Iowans don’t like it when you rub your dirty face and runny nose all over them.
The governor was finally given some advice by Lake.
” Be courteous and act like a human.” Use the tissue to blot your face. However, kindly refrain from rubbing your sweat every over people. She came to the conclusion,” It’s completely rude.
Why doesn’t Ron DeSantis now know how to wipe his damn face? I don’ have to explain this to my young children.
Ron, hurry up and improve!
Basically, just quit school; it’s becoming terrible!
a commercial
Truly, Ron has received criticism for offensive behavior like this before.
Look at this:
Did he simply wipe the wheelchair-riding man’s shirt with his snot? pic. / Mls53R4rtf
May 19, 2023, Ron Filipkowski(@ RonFilipkowski )
You want a booger to, right? One for your hand, please. pic. NlLFGXag8C on Twitter
— May 19, 2023, Brenden Dilley(@ WarlordDillley )
I was dying to laugh at this one!
It’s somewhat his thing. pic. / xxKLXfJwhc
May 19, 2023, The Chud Report(@ TheChudReport )
And keep this in mind?
For all the bad reasons, Ron DeSantis is in style.
You want attention when you’re running for president.
Website trending is fantastic!
Unless … There is a negative reason for it.
Unless you’re experiencing Howard Dean.
When did that occur, do you recall?
You’re in for a treat if you can’t recall it or have never seen it.
I don’t know how he did this; it’s not yet a mortal sound.
You know it’s very bad for you when something is called” THE Scream.”
Observe these:
embedded content
Strangely enough, Ron DeSantis might have only had a Howard Dean moment after that incident in Iowa. in Iowa as well.
Since the images are already negative much, let’s start with them.
Ron DeSantis can be seen laughing around:
Iowa presidential campaigning can be entertaining, to put it mildly. F07AK3uKiz on Twitter
— May 13, 2023, John McCormick(@ McCormICKJohn )
Website mockery of it started right away:
As a result of DeSantis’ advisors telling him to be friendlier, they are now just saying,” Actually, nvm, just do what you were doing before, and we’ll hope for the best and pray.” https :// / DZmm6Vn8a1
— May 14, 2023, Aaron Carr(@ aaronAcarr )
This guy’s campaign https :// / LuXDKopxD6 is being destroyed by facial expressions.
— Updates on populism (@ populismUpdates ) May 13, 2023
There is time, I suppose, https:// / KwiapOFrmP to have your worst Iowa campaign picture without state fair food.
— May 13, 2023, Don Moynihan(@ donmoyen )
Okay, but that’s … Strange, am I correct?
Perhaps it’s just a poor also image, though.
Often, we all appear unattractive in photographs.
The video might be superior.
Oh no, wait until you hear the music image if you thought the picture was cringe-worthy. / ok0MMFwRpj
On May 16, 2023, Wu Tang is for kids (@ WUTangKids ).
This is unusual:
Oh my God, why didn’t anyone inform me that the video’s image is this? Pcff2UeB7 on
May 16, 2023, Tim Hogan(@ timjhogan )
Brian, I to:
I feel so uneasy about this. Qrhv7f2ZiK on
— May 16, 2023, Brian Tyler Cohen (@ briantylercohen )
It was amusing in this one:
He behaves similarly to the Men in Black bug that was found in the farmer’s body https :// / CkQp1nNQxf.
May 16, 2023, Zito (@_ Zeets )
Surely no how people normally move:
activate the human laughter simulator at https :// / REJF87QdZE
— May 16, 2023, Rebekah Jones(@ GeoRebekkah )
When the joker gas hits https :// / FlRnwt574E, this is how it appears.
Oliver Willis (@ owillis ) May 16, 2023
Up to the Howard Dean era, please.
a commercial
You might be toast Ronald, I’m frightened:
You cannot be president if this is your laughing face. Math is involved. / TvWOnM6NYM picture / E7LkTiPBZ4
— May 16, 2023, Jacob Silverman(@ SilvermanJacob )
Then, contrast this with whatever that was:
ICONIC: American Badass Donald Trump!
The only word I can think of to describe this is” classic.”
You’ll adore this, I can tell.
Do you recall how Kid Rock, Dana White, and Iron Mike Tyson joined President Trump at UFC 287 next weekend?
And a riot broke out in the crowd?
And after the fight, the victor declared Donald Trump to be the greatest president in history in front of Joe Rogan and the whole stadium?
He then began to chant,” Let’s Go Brandon ,”
Wow, that’s great.
The music bed for this video, Kid Rock’s” American Badass ,” is even cooler; it was put together and set to music.
Even though it only lasts two minutes, it’s excellent.
I’ve now made five lists for it.
Really nice, I tell you! pic. / T7ecof5AqP
— April 15, 2023, (@ DailyNoohNews )
On Rumble below, too:
Our friends at WLTReport have posted this as a guest post.
Below is the original article.
Kari Lake is my favorite “politician”, and not Donald Trump. The reasons are clear.
Both are made of the same stuff…
They are not accountable to anyone but the American people…
They are not afraid to speak their minds, and they do what they think is right. Not what a poll or a lobbyist says.
Both Mavericks.
Both have BDE.
I was dying when I saw the latest video of Kari Lake talking to Ron DeSantis!
She asks Steve Bannon if she can give Ron “a pro tip “….and she then proceeds to tear him up for wiping snot on his dirty hands and then touching other people on the campaign tour.
The most vicious …. and hilarious!
Watch Rumble here:
Kari Lake has cold blood!
It’s so funny!
From Mediaite
“DeSantis says Trump lost 2020. DeSantis’ run was ended by DeSantis with a single digit. The rest is nonsense. Steve Bannon said, “I don’t care how often he debates Newsom. He has crossed the MAGA base when he acknowledged the legitimacy of the 2020 Presidential Election.” “This is all Murdoch generated. It’s all Murdoch fake. Did I mention that the Murdochs were foreigners? Did I say that? What do you think about Ron DeSantis, Kari Lake?
Lake laughed and said, “Well, I told him I would give him a tip because I watched as he campaigned across Iowa and was hot and sweaty during the summer.” “I know that people think about the cold winters in Iowa, but have you seen the video?” It’s as if he is so awkward around people that he wipes the sweat from his face, then touches people and rubs his nose. Ron, please use a tissue. “The people of Iowa don’t appreciate your runny nose or your sweaty face being rubbed on them.”
Lake then gave some advice to Governor.
“Be human and polite. Blot your face using the tissue. Please don’t rub sweat on people. “It’s rude,” she concluded.
Why doesn’t Ron DeSantis know how to wipe off his face?
Come on Ron! Be better!
It’s embarrassing, so just leave!
This is not the first time Ron’s been called out on gross things like this.
Have a look at:
Did he just wipe snot on a guy’s shirt while seated in a wheelchair?
Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski), May 19, 2023
…”oh, you want one too? Here’s one for your hand.”
— Brenden Dilley (@WarlordDilley) May 19, 2023
This one made me laugh so hard I almost cried!
It’s his thing.
The Chud Report May 19, 2023
Well done!
Remember this:
Ron DeSantis is trending for all the wrong reasons…
When you run for President, you need to attract attention.
Trending online can be great!
If ….it is for a bad purpose.
If you’re not having your Howard Dean moment.
Do you remember what happened?
If you can’t recall or have never seen it, you are in for a real treat.
This is not a human sound. I have no idea what he did.
When you hear “THE Scream”, you know it’s bad for you.
Watch Here:
[embedded content]
It’s ironic that this happened in Iowa, and Ron DeSantis had his Howard Dean moment ….also also in Iowa.
Let’s begin with the images, as they are bad enough.
Here is Ron DeSantis giggling:
Sort of campaigning for the presidency in Iowa can be fun…
John McCormick May 13, 2023
It was immediately mocked on the internet:
This is the result of DeSantis’s advisors telling DeSantis to be more likable, and now they’re just going to be like “actually nvm, just do what you were doing before and we’ll hope for the best and pray”
— Aaron Carr (@aaronAcarr) May 14, 2023
Facial expressions just destroying this guy’s campaign
Populism Updates May 13, 2023
Some feat to have your worse Iowa campaign pic not involve state fair food, but there is time I guess
— Don Moynihan (@donmoyn) May 13, 2023
Okay, that’s ….odd.
It could be a bad frame.
Sometimes we all look bad on pictures.
The video might be better.
Oh damn if you thought the photo was cringe then just wait till you hear it with the audio
Wu Tang Kids (@WUTangKids), May 16, 2023
This is not normal
oh my god why did no one tell me this is what the video looks like
— Tim Hogan (@timjhogan) May 16, 2023
Brian, I’m with you
this makes me so
— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) May 16, 2023
This was funny:
He acts like the bug alien from Men in Black when it was in the body of the farmer
— Zito (@_Zeets) May 16, 2023
This is not a normal human movement:
>>Activate human laughter simulator
— Rebekah Jones (@GeoRebekah) May 16, 2023
this is what it looks like when the joker gas hits
Oliver Willis @owillis May 16, 2023
Back to the Howard Dean moment.
You may be toast, Ronald:
If this is what you laugh at, you can’t run for president. It’s math.
Jacob Silverman (@SilvermanJacob), May 16, 2023
Now ….compare what the hell was that to this:
ICONIC : Donald Trump, American Badass
This is a classic.
You’re going love this…
Remember last weekend, when President Trump attended UFC 287 along with Kid Rock and Iron Mike Tyson.
And the crowd erupted?
After the fight, the winner told Joe Rogan that Donald Trump is the best president in his lifetime?
Then he started a chant of “Let’s Go Brandon!”
So cool.
The perfect music bed to accompany this video is Kid Rock’s “American Badass”.
It’s only two minutes, but it’s so good.
I’ve listened to it five times already.
So freaking cool. April 15, 2023
Here is Rumble:
This is a guest post from our friends at WLTReport.
Original article can be viewed here.