Something from a different era was the Ground Zero Mosque. Mosques are taking over all of New York City. The top terror mosques in the city are also listed in an official city guide. For anyone who enjoys being awakened by Islamist shrieks in the morning, Mayor Eric Adams has some exciting news. The Islamic call to public prayer is often prescribed times each Friday and during the holy month of Ramadan. Eric Adams, mayor of New York City, and Edward A. Caban, commissioner of the NYPD, launched a new initiative today to support and facilitate this practice. In Mayor Adams’ ongoing efforts to promote a city that respects all religions and permits people to practice their traditions in safety and without fear of harassment, the effort is regarded as bringing ancient progress.
Mayor Adams stated that there has been a perception for far too much that our communities were not permitted to increase their prayers. Today, we are removing red tape and making it abundantly clear that mosques and places of worship are complimentary to increase their Friday and Ramadan prayer times without obtaining a permit. Because we will all be treated equally under the law, we want our Arab brothers and sisters to know that they are free to practice their faith in New York City. No one is preventing mosques from hosting their calls for the execution of non-Muslims, but can this be done covertly? Our administration is glad to have completed this task. No, it needs to be” amplified” using massive loudspeaker systems, just as it was in the days of Mohammed. New Yorkers had previously voiced concerns about audio terror in mosques. The second city to permit the call to Jihad to be amplified at all times was Minneapolis. NYC comes in second. According to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, the city’s noise ordinance, which had prohibited dawn and late-evening calls at specific times of the year due to noise restrictions, was overwhelmingly approved by the council on Thursday. Enjoy the morning shrieks of Jihadists. Before Dearbon, Michigan was flooded and destroyed in the late 1970s, this is how it began. Locals have complained that the noise bothers them and that they can hear the chants from half a mile ahead. Three mosque employees are accused of breaking the city’s noise ordinance, according to a complaint made by one neighbor.
One of the dome leaders named in the lawsuit, Musa Jebril, stated that the call’s goal is to have the people hear it and some obey. ” We have no purpose if the people don’t hear it.” Nobody is able to calm it down. No one has the power to put a stop to it.
The mosque is situated in one of the regions with the highest concentrations of Arabs in the nation. Muslims refer to the 90-second call to prayer, also known as the Azan, as being broadcast when at 5:00 a.m., twice in the afternoon, and twice at night.
According to Jebril, the Arab faith requires that the call be made at a specific time.
We are unable to alter the words, he said. The time cannot be changed. No person can alter the passage of time. This was chosen by our prophet, Mohammed, and the calls roared loud at 6 AM in Hamatrack, the second all-Muslim city government. Because of this, it is difficult to live somewhere close to a mosque. And that’s the key idea. The mosque’s message is that if you’re a Muslim, you should go there; otherwise, leave. This is the kind of autocratic nightmare we are in for. Rina has developed an anxiety disorder as a result of being startled awake by loud speakers every night at three in the morning. She is unable to sleep and is overly queasy to eat, but she is also afraid to voice her displeasure because doing so could result in her being arrested or attacked.
Her Jakarta suburb’s neighborhood mosque is the next-door neighbor, and the raucous sound is a prayer call.
In Indonesia, the country with the largest Arab majority in the world, both are so revered that criticizing them could result in accusations of blasphemy, which carries a five-year prison sentence.
” No one dares to complain about it these ,” says Rina, a 31-year-old Muslim woman who is posing as someone else in case of retaliation.
She tells AFP,” The loudspeakers are not only used for call to prayer, but they also use it to wake people up 30 to 40 minutes before the morning prayer time ,” adding that she has had enough of the noise for six months. formerly Indonesia. Present-day America. Who once more won the War on Terror?
The Ground Zero Mosque looked like it was from another decade. New York City has become overrun with mosques. There is even an official guide to the best terror-themed mosques in the city. Now, Mayor Eric Adams has some good news for those who enjoy being woken up by Jihadist shrieks every morning. The initiative is a significant step in Mayor Adams’ efforts to create a city where people can practice their faiths without harassment and at regular times each Friday.
Mayor Adams said, “For far too long there was a feeling in our communities that they were not allowed to amplify their calls to pray.” “Today we cut red tape by stating that mosques and places of worship can amplify the call to prayer during Ramadan and on Fridays without a permit. We want to let our Muslim brothers and sisters know that New York City will treat us all equally under the law. No one is stopping mosques to host their calls for the deaths of infidels but can it be done silently? Nope, the call for jihad must be “amplified”, much like it was during Mohammed’s time through massive loudspeaker system. New Yorkers were already complaining about mosque aural terrorism. Minneapolis was the first city in the world to allow the call for Jihad to be amplify at all times. The second city is NYC. The Minneapolis City Council unanimously approved Thursday to amend the city’s noise ordinance. This had prevented dawn and evening calls during certain times of the years due to noise restrictions. One neighbor filed a complaint accusing three mosque officials of violating the city noise ordinance.
Musa Jebril is one of the leaders of the mosques named in the lawsuit. He said, “The purpose of calling people to obey is that they hear the call and some do so.” “If people don’t listen, it has no purpose.” No one has the authority to quiet it down. No one can quiet it down.
The mosque is situated in an area with one of the highest concentrations of Arabs within the country. The 90-second call for prayer, also known as the Azan by Muslims, is broadcast four times a day: once at 5:30 in the morning, twice in afternoon, and twice in evening.
Jebril said that the muslim faith dictates the call to be made at a specific time.
He said, “We can’t change the words.” “We cannot change time.” No human can change the clock. This was appointed by our Prophet, Mohammed. “In Hamatrack, which was the first all-Muslim local government, the calls roared loudly at 6AM. It is impossible to live near a mosque. The point is to make it impossible for anyone to live anywhere near a mosque. The message from the mosque is: If you are a Muslim, come to the Mosque. If you’re not a Muslim, leave.
The mosque in the Jakarta suburb is the noisy neighbor, and the clamorous noise is the call to pray.
Both are so sacred to Indonesia, the largest Muslim majority nation in the world, that criticising either can lead to accusations or blasphemy. This crime is punishable by up to five years imprisonment.
“None dares complain about it here,” Rina, a Muslim woman of 31 years old who uses a pseudonym to avoid reprisals.
Yesterday Indonesia. Today, America. Who won the War on Terror once again?