
Meet The ONE Man Who Doesn’t Like Oliver Anthony

One person doesn’t like Oliver Anthony’s profoundly moving and hard-hitting” Rich Men North of Richmond ,” despite the fact that the whole world about universally adores and praises him for it. There is NOTHING on which we can all agree, as I frequently assert.
It was nearby.
Nearly everyone, with the exception of the Rich Men North of Richmond, rallied round to praise a once-in-a-generation song that has been dubbed an ANTHEM for our time.
Every reaction video I’ve ever watched online — and I have watched a lot of them — starts off as being absolutely breathtaking before becoming even more enthralled by the lyrics.
Not a single guy, though …
Mark Antonio Wright is simply that Red Ass, so you have to be a very big one to not jive with the sentiment and emotion of this song.
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Mark, congratulations!
It doesn’t surprise me that the National Review, which is biased against Trump and on the bad side of almost every issue, struggles to comprehend the significance of this song.
Certainly at all surprising.
Not surprising, but terrible.
The title of the article,” Oliver Anthony’s Fuzzy Lament ,” is also derogatory.
Mark second criticizes these lyrics:
In order to sit around and waste my life, drag myself up home and drown my problems, I’ve been selling my soul and working all day long for bullshit pay.
The majority of educated people are aware that the dollar’s value is being completely destroyed by inflation, money printing, and the removal of it from the silver standard.
People who work for an honest wage are no longer receiving that honest pay as the” Rich Men” become wealthier.
While the song has received almost general acclaim and support, Mark writes the following Red Assery at The National Review:
If you’re a healthy, able-bodied man living in the United States in 2023 and working” overtime hours for bullshit pay ,” you need to find another job.
Mark, you sound utterly mute.
He then criticizes this line:
Because all this crap country does is keep kicking fresh men down, they are putting themselves six feet in the ground.
Mark is having a significant issue with it once more:
A crisis of our own making is the tragedy of younger men committing suicide through alcohol or drugs— the catastrophe of desperation-related deaths. Anthony’s” wealthy men northeast of Richmond ,” the federal government in Washington, has harmed society. Washington, however, is only a symptom; it is not the root of our country’s illness.
I won’t be paying this loser any more attention; instead, I’ll let you all make your own decisions.
Yet this loser’s tweets are bitchy and self-righteous, good night:
Anyone interested in reading what I actually wrote can do so here: https: // t, as opposed to @ SohrabAhmari’s fun-house mirror parody of it. Co-HIFVMJZKYF
— August 17, 2023, Mark Antonio Wright(@ mawrightjr )
I’ll share Oliver Anthony’s most recent update, which was posted online, in order to contrast one bratty National Review writer with a genuine American who writes stirring songs from the heart.
The real deal is this guy:
You can watch or listen to that post around if you’d prefer to:
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Let’s then contrast the opinions of real Americans with those expressed in the review by Whitney Mark at the Whitney National Review.
See what you think by observing these responses. Whiney Mark or all of these people— who is more on point?
This rallying cry is intended to awaken an entire generation.
Hello, my name is Noah, and I must confess.
I don’t know exactly how it happened, but I’ve been watching reaction videos of people singing Rich Men North of Richmond, Oliver Anthony’s hit song.
I’m not sure how it all began, but YouTube gave me a recommendation for one video before things really spiraled out of control.
However, this is the reason I find watching them but fascinating.
Because the song has nearly universal acclaim and admiration, but it’s more about what it stands for than the actual song itself.
No true American has ever disagreed with it, in my opinion.
Truly, disregard only Americans. Since we are all human, our basic desires are the same.
And we’re all tired of crooked governments all over the world.
I’m therefore noticing something completely unique among all the various groups that Liberals enjoy using to DIVIDE us.
I’m noticing people who identify as Democrats( or Republicans, Independents, or not voting ), as well as black, white, wealthy, and poor people. I’ve seen all different types of people in these reaction videos, and they all agree that this is an ANTHEM, so it doesn’t matter. A rallying cry, indeed!
It unites people despite all the fictitious divisions and groups that the Deep State intends to use to pit us against one another and maintain our conflict.
the reality?
It turns out that the Rich Men North of Richmond and WE THE PEOPLE are the only true rivals!
This song’s first line let me know it was unique and was doing unique things.
One of my favourite reaction videos was this one.
The expression and responses on this guy’s face are awesome!
but also occasionally significant.
a commercial
Watch this fantastic reaction video around:
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Another one I truly enjoyed is this one.
On the video, this man expresses his belief that the entire system is crooked by refusing to cast a ballot.
He is, however, entirely in tune with the song.
adores it
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Here’s another one.
I also adore this one:
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It’s an anthem, the comments confirm!
I sincerely hope you find these reaction videos to be enjoyable.
These videos straight here, in my opinion, convey American opinion more than any phony poll or focus group.
Guess who those people are?
It’s exactly what I’ve been saying for a while.
Contrary to what they would have you believe, we are not equally separated.
This nation is not split 50 / 50.
On the majority of issues, this nation is much more 90 / 10.
Never us vs. us is the enemy.
We are up against the wealthy men north of Richmond.
And a Rallying Cry Anthem has only been created from this song!
Prosperous men northeast of Richmond are an ANTHEM for our world.
I’m not sure about you, but I was enthralled by this song’s first line.
I started playing and, as is customary for me, was sort of doing two to three different things at again when I abruptly put my other activities on hold to listen to this song.
It is authentic.
It is uncooked.
Additionally, it is an ANTHEM in addition to being a fantastic song.
It was an anthem for our generation, which is what I originally intended to write, but I had to change it.
This song resonates with nearly everyone, not just one generation!
What this guy actually said:
A microphone, one man, a guitar, and an unbelievably natural and genuine voice were all present.
You nearly question how that one man could have produced so much gravitas and energy.
emotional and dripping.
It puts our collective emotions into words and music.
Oliver is on my show, and I’d love to talk to him for an interview.
I’m hoping we can accomplish that this week.
Read the lyrics for” Rich Men North of Richmond” above:
] Verse 1 ] I’ve been sellin’ my soul, workin’ all dayOvertime hours for bullsh ** paySo I can sit out here and waste my life awayDrag back home and drown my troubles away
] Pre – Chorus ] It’s a d ** n shame what the world’s gotten toFor people like me and people like youWish I could just wake up and it not be trueBut it is, oh, it is
] Chorus ] Livin’ in the new worldWith an old soulThese rich men north of Richmond, Lord knows they allJust wanna have total controlWanna know what you think, wanna know what you doAnd they don’t think you know, but I know that you do’Cause your dollar ain’t sh ** and it’s taxed to no end’Cause of rich men north of Richmond
] Verse 2 ] I wish politicians would look out for minersAnd not just minors on an island somewhereLord, we got folks in the street, ain’t got nothin’ to eatAnd the obese milkin’ welfare ] Verse 3 ] Well, God, if you’re 5 – foot – 3 and you’re 300 poundsTaxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge roundsYoung men are puttin’ themselves six feet in the ground’Cause all this d ** n country does is keep on kickin’ them down
] Pre – Chorus ] Lord, it’s a d ** n shame what the world’s gotten toFor people like me and people like youWish I could just wake up and it not be trueBut it is, oh, it is
] Chorus ] Livin’ in the new worldWith an old soulThese rich men north of Richmond, Lord knows they allJust wanna have total controlWanna know what you think, wanna know what you doAnd they don’t think you know, but I know that you do’Cause your dollar ain’t sh ** and it’s taxed to no end’Cause of rich men north of Richmond
] Outro ] I’ve been sellin’ my soul, workin’ all dayOvertime hours for bullsh ** pay
” Rich Men North of Richmond has been uploaded to all major streaming platforms and will show up there in a few days”, Oliver Anthony wrote Thursday.
” Im however in a state of shock at the outpouring of love I’ve seen in the comments, messages and emails. I’m working to respond to everyone as quickly as possible”.
Rich Men North of Richmond has been uploaded to all major streaming platforms and will show up that in a few days.
Im also in a state of shock at the outpouring of love I’ve seen in the comments, messages and emails. I’m working to respond to everyone as quickly as possible. pic. twitter.com / iScaYp9AWQ
— Oliver Anthony(@ AintGottaDollar ) August 11, 2023
You’ve GOT to hear this heart – rending song… a withering indictment of the DC insiders who trash our dollar, tax us persistently, censor our thoughts and speech, and care solely for minors on Epstein’s island. https :// t.co / CZsr4PqCDx
— Kelly Tshibaka(@ KellyForAlaska) August 12, 2023
At the time of writing, the radiowv-posted video for” Rich Men North of Richmond” had almost 4 million views.
radiowv penned:
I was, to put it mildly, blown away when I first heard Oliver Anthony and his music. I could spend hours listening to his extensive collection of songs. Oliver lives in Farmville, Virginia, with his three dogs and a little farm that he intends to develop. Oliver is really unique and has a lot of songs planned for your viewing and listening pleasure. Hank Williams Jr. is Oliver’s biggest influence, and he wants to inspire the working class and the common hard-working young man who may have given up in the struggle to survive.
And if you’re curious, what does the song’s title mean?
The wealthy men in the area to the north of Richmond are as follows:
View the most popular video here:
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Version with lyrics:
Rich Men North of Richmond @ aintgottadollar pic is the lyrics. Twitter.com / EetRgCl2X
August 11, 2023, Jack Poso(@ JackPosobiec )
Oliver Anthony’s popular song peaked at number one on the US iTunes chart in addition to receiving millions of views on YouTube and other platforms.
In fact, Anthony, a previously undisclosed remote farmer, currently has three of the top ten songs on iTunes.
Breaking: The most popular song in America is” Rich Men North Of Richmond.”
But hold on, there’s still more!
Oliver Anthony, a remote farmer who was unidentified 48 hours before, has three songs (!) among the top ten.
Even the most well-known musicians rarely succeed in doing this.
Power comes from culture: pic. 7mifUMwqys on Twitter
— August 12, 2023, Benny Johnson(@ bennessjohnson )
Rich Men North of Richmond continues to hold the top spot at the time of writing, while Aint Gotta Dollar is ranked eighth.
The number 11 is” Ive Got to Get Sober.”
After the song gained popularity, Oliver himself recorded a video for all of his new” fans.”
Sounds like a genuine, modest man:
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Our friends at WLTReport have posted this as a guest post.
Below is the original article. 

Oliver Anthony’s “Rich Men North of Richmond” is a deeply emotional and hard-hitting film that has been praised by almost everyone. But one person does not like it. As I always say, we cannot all agree on anything.
This was close ….
Everyone but the Rich Men North Of Richmond rallied around a once-in-a generation song that was labeled as an ANTHEM of our time by many.
All the reaction videos I’ve seen online (and there are a lot) show people being blown out of their minds when they first hear the song, and then loving it more as it sinks in.
But not one guy ….
Mark Antonio Wright is a Red Ass.

Congrats Mark!
It’s not surprising that Mark writes for National Review who are on the wrong side in nearly every issue, and are very anti-Trump. So, it’s not surprising that they can’t understand the power of this song.
It’s not surprising at all.
Sad but not surprising
The article is also negatively titled, “Oliver Anthony’s Fuzzy Lament”.
Mark has a problem with the lyrics.
I’ve been working all day, selling my soul for a pittance. I can sit here and waste my time away. I can drag back home and drown away my troubles.
The majority of educated people are aware that inflation, money printing, and removing the dollar’s gold standard will destroy the value of the US dollar.
As the “Rich Men”, get richer, those who work for an honest wage don’t get that honest wage any more.
Mark writes about Red Assery at The National Review.

My brother in Christ: If you’re an able-bodied, fit man who is working “overtime for bullshit wages” in the United States of America, you need to look for a new job.

Mark, you are a complete tone deaf.
Next, he takes issue next with this line:
Young men are putting themselves six feet into the ground’Cause this damn country keeps on kicking them down
Mark has a problem with this again:

The tragedy of young males who kill themselves by drinking or using drugs — the catastrophe that is death from despair — is something we have created. The federal government, Anthony’s “rich people north of Richmond”, has played a destructive role in society. Washington is not to blame for our national illness; it’s just a symptom.

I won’t give this loser anymore attention, but let’s just let you all decide…
Even this loser’s tweets are whiney, self-righteous and bad:

Anyone who cares to read what I actually wrote — as opposed to @SohrabAhmari’s fun-house mirror parody of it – can do so here:https://t.co/HIFVMJzKYF
Mark Antonio Wright (@mawrightjr), August 17, 2023

Oliver Anthony’s online update is a great way to compare a whiney National Review author with a real American who writes powerful songs from the soul.
This guy is a real deal.

You can watch/listen to the post here.

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Watch these reactions to see what you think ….Whiney Mark or these people?
“This is a rallying cry, meant to wake up an entire generation!”
Hello, I’m Noah and I want to confess something.
I don’t know how this happened, but I spent a large part of my day watching videos of people reacting to Oliver Anthony’s viral song Rich Men North Of Richmond.
I don’t know where it all began, but YouTube recommended a video to me. Then it just spiraled out of control.
Here’s why I love watching them ….
It’s not just about the song. It’s also about what it stands for.
I haven’t heard any American who disagrees with this.
We’re all human beings and we want the same things.
We’re all sick of corrupt governments.
I’m noticing a different thing across all the groups that Liberals use to divide us.
I’m noticing that people are saying they’re Democrats, Republicans, Independents or don’t vote. Or people who are rich or poor )….it doesn’t really matter. I’ve seen people of all kinds in these reaction videos who all say the same — this is a ANTHEM. It’s a Rallying Cry.
It brings people together across all the fake divisions and fake groups the Deep State wants us to use to keep us fighting and pitted against each other.
What is the truth?
It turns out that the only real division between us and the rich men north of Richmond is the one between WE THE PEOPLE!
I knew this song was special from the first line. It’s doing great things.
This is one of my favourite reaction videos.
This guy’s reaction and face are hilarious!
But it can also be serious at other times.

Watch this amazing reaction video:

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Here’s one more I really like.
This guy says on the video that he doesn’t cast a vote because he believes the entire system is corrupt.
He’s still 100% in tune with the song.
Loves it

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Here’s another…
This one is also great:

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Comments confirm that it’s a Anthem!

I hope you like these reaction videos as much I did.
These videos show what Americans think more than any fake survey or focus group.
What’s this?
It’s just like I’ve said for a LONG time now….
We are NOT as divided as they want you to think we are.
This is not a 50/50 divided country.
This is a Country that’s much more 90/10 on most issues.
The enemy is not us vs. us.
The enemy is us vs. the Rich Men North of Richmond.
And this song just became a Rallying Cry Anthem!
An ANTHEM For Our World — Rich Men North of Richmond
I don’t know about you, but from the opening line of this song, I was captivated.
I hit play and was kind of doing 2-3 different things all at once as I tend to do, and I instantly stopped everything else I was doing to listen to this song.
It’s real.
It’s raw.
And it’s not just a great song — it’s an ANTHEM.
I was going to write that it was an Anthem for our Generation, but I had to revise that.
It’s not just for one generation…this song is resonating with almost everyone!
Exactly what this guy said:

Just one man, one guitar, a microphone and an INCREDIBLY raw and real voice.
You almost wonder how all of that energy and gravitas came out of that one man.
Dripping with emotion.
It puts to music and puts into words what all of us are feeling.
I am working to get Oliver on my show for an interview, I would LOVE to talk with him.
Hopefully we can make that happen this week.
Read the lyrics for “Rich Men North of Richmond” below:

[Verse 1]I’ve been sellin’ my soul, workin’ all dayOvertime hours for bullsh** paySo I can sit out here and waste my life awayDrag back home and drown my troubles away
[Pre-Chorus]It’s a d**n shame what the world’s gotten toFor people like me and people like youWish I could just wake up and it not be trueBut it is, oh, it is
[Chorus]Livin’ in the new worldWith an old soulThese rich men north of Richmond, Lord knows they allJust wanna have total controlWanna know what you think, wanna know what you doAnd they don’t think you know, but I know that you do’Cause your dollar ain’t sh** and it’s taxed to no end’Cause of rich men north of Richmond
[Verse 2]I wish politicians would look out for minersAnd not just minors on an island somewhereLord, we got folks in the street, ain’t got nothin’ to eatAnd the obese milkin’ welfare[Verse 3]Well, God, if you’re 5-foot-3 and you’re 300 poundsTaxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge roundsYoung men are puttin’ themselves six feet in the ground’Cause all this d**n country does is keep on kickin’ them down
[Pre-Chorus]Lord, it’s a d**n shame what the world’s gotten toFor people like me and people like youWish I could just wake up and it not be trueBut it is, oh, it is
[Chorus]Livin’ in the new worldWith an old soulThese rich men north of Richmond, Lord knows they allJust wanna have total controlWanna know what you think, wanna know what you doAnd they don’t think you know, but I know that you do’Cause your dollar ain’t sh** and it’s taxed to no end’Cause of rich men north of Richmond
[Outro]I’ve been sellin’ my soul, workin’ all dayOvertime hours for bullsh** pay

“Rich Men North of Richmond has been uploaded to all major streaming platforms and will show up there in a few days,” Oliver Anthony wrote Thursday.
“Im still in a state of shock at the outpouring of love I’ve seen in the comments, messages and emails. I’m working to respond to everyone as quickly as possible.”

Rich Men North of Richmond has been uploaded to all major streaming platforms and will show up there in a few days.
Im still in a state of shock at the outpouring of love I’ve seen in the comments, messages and emails. I’m working to respond to everyone as quickly as possible. pic.twitter.com/iScaYp9AWQ
— Oliver Anthony (@AintGottaDollar) August 11, 2023

You’ve GOT to hear this heart-rending song…a scathing indictment of the DC insiders who trash our dollar, tax us relentlessly, censor our thoughts and speech, and care only for minors on Epstein’s island. https://t.co/CZsr4PqCDx
— Kelly Tshibaka (@KellyForAlaska) August 12, 2023

The video for “Rich Men North of Richmond,” posted to YouTube by radiowv, has nearly eclipsed 4 million views at the time of writing.
radiowv writes:

When I first came across Oliver Anthony and his music, I was blown away to say the least. He had a whole collection of songs that I could listen to for hours. Oliver resides in Farmville, VA with his 3 dogs and a plot of land he plans on turning into a small farm to raise livestock. We have a whole mess of songs set to release of Oliver for your viewing and listening pleasure, he is truly special and notes his biggest influence as Hank Williams Jr. Oliver wants to give hope to the working class and your average hard working young man who may have lost hope in the grind of trying to get by.

Oh, and if you’re wondering what the headline lyric means?
THESE would be the RICH MEN located North of Richmond:

Watch the trending video:

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Lyrics version:

Lyrics Version – Rich Men North Of Richmond @aintgottadollar pic.twitter.com/3EetRgCl2X
— Jack Poso (@JackPosobiec) August 11, 2023

In addition to millions of views on YouTube and social media, Oliver Anthony’s hit song reached #1 on the US iTunes chart.
In fact, Anthony, an unknown rural farmer days ago, has three top-10 songs in the iTunes charts.

BREAKING: “Rich Men North Of Richmond” is the NUMBER ONE song in America
But wait, there’s more!
Oliver Anthony — a rural Farmer unknown just 48 hours ago — has THREE SONGS (!!!) in the Top 10.
The most famous musicians on earth often never achieve this.
Culture is Power: pic.twitter.com/7mifUMwqys
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) August 12, 2023

At the time of writing, “Rich Men North of Richmond” remains #1 and “Aint Gotta Dollar sits at #8.
“Ive Got to Get Sober” is #11.

Here is a Oliver himself recording a video to all his new “fans” after the song went viral.
Sounds like a very real and humble guy:

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This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.
View the original article here.


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