
NAACP Turns on Black Pro-Crime Soros DA

How awful is Soros DA Pamela Price? First the Asian community turned on her after she washed her hands of the murder of a 3 – year – old boy, and then the NAACP. Shouting” justice for Jasper”,” do your job”! and” victims come initially”, protestors sounded off on Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price on Monday over concerns about how she’s handing the emotionally charged Jasper Wu case.
Jasper Wu, a 23 – month – ancient boy, lost his life to a stray bullet while riding in his car seat.
Three men– Trevor Green, Johnny Jackson, and Ivory Bivens have their initial hearing on murder charges in three weeks. A member of the AAPI community asked Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price for an update on the case, and Price sent this email Tuesday that reads in part,” Our office is currently working on a partnership with the Asian Law Caucus to support AAPI victims of violence in ways that open up broader possibilities for healing and non – carceral forms of accountability”. Price then sent a hostile email blasting Asian – American critics as ignorant of” constitutional law” and argued that the gang members are” presumed innocent”. Then she accused Asian – Americans complaining about her pro – crime policies of” mob violence” and claimed that” as a descendant of people in this country who were historically subjected to mob violence in the form of lynchings, racist profiling and wrongful convictions, I am particularly sensitive to the danger of this type of comment” and proposed a forum to” better educate” Asian Americans. Price was so terrible that Rep. Eric Swalwell, of all people, brought a victim’s mother to testify against her in the House. The parents of 26 – year – ancient Blake Mohs, a Home Depot loss prevention employee, who police said was shot to death by a shoplifter in April, are deeply troubled by the lack of communication with District Attorney Pamela Price and her decision to pursue lesser charges and sentencing in the case.
Police said Knapps stole a charger for a power tool, and tried to leave the store through the loading dock when she was stopped by Blake.
Lorie said her son was shot in the chest at close range, and Knapps retrieved the item after killing him.
Since his death, the family said Price has previously reached out. It was only after regular outreach on their part, that a DA assigned to the case responded.
” The phone call was that Pamela Price was not going to meet with us, she was not going to have a conversation with us, and we discussed my concerns about the charges, and we were not being kept in the loop with my victim’s advocate along with the DA’s office”, Mohs said.
” Can you even tell us— you have this common forum, a forum that you never wanted— but to the prosecutors in this case, I hope they’re listening to this, what do you want to see as an outcome”? Rep. Eric Swalwell( D – California ) asked in that meeting.
” We should be charging this case correctly and we should be charging the case based on facts and not personal opinion or private agenda”, Mohs said. ” We should be using the judicial system as it should be used, not for personal gain but for the safety of our communities and our children. By no charging the right’ gun’ which is discharge and death, Benicia Knapps will serve little less of a sentence and the DA’s office is refusing to do so. It’s unfair that we must suffer victimization once more, and the NAACP is presently working against her. Residents were compelled to leave the area permanently as a result of the Oakland, California, NAACP legal rights organization’s soft-on-crime policies, which they claim have caused an increase in the number of shootouts and aggressive military robberies.
Numerous Oakland residents gathered for a public safety meeting on Thursday and demanded that liberal Alameda County DA Pamela Price address the city’s alarming rise in violent crime.
Residents are” tired and fatigued” of the shootings, car accidents, and highway shootouts according to the local NAACP chapter in the letter, which also pleaded with city officials to declare a state of emergency.
The group claimed that allowing criminal behavior to fester and deprive Oakland residents of their fundamental rights to common safety was neither sympathetic nor liberal.
” To want to be protected from crime is not racist or cruel. In our city, nobody should be afraid.
According to the group and Acts Full Gospel Church Bishop Bob Jackson, Price’s reluctance to bring charges against and prosecute serious offenders has” created a heyday for Oakland criminals ,” according to The Post.
No one is protected from becoming targets of criminals who have taken over Oakland’s streets due to a lack of leadership and prosecution, according to Jackson and the NAACP.
According to the group, East Oakland and different areas of the city are particularly hard hit by crime for African Americans. However, citizens of the entire city report that they do not feel secure. In downtown and uptown neighborhoods, women are brutally beaten and robbed while being targeted by young mobs.
Asians are attacked in Chinatown, according to reports. In Fruitvale, street vendors are robbed. While reporting on crime, news crews have their cameras taken. PG & amp, E employees now need private security while they are at work after being robbed. Everyone faces danger. The main thrust of DA Price’s case was that she was standing up for dark people against racism. Then that debate is over. Her sole supporters are criminals. Asians have rebelled against her. She is opposed yet by the NAACP. No one supports criminals besides Soros, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, and another wealthy light pro-crime lefties. 

How bad is Soros DA Pamela Price’s performance? The Asian community first turned against her for washing her hands of the murder a 3-year old boy. Now the NAACP.
Jasper Wu, 23-month-old Jasper Wu lost his life due to a stray gunshot while riding in his car.
In three weeks, Trevor Green, Johnny Jackson and Ivory Bivens will have their preliminary hearings on murder charges. A member of the AAPI community asked Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price for an update on the case, and Price sent this email Tuesday that reads in part, “Our office is currently working on a partnership with the Asian Law Caucus to support AAPI victims of violence in ways that open up broader possibilities for healing and non-carceral forms of accountability.”Price then sent a hostile email blasting Asian-American critics as ignorant of “constitutional law” and argued that the gang members are “presumed innocent”. Price then accused Asian-Americans of “mob-violence” for criticizing her pro-crime policy. She claimed that she was “particularly sensitive to the dangers of this type of statement” as a descendant from people who have historically been subjected to mob-violence in the form lynchings and racist profiling, and wrongful convictions”. She proposed a forum in order to “better educate Asian Americans”.
Blake stopped Knapps when she tried to leave through the loading dock.
Lorie said that her son was shot at close range in the chest, and Knapps recovered the item after killing the victim.
The family claims that Price has not reached out since his death. After persistent outreach, a DA assigned the case only responded after they had consistently contacted him.
“The phone call was to say that Pamela Price would not be meeting with us. She was not going have a conversation. We discussed my concerns regarding the charges. And we were not kept in the loop by my victim’s attorney and the DA’s Office,” Mohs stated.
Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-California, asked at the meeting: “Can you tell us also — you have this forum public, a forum you never wanted – but to the prosecutors, I hope they listen to this, what are you hoping to see as a result?”
“We should charge this case appropriately, and we should charge the case based upon facts and not personal opinions or personal agenda,” Mohs stated. “We should use the judicial system the way it should be, not for personal gains but for the safety and security of our communities and children,” Mohs said. Benicia Knapps’ sentence will be reduced by not charging her with the proper ‘gun,’ which is discharge and fatality. The DA’s Office is refusing to charge the gun. It’s not right that we are victimized again.” Now the NAACP has turned against her. The Oakland, California NAACP civil-rights organization blasted woke leaders for their softer-on-crime policy, which they claim has led to a skyrocketing number of shootouts, violent armed robberies and forced residents to leave for good.
The group released the statement on Thursday, as dozens Oakland residents packed a meeting about public safety and demanded that progressive Alameda county DA Pamela Price address the alarming increase in violent crime within the city.
In the letter, local NAACP said residents were “sick and exhausted” of the shootings. They also urged city leaders to declare an emergency.
The group wrote: “There is nothing progressive or compassionate about allowing criminal activity to fester, and robbing Oakland residents of their right to public safety.”
“It’s not racist or unkind that you want to be safe.” No one should be afraid in our city.”
The group, along Bishop Bob Jackson of Acts Full Gospel Church said Price’s refusal to charge and prosecute serious crimes, as reported by The Post has created “the proliferation anti-police rahtor and created a boom for Oakland criminals.”
Jackson and the NAACP have said that no one is safe from criminals who are now in control of Oaklands’ streets due to the lack of leadership.
The group stated that “African Americans in East Oakland are disproportionately affected by crime.” Residents from all over the city have reported that they don’t feel safe. Young mobs target women in the downtown and uptown areas and brutally beat and rob them.
“Asians are attacked in Chinatown.” Fruitvale is robbed of street vendors. While reporting on crime, news crews had their cameras stolen. PG&E employees are robbed, and now need private security when out working. “Everyone is in danger.”DA Price made the argument that she was defending African Americans against racism. This argument is now dead. Her only constituents were criminals. Even the NAACP is against her. Even the NAACP has turned against her.


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