Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s outstanding contributions in Barack Obama: The Real Legacy: How He Transformed America, published by Jamie Glazov. Suicide rates have increased by about 40 % since 2001, while religious identity has decreased by 25 %. These apparently random statistics are part of a web that describes the modern malaise in America. A country that had been a worldwide role model for modern society has collapsed in just one generation. In a nation that is more separated than ever, ancient demons like racism are raging once more. After a fantastic science fiction story, another civil war now seems almost inevitable. America has become a disaster area in almost every statistic that touches on our cultural ties. We are disintegrating as individuals, families, cities, and our country. Everywhere you look, you’ll find suicide rates, drug overdoses, industrial collapse, crime waves, hate, violence, fear, and economical decline. Most Americans don’t think there will be anything better in the future. There are several possible explanations for what is happening, but the most fundamental one is that we are the plane falling from the sky after all the rivets holding it up were removed. The rivets were the things that politicians boast about and that bind us up; without them, we are only defined by our differences. We are separate entities that are descending to earth. Religion was fundamentally one thing. Because shared values underpinned the rage, religious communities in America were able to withstand crises like the American Civil War and the legal rights fights. Although religion is not the only issue, it is a significant indicator that we no longer share values. We were left with little more than accidents of geography, social class, race, tastes, politics, and different factors that define us as our defining identities as a result of the destruction of our nation and faith. What we oppose defines the spiritual driving force behind a philosophical society where nothing is sacred. The highest value eventually came from bad outrage more than any motivation for good. The communist ideology that changed the nation after Communism fell is devoid of any believable vision of a better world. A movement that is characterized by its hatred of the status quo quickly replaces the poor gesturing toward healthcare in Europe or China’s fast trains. The spiritual fervor of leftists has often been found in the theories of class warfare conspiracy, tales of oppressed workers, strikers battling the bosses, bomb throwers sabotaging capitalism, and innovative vanguards overthrowing kings; however, this had previously been dismissed as a transient stage. Violence and hatred have then become the destination rather than the journey. According to anti-racism, racism will continue as much as whiteness does. Even if all white people or heterosexual males are eliminated, the intellectual residue of whiteness, patriarchy, heteronormativity, cisness and another thought crimes that have yet to be revealed will probably not be removed from consciousness, which offers no hope of a better world. The long-failed attempts at” Real Communism” in Russia, China, and various autocratic red states have led to the admission that utopia will rarely materialize. The only thing leftists can do is join an Totalitarian ongoing cycle of purges against those who oppose their ideals. The inevitable result of attempting to actively realize an impossibly ideal and then, after it had failed, defining the movement around a perpetual hostility to conservatives and traditionalists with no end in sight was that kind of” Oppositionism.” In a society where nothing is divine and all that’s left is hatred of one another, oppositionism is what is left. If there is nothing really spiritual and nothing higher to aspire to, therefore what separates us is what defines us, and we are just required to know what we despise. Because these are the things that the people they hate now despise, it is incumbent on” progressives” to embrace them. The madness of oppositionism causes Democrat moms to take their young children to drag shows and buy them copies of Ibram X. Kendi’s” Anti-Racial Baby” board book. If conservatives came out against child sacrifice at the current rate, there would be a line to deliver their kids to Moloch throughout powerful, awake suburbs. Such things would be incomprehensible in a society where things like human life and children’s innocence are divine, but in one where” nothing sacred” is the norm, what seems divine must make way for what we despise. Nothing sacred— certainly not religion— can withstand the power of hatred, not even the most basic primitive tribes’ values like protecting women and children. In order to set ourselves apart from what we despise, we must destroy who we are. Some college women would have been willing to give up the hard-won female privilege of female sports a generation earlier in order to provide for some mentally ill men. However, it became a tenet of faith that men who claim to be women have transcended biology and that questioning that is an act of hatred due to the combined forces of awoke identity politics and, almost equally important, conventional opposition. In order to not only demonstrate their virtue but also set themselves apart from the despised other tribe that they have been cursed to temporarily share parts of the country with, the postmodern moloch of wokeness demands that its adherents sacrifice what is most precious to them — children, both born and unborn, masculinity and femininity, athletic opportunity, honor, and morality. The new pagans castrate themselves in order to reject toxic masculinity, conventional gender roles, and everything else they have been taught is evil, whereas the old pagan castrated themselves to worship the” divine.” People who define themselves by rejecting what they despise ultimately lose themselves and destroy both their bodies and their souls. That is what America is going through. It has always been a insane fantasy to think that some sort of uplifting vision would appear in the waning days of religion. Religion was replaced by personality cults, such as those of Hitler and Stalin, as well as more recent examples, by bloodthirsty consumerism, and by a politics that permeated everything. Leftists vowed that their political system would be able to fulfill what religion could merely guarantee in exchange for complete submission and commitment. A hundred million lives were lost as a result of their failures. Politics is also prevalent despite the philosophical foundations being destroyed, and its promise is to destroy everything else. Something better might merely emerge in an ambiguous way once everything is gone. However, nobody really expects it to happen. This is oppositionism at its most blatant, with just the ruins of victory for a future and no hope. An oppositionist society is misanthropic, existing for the destruction of its enemies and hoping and dreaming only of death, in contrast to a spiritual society, which is working toward something. Because oppositionism has no idea what victory yet looks like, it cannot prevail. It hardly bothers to think about it because, deep down, it has lost hope in humanity and doesn’t think it can prevail. Religion’s decline and the belief that there is a” sacred” worth constructing and guarding have left behind fleeting feelings, mob movements, and outbursts, but nothing that lasts. When a new outrage occurs, the divine conviction of the moment is abandoned, as it was in the wake of September 11, 2001. And there are always fresh outrages and convictions in oppositionism. A divine society serves the importance of what we believe in rather than calling for a theocracy because the union of the church and state is bad for both. In societies that have lost the understanding that life matters and that there is a higher purpose to our existence, movements, like wakingness, that cannot yet conjure up an implausible conception of the positive tend to form. While the oppositionist imagination is determined to divide us in order to support its jaded view of human nature, the divine imagination gazes in awe beyond the horizon in search of what drives us to be more than we are. We are biological meat machines driven by hereditary predestination and primitive impulses that can be easily controlled by those with the cunning and audacity to impose their will on us, whereas to the sacred, we are children of a higher power. The sudden but fundamental difference between the sacred and the extreme is this: can we transcend ourselves? Is man complimentary or a slave? Was he created for better things? If you respond to the question, you will comprehend the movement, its nature, and its suffering. Why shouldn’t genetic slaves who have been denied the possibility of transcendence or sacredness commit suicide? Why should they think that tomorrow will be better than today in any way? Icebergs are melting, capitalism is disintegrating, extinction is imminent, and humanity will disappear. What else is there to actually do but harbor animosity and violence toward the opposing tribe? Real ideals like religion save us from this savage despair. Oppositionism offers nothing more than the chance to burn it all down in a last funeral pyre in the final act of cultural suicide when its grand promises have failed and plunge societies again into that despair. This is the ultimate goal of a society in which nothing is divine, both personally and collectively. Civil war outcomes are gauged no just by what is destroyed but also by the things that are constructed. The United States of America emerged from a civil war between loyalists and rebels. We might want to think about what construction would result from a civil war as we approach the edge of it.
[Editor’s Note: Be sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s masterpiece contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama Since 2001, suicide rates have increased by about 40% and religious identity has decreased by 25%. These statistics, which seem random, are actually data points that define America’s postmodern malaise. Within a generation an entire nation that was once In a nation that is more divided than before, old demons such as racism are roaring back. Once a science fiction story, another civil war now seems inevitable. America is a disaster in almost every statistic that relates to social bonds. From individuals to families to cities to the nation, we’re falling apart There are many signs of economic decline, such as rising crime rates, high suicide rates, urban collapses, and drug overdoses. The majority of Americans do not believe that the future will be better. There are many reasons for this, but the most basic is that we’re the Politicians talk about the rivets, but they are what hold us together. Without them, we’re defined by what divides us. Religion was the fundamental unity. We are separate parts falling to earth. The commonalities of religion allowed America to weather crises such as the civil war or civil rights struggles, because shared values were underlying the anger. Religion is not the only thing that is causing us to lose our shared values. The highest value became negative outrage rather than any drive towards the good. After the fall communism, the leftist ideologies that transformed the country lacked any credible vision for a better future. The leftists’ moral passion has always been the class warfare conspiracy theories. They have told stories of oppressed workers and strikers fighting with Now the violence and hate have become not the journey, but the destination.Anti-racism contends that racism will exist as long as whiteness does. Wokeness offers no hope for a better future, but only a resistance to the old. Even if it destroys all white people or Leftists are only able to sign up for a perpetual Orwellian cycle of purges, which is a result of trying to In a society where nothing is sacred, we would never accept such things. But in a ‘nothing sacred’ society, we must In a society that values human life and innocence, such things are unthinkable. But in a “nothing sacred” society, everything The combined forces of woke identity and conservative opposition have made it a tenet that men who claim to be women have transcended their People who define themselves through the rejection of things they dislike end up losing themselves and destroying their bodies and souls. That is what is happening in America Religion was replaced by personality cults, such as those of Hitler and Stalin and more recent examples, cannibalistic consumption, and Their failures cost them a hundred millions lives as a deposit. The political system is still in place, despite the fact that the theoretical foundations are in ruins. Its promise is to destroy everything else. The only way something better could emerge is if everything was destroyed. No one expects it to happen. This is oppositionism in its most extreme form, with no future and no hope, only the ruins and Oppositionism can’t win because it doesn’t know what victory looks like. It doesn’t even bother to dwell on it because it has lost faith in man and does not believe it can win. In the aftermath of 9/11 for example, the sacred convictions of one moment are thrown out when a new outrage occurs. In oppositionism there are always new outrages. A sacred society does not call for a state-church union, as it is unhealthy for The sacred imagination searches for what makes us want to be more. The oppositionist imagination divides us in order to justify their cynical view To the sacred we are children of higher powers, while to the opposing we are biological meat-machines driven by genetic predestination, crude impulse Why should they think that tomorrow will be better than today? The icebergs melt, capitalism collapses, extinction is near and mankind will disappear. Religion, true ideals can save us from this barbaric desperation. When oppositionism’s grandiose promise fails, it plunges societies into despair and offers nothing more than an opportunity to burn everything down in a funeral pyre, in the ultimate act social suicide. The United States of America was born out of a civil conflict between loyalists (or rebels) and rebels. We may want to consider the outcome of a civil conflict as we near its precipice.