
President Trump Rips Pelosi: “A Psycho Who Will Someday Live In HELL!”

You’ve got to love this guy, man! Nancy Pelosi only received a baseball bat from President Trump.
President Trump, as usual, not punches second.
In fact, he made that observation.
He recalled how Paul Pelosi and the man in his underwear were staying over at his house and holding the hammer when Nancy and he were having all of their problems.
a commercial
Up then, President Trump made no comment.
However, he decided it was time to” break his silence” when Nancy Pelosi suddenly attacked him over the most recent indictment.
One of the only appropriate applications of” breaks his silence” is in a memo to various publishers. I apologize; it’s just one of my pet peeves. Okay, the rant is around.
In real Trump style, this is stunning.
For another eight years, we need this man in the White House!
This should dispel any uncertainty there may have been about how President Trump will lead during his upcoming term.
He will stop attempting to blend into any fictitious” decorum.”
The gloves have been removed.
The rules have been disregarded ( by Biden )…
And the game is now over.
And it will be magnificent!
By the way, did we actually learn what transpired regarding Paul Pelosi’s gay lover and the entire incident?
I apologize, correction: ALLEGED gay lover?
Whatever it was— gay lover or not— it was freaky!
The final we knew was:
Released 911 Call by Paul Pelosi, And It’s causing Way More Questions
What is happening here?
We received the bodycam video of the Paul Pelosi break-in when police arrived yesterday.
In case you missed it, I’ll post it under.
Virtually nothing in that video is coherent.
a commercial
And today we receive a 911 call.
Watch this second, and then we’ll discuss it:
Release of the 911 call by Paul Pelosi And it’s posing more queries than solutions! pic. 90sttDMSSo on twitter.com
— January 28, 2023, DailyNoah.com(@ DailyNoohNews )
a backup around
Breaking: A picture of the 911 call from the evening of Paul Pelosi’s attack has been made public. twitter.com / Abfc9lfmwp
January 27, 2023, ALX(@ alx )
There is a lot here that makes no sense when more.
I’ve not broken into someone’s home, and thank goodness I haven’t ever had someone break into mine, but if there is an intruder in your house, I can be very sure that they will not let you call 911 and will most certainly not take part in the call and give their name to the 911 operator!
Everyone is perplexed, and these releases are doing no good:
Then there are so many contradictory details that I really find myself in the middle of https :// t.co / ODXnUUxxEQ
james on crack(@ jamesoncrack99 ) January 27, 2023
Who among the intruders calls the police by their name? Simply saying it’s quite complicated
james on crack (@ jamesoncrack99 ) January 27, 2023
merely chit-chatting informally?
What only occurred? They were merely conversing with her. Both of them? The bizarreness of this only grows.
— January 27, 2023 (@ GAonMyMind99 )
I believe we can all concur on this.
I’m assuming that this operator was let go about three months back:
possibly the century’s worst 911 operator.
January 27, 2023, Billboard Chris(@ BillboardChris )
Details don’t add up:
That is strange! A man is waiting for his wife to return, Paul remarked. He claims he doesn’t believe it to be the case for health or police. He questioned David,” What does he think?” Paul claims he doesn’t know David, but David voluntarily gives his name and claims to be a friend of theirs. Odd.
— January 27, 2023, GraftedIn(@ GraftedI2 )
This is the main query I have.
Why doesn’t David simply rip the phone off?
I was surprised that” David” didn’t simply take Paul’s phone. The entire conversation is strange. Paul and David both sound composed.
— Kay Davis, aka DavisKaydavis, January 27, 2023
This also seems to be true.
Most probably, Paul was drunk, which contributed to some of the strangeness.
a few points Paul appeared confused or under the influence as he attempted to explain a pretty odd arrangement that was taking place. The man recording the conversation in the background appeared unaware that Paul was on a 911 call. Therefore the back-and-forth responses.
— January 27, 2023, Amilti79(@ AdamMiltedin )
What are your thoughts?
And then that’s another rabbit hole for everyone who missed the bodycam footage!
Everything that makes no sense about the Paul Pelosi video is listed below.
Was this a staged event?
I’ll present the information to you for your consideration.
Let’s begin with the actual video.
Watch this video in case you haven’t seen it yet:
Bodycam footage of Paul Pelosi!
pic. Twitter.com / Qa9Bsg7PO
January 27, 2023, DailyNoah.com(@ DailyNoohNews )
Let’s then dissect all of my questions.
Beginning with this:
They’re both grinning in the picture. 29hFDGF4g on twitter.com
— January 27, 2023, Goonie Googoo (@ goonsegoegoo111 )
Why do they both have smiles on their faces?
Would you be grinning if your house had only been broken into?
Do you smile when you open the door if the police are at your door?
a commercial
Second, despite watching this repeatedly, the audio does not match their lips.
Perhaps so, who is speaking?
Pay close attention and observe:
There is a serious problem around. I’ve watched this more than ten times, but I still can’t identify the speakers.
The audio I’m hearing doesn’t match the lips on either of the men.
Keep an eye on yourself.
Who is speaking now? t.co / 74KXoZnvWb
January 28, 2023, DailyNoah.com (@ DailyNoohNews )
This is true and interesting.
These men appear to have been hanging out rather than being attacked:
DubsAN90 status 1619138030102790144 https :// twitter.com
There are MANY comments that simply state that it appears” weird” and” staged.”
I concur:
Weird. appear staged
January 28, 2023, Max(@ maxven3 )
I don’t think it’s the actual video.
January 27, 2023, Cehall09(@ Cehall09.Carmel )
Next, we have the door.
Who opens the door, please? Watch once more.
Marketheright status 1619143283711827968 is available at https :// twitter.com.
Only swings available, that’s all!
Is that a door that opens on its own?
— January 27, 2023, Decentralized Intelligence (@ ElliottWaveTech )
Can you say” staged” and” fake”?
And this is the alleged video of the true break-in:
DePape broke into the Pelosi home, according to surveillance footage that was even made public. Keep in mind that some right-wing conspiracy theorists asserted the break-in was staged. pic. twitter.com / EuVcXmPM4O
— January 27, 2023, nikki mccann ramrez(@ NikkiMcR )
Below is Tucker’s evaluation:
Tucker on the Part 1 of the Paul Pelosi video. kzjq9KGayX on twitter.com
— January 28, 2023, DailyNoah.com (@ DailyNoohNews )
The video appears extremely regular and supports the MSM story, according to a guest who is attempting to advance the narrative:
Tucker on the Part 2 of the Paul Pelosi video. twitter.com / GFtmh3bDPc
January 28, 2023, DailyNoah.com(@ DailyNoohNews )
Do you believe that?
I’m curious to know what YOU think!
This is a Guest Post from our WLTReport friends.
View the unique article right here. 

Man, you’ve got to love this guy.President Trump just used a baseball bat on Nancy Pelosi…
As usual, Trump never strikes first.
He did in fact point this out.
He said that he deliberately bucked his tongue when Nancy Pelosi was having all her troubles. Remember Paul Pelosi, the guy in his underwear who was staying at his house with the hammer and stayed over there?

President Trump has never commented on the matter.
When Nancy Pelosi attacked his silence out of the blue about the latest indictment he decided that it was time “to break his silence”.
NOTE: This is the only time “breaks his silent” can be used correctly. Sorry, but it’s a pet peeve. Ok, rant over.
This is a beautiful ….

We need him back in the White House 8 more years.
This should eliminate any doubts about how Donald Trump will govern during his next term.
He will no more try to fit in with any fake “decorum”.
The gloves are off ….
The rules have been shredded by Biden )….
Now it’s time to play.
And it’s going to be glorious!
By the way, have we ever found out what happened to that whole affair with Paul Pelosi’s homosexual lover?
Sorry, I’m sorry.
It was weird no matter if you were a gay lover or not.
Here’s what we last knew:
Paul Pelosi 911 call released…and it’s causing way more questions
What’s going on?
Yesterday, we received the bodycam video of the Paul Pelosi burglary when police responded.
If you missed it, I’ll post it below.
This video is almost completely meaningless.

Today we receive a 911 call.
Watch this first, and then we will talk about it.

The 911 call of Paul Pelosi has been released ….and is raising more questions than it answers! pic.twitter.com/90sttDMSSo
DailyNoah.com – (@DailyNoahNews), January 28, 2023

Back here:

BREAKING: The 911 Call from the night of the attack on Paul Pelosi has been released pic.twitter.com/Abfc9lfmwp
ALX (@alx), January 27, 2023

There are a lot of things here that make no sense.
I’ve not broken into anyone’s home, and I’m glad to say that I’ve also never had someone break into mine. But I’m pretty certain if you have an intruder inside your home, they won’t let the intruder call 911. And they certainly won’t give their name and participate in the call!
These releases do not help.

Then there’s this so much conflicting information I’m really in the middle rn https://t.co/ODXnUUxxEQ
— james On Crack (@jamesoncrack99), January 27, 2023

What intruder calls out their name to the police? I’m just saying it’s very confusing
— james On Crack (@jamesoncrack99), January 27, 2023

Just casually chatting with someone?

What just happened? They were just talking to her. Both of them? This is getting more bizarre.
— (@GAonMyMind99), January 27, 2023

I think we all agree on this.
I assume that this operator was fired about 3 months ago.

The worst 911 operator ever?
Billboard Chris (@BillboardChris), January 27, 2023

Details don’t add up:

That’s weird! Paul said that a man was waiting for his wife’s return. He says that he does not think so in the case of medical or police. He asked David to tell him what he thought. David gives his name and says that he is a friend, but Paul claims he does not know him. Strange.
GraftedIn (@GraftedIn2), January 27, 2023

This is my biggest question…
Why doesn’t David simply rip away the phone?

Surprised that ‘David,’ didn’t just remove the phone from Paul. The whole exchange is bizarre. Both Paul and David sound calm.
Kay Davis (@DavisKaydavis), January 27, 2023

This also seems to be accurate.
Most likely Paul was drunk and that’s what caused some of the strangeness.

Couple points. Paul appeared disoriented or under influence as he tried to explain a very odd arrangement that was going on. The guy in background sounded as if he didn’t know that Paul was on a 911 call… he was recording the conversation. Then, the back and forth responses.
Amilti79, (@AdamMiltin), January 27, 2023

What do you think about?
Now, for those who missed the bodycam video, here’s a new rabbit hole.
Here’s everything about the Paul Pelosi video that makes NO sense!
Was this a staged event?
I’ll tell you the facts, but YOU decide.
Let’s begin with the actual footage.
If you haven’t watched it yet, click here:

Paul Pelosi bodycam footage!
DailyNoah.com – (@DailyNoahNews), January 27, 2023

Let’s now break down the questions that I have.
Start with this:

They’re both smiling… pic.twitter.com/29hFDGgF4g
— Goonie Googoo (@gooniegoogoo111) January 27, 2023

Why are they both laughing?
Would you smile if your house was broken into?
When the police knock on your door, do you smile?

Next, I’ve watched it over and over again and the audio doesn’t match their lips…
Who is even speaking?
Watch carefully and see:

There’s something very wrong here ….I have watched this video 10+ times and still can’t tell who is talking.
The audio I hear doesn’t match the lips of either man.
Watch for yourself.
Who is speaking? https://t.co/74KXoZnvWb
DailyNoah.com – (@DailyNoahNews), January 28, 2023

This is funny, but true.
These guys looked like they were just hanging out and not in the middle of an attack:
Many people have commented that it looks “weird”, “staged”, and “staged”.
I agree

Strange. Look like staged
Max (@maxven3), January 28, 2023

I don’t think it is the real video
Cehall09 (@Cehall09Carmel), January 27, 2023

The door is the next option.
Watch again and tell us: who opened the door?
It swings open!

Is this a self-opening front door?
Decentralized Intelligence (@ElliottWaveTech), January 27, 2023

Can you say “fake”, “staged”, and “staged” in English?
Here is the (alleged video) footage of the actual break in:

DePape’s break-in to the Pelosi residence was also captured on surveillance footage. Remember that many right-wing conspiracy theorists said the break in was staged. pic.twitter.com/EuVcXmPM4O
— nikki mccann ramirez (@NikkiMcR) January 27, 2023

Here is Tucker’s Analysis:

Tucker on the Paul Pelosi footage (Part 1) pic.twitter.com/kzjq9KGayX
DailyNoah.com – (@DailyNoahNews), January 28, 2023

A guest is trying to push a narrative that the video appears super normal and confirms MSM’s story:

Tucker on the Paul Pelosi footage (Part 2) pic.twitter.com/GFtmh3bDPc
DailyNoah.com – (@DailyNoahNews), January 28, 2023

You buying this?
I’d love to know what YOU think about this!
This is a guest post from our friends at WLTReport.
Original article can be viewed here.


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