
TRUMP CONFIRMS: The DoD and Space Force Have The REAL Results From The 2020 Election

I’m re-running the video interview that we first posted last week because I only watched it once and still find it hard to believe. And I am aware that many of the family vacations we had last week were missed.
After seeing this, get ready to stand up and applaud because it really is amazing in so many ways.
Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes is the subject of this brand-new interview on England’s GBN( which, I assume, stands for Great Britain News ).
Social strategist Dr. Halper-Hayes was a member of the Trump Transition Team and frequently appears on the BBC, CNBC, CNN, and Breitbart.
She makes a number of STUNNING claims in less than ten minutes, of which I’ll only mention the following:
First, SpaceForce recorded the actual 2020 election results.
2- The Department All the goods and evidence belong to Defense! — of the theft in 2020. They have been holding off on showing the British public because they were aware that doing so would have sparked the Civil War.
Dr. Halper-Haynes is seated( or has sat )? has in-depth knowledge of this information and serves on a DOD Task Force.
4. The Internet-wide rumor that the United States is a penniless corporation is Real.
5- When Trump went to see the Queen and the Vatican, he broke his promise.
6- The now-dissolved former corporation
7 – Trump removed all of our gold from the Vatican, and returning it required 650 aircraft.
Wow, you must admit.
Oh no, the Trump Card is ok!
a commercial
A Much time has passed. It’s also on the way!
” They have the goods!”
Democratic commentator and former vice president of Republicans Overseas Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes revealed this morning to a British morning news program that she serves on the DOD Task Force and that the Space Force has proof of the 2020 election that was stolen.
Halper, Hayes, and a picture. VFDCJiRAZx on Twitter
— August 4, 2023, DailyNoah.com (@ DailyNoohNews )
She also described how Trump will then use the legal system and Jack Smith’s new subpoena authority to release information to the public.
What a genius!
Trump is on to deal an ace, so pay close attention. The two Jan Halper-Hayes interviewers don’t seem to comprehend the Trump team’s deft maneuvering, in my opinion.
He has the authority to call witnesses and subpoena. Everything is about to be revealed. Trump has all the proof that he has the goods.
Great journalists, but this place seems a little dull. This makes me think of Liz Truss’s Putin-handling efforts. totally beyond their capabilities. USA # TrumpArrest #
Trump is on to deal an ace, so pay close attention. The two interviewing Jan Halper and Hayes don’t seem to comprehend the Trump team’s deft maneuvering, in my opinion.
He has the authority to call witnesses and subpoena. Everything is about to be revealed. Trump has the goods, as shown in the image. twitter.com / faFpJn8p9A
August 4, 2023, Jim Ferguson(@ JimFergusonUK )
She served on Trump’s Transition team, which is a pleasure fact. http :// // t. XhElY7VJS4 co
@ NotoriousLMC photo V5p1JABvKv on twitter.com
— August 4, 2023, UltraMJTruth (@ MJtruthUltra )
From MJ Truth, more these:
Smokes, sacred! Take a listen!
The US is a BANKRUPT CORPORATION – SPACE FORCE, according to Jan Halper-Haynes, who serves on the Department of Defense’s TaskForce. He discusses how the DoD andamp, Trump, have all the cards in the 2020 election.
Yet though they believed they would pursue him for treason or sedition, they actually did unlawfully charge him, but they didn’t go to that extreme.” They’ve made a HUGE BIG mistake with this one.”
He has credited process as a result, allowing him to subpoena people and intervene.
Regarding the upcoming election in 2020, let me say something. Although Biden is the rightful president, he also serves as the current president of BANKRUPT US CORPORATION.
In 1871, that was a SA treaty. Trump issued a on September 12, 2018. Order of Execution. In that, he specified any foreign or domestic interference, exclusively for the 2020 election, in any upcoming elections.
( The EO Fam Joe Biden keeps renewing is 13848. )
How did he anticipate some of these events? & gt,
This has allowed Trump to present his case, which is what it has done. & gt,
Jack Smith made a serious error by doing that.
Consider Edward Snowden and all the knowledge he possessed.
Consider the fact that our military, the Department of Defense, SPACE FORCE… If you believe they lack access to the election’s real results, you are deluding yourself. The & gt, the,
a commercial
She continues by mentioning 2000 mules and the 60 court cases that were disregarded by the media.
” There were 3 … he won 2 andamp, lost 1, and because they had no standing, 57 were not heard.” Standing entails a claim of impact or injury made by the party bringing the case. The & gt, the,
I am a member of the Department of Defense’s task force, and they are competent. Trump believed that the public needed to see how bad things could actually get if he presented the evidence of the goods earlier on.
Rumble has a backup of the entire interview:
Many of the same details are also confirmed by Trump’s attorney John Lauro:
Hey Deep State, watch what you wish for!
We can now issue our personal subpoenas in this situation. And we’ll resolve every one election-related issue. It presents President Trump with a chance to exercise his subpoena power, which he has always had before. ” pic. twitter.com / MWorFb9rF7
— August 1, 2023, Liz Harrington (@ realLizUSA )
Then … What’s the REALLY great news, do you want to know?
Because some of you are already saying,” She’s just a kook!” ” Or” she is completely ignorant!
Before you actually say it, I already know what you’re going to say.
And everything might be honest if I didn’t have some excellent news to share with you.
I’ve been stating my theory — that President Trump already has ALL the evidence — for years.
What proof is there?
Confirmation of the 2020 Election Steal( from that SCIF, we know they watched and recorded everything in real time )
The Biden Family’s treason is covered in full.
All the proof of President Trump’s numerous illegal actions, which also amount to election interference and treason, to name a few crimes …
That has been my theory, at least.
He seems WAY to peaceful to me to be handling all of this if he didn’t already know that they had won. Call it common sense, intuition, gut feeling, or reading between the lines, but in light of everything they’ve done to him and his family.
He holds the Trump Card, if he wasn’t previously aware of it.
That has therefore been my working theory.
Finally, last week, Jan Halper-Hayes, a woman, appeared on GBN and declared that the theory was entirely accurate.
She generally reaffirmed my theory verbatim and even went further than I could have ever imagined.
We talked about it, which was exciting, but after a few different events, the story is now moving forward.
Don Jr. began by posting a link to her complete interview, effectively endorsing it.
That’s great, but the temperature isn’t 45.
……. … 45 did it later, though.
no just reposted it, but also endorsed it categorically and verified its veracity.
Look at this:
To confirm, below is a backup screenshot:
Baby, oh baby!
I assured you that it was excellent.
Never just me, but others are also noticing it.
StormIsUponUs beautifully encapsulated it:
Imagine the widespread severe panic that is currently sweeping the deep state as a result of President Trump’s recent repost of this video on Truth Social, in which he praises Dr. Jan Halper-Haynes for being” great.”
When he said,” We caught them all ,” did you believe him to be joking? pic. Mnm32PcYH1 on twitter.com
On August 7, 2023, TheStormHas Arrived(@ TheStormRedux )
You’re going to LOVE how this movie ends, I told you, and it’s almost through!
Please participate in our fresh poll as well:
Which candidate — Trump or Biden — should attend GITMO?
Our friends at WLTReport have posted this as a guest post.
Below is the original article. 

I am re-running the video interview we originally posted last Thursday because I just watched again and still can’t believe it. And I know that many people were on family vacations during last week, so they may have missed it.
It is truly incredible on many levels.
This is a brand-new interview with Dr. Jan Halper Hayes on England’s GBN.
Dr. Halper Hayes is a political consultant who was a member of the Trump Transition Team. She is a frequent visitor on BBC, CNBC and CNN.
I’ll mention a few of her STUNNING claims in less than 10 minutes.

SpaceForce captured real results of the 2020 elections
The Dept. The Department of Defense has the full evidence — the whole package! The 2020 theft. They waited to show the American people because they knew that if they did so immediately, it would have caused a Civil War.
Dr. Halper Hayes sits or sat on a DOD Task Force and has unique knowledge of this information. On a DOD Task Force, Dr. Halper-Hayes has unique knowledge about this information
The Internet theory that the U.S. is a bankrupt company is TRUE
Trump terminated the deal when he visited Queen Elizabeth II and the Vatican
6 – The defunct company is now dissolved
7 – Trump brought all of our gold home from the Vatican, and it took 650 aircraft to do so

Wow, right?
Oh, baby, here comes Trump Card!

LONG, LONG Awaited ….it’s still coming!

“They have the goods!”
Dr. Jan Halper Hayes, a Republican commentator and former Vice President of Republicans Overseas, told a British Morning News Show today that she is a member of a DOD Task Force. She also said that Space Force had evidence of the 2020 rigged election.
Halper-Hayes also… pic.twitter.com/VFDCJiRAZx
DailyNoah.com @DailyNoahNews August 4, 2023

She also explained that Trump will use the legal process, as well as the subpoena powers Jack Smith has given him, to get all the information out to the public.
How brilliant!

Listen closely: Trump is about play an ace. I don’t believe the two interviewing Jan Halper Hayes understand the clever maneuvering of the Trump team.
He can summon witnesses and subpoena them. All the truth is about to come out. “Trump has the goods” He has all the evidence.
Nice journalists, but they come across as a bit dim. Liz Truss’s attempt to deal with Putin reminds me of this. They are completely out of their depth. #TrumpArrest #USA

Listen closely: Trump is about play an ace. I don’t believe the two interviewing Jan Halper Hayes understand the clever maneuvering of the Trump team.
He can summon witnesses and subpoena them. It’s about to all come out. “Trump has got the goods” He has the evidence of it… pic.twitter.com/faFpJn8p9A
Jim Ferguson (@JimFergusonUK), August 4, 2023

Fun Fact… she was on Trumps Transition team.https://t.co/XhElY7VJS4
@TheNotoriousLMC pic.twitter.com/v5p1JABvKv
UltraMJTruth August 4, 2023

More from MJ Truth.

Holy smokes! Listen to this!
Jan Halper-Hayes who is on a TaskForce of the Department of Defense, talks about Trump’s Subpoena Power & EO 13848 – How the DoD & Trump has all the good on the 2020 Election…
“They made a huge mistake with this one… Even though they thought they were going to go for him for treason, or sedition but they did criminally charged him, but didn’t go that extreme.
He has the right to due process, so he is able to subpoena and bring in things.
Let me say a few words about the 2020 elections. Biden is the legitimate President, but he is a legitimate President of what is now BANKRUPT US COMPANY.
It was a SA treaty of 1871. On September 12, 2018, Trump created an. Executive Order. In it, he described any foreign or domestic interference in future elections, specifically the 2020 election.
The EO Fam that Joe Biden renews is 13848.
How did he predict some of these events ?..>
This has opened the door for Trump’s case ….>
Jack Smith has made a terrible mistake in doing that…
Consider Edward Snowden and all the information that he had.
You’re deluding yourself if you believe that our military, Department of Defense and SPACE FORCE don’t know the real results of the election. ….>>

She then goes on to discuss 2000 mules, 60 court cases that were rejected ….
“There were three… he lost one and won two, 57 people were never heard for lack of standing. Standing is when the person who brings the case must claim some sort of injury ….>>
I am on a taskforce at the Department of Defense and they have the goods. And Trump knew that if he revealed the truth early, we would have a Civil War. He felt the people needed to see just how bad things could get.

Rumble has the full interview available here.
John Lauro is Trump’s lawyer and he confirms the same details.

Be careful what you wish!
“We have the power to issue our subpoenas in this case. We will litigate every issue in the 2020 Election. It gives President Trump an opportunity that he has never had before, which is to have subpoena power.” pic.twitter.com/MWorFb9rF7
— Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) August 1, 2023

You want to know what’s really good?
I can hear some of you already saying: “She’s a kook!”
I can tell what you are going to say even before you say it.
You may think that I am being unfair, but I have some good news to share with you ….

Years ago, I told you that I believed President Trump had ALL the evidence.
What is the evidence?
Confirmation of 2020 Election Steal. (We know they watched it and logged everything in realtime on that SCIF )…
The truth about the Biden family treason…
All the evidence of the many unconstitutional actions taken by President Trump, which also amount to Treason or election interference, to name a few crimes ….
This is my theory.
It could be common sense, intuition, gut feeling, or reading between lines. But in light of all that has been thrown at him and to his family he seems WAY too calm for me to believe he would be handling this if he hadn’t already known he won ….
If he doesn’t know already that he has the Trump Card.
That’s my working theory.
Last week, a woman named Jan Halper Hayes appeared on GBN to tell the world that this theory is 100% accurate.
She basically repeated my theory word for word and even went further than anything I have ever speculated.
We covered it, and that was exciting. But then other things happened, and that’s how we are now advancing the story.
First, Don Jr. shared a link to the full interview. This was his way of approving it.
It’s cool but it’s 45.
…….but 45 did it.
Not only did he repost it, but he also gave it his clear approval and confirmed that it was TRUE.
Have a look at:
Here is another screenshot to confirm.

Oh, Baby!
I told you it was good!
I’m not alone in noticing it ….
StormIsUponUs summarized it perfectly:

Imagine the extreme panic that is spreading in the deep state after President Trump reposted this video to Truth Social and called Dr. Jan Halper Hayes “fantastic.”
Did you think that he was joking when he said “we caught all of them”? pic.twitter.com/mnm32PcYH1
— TheStormHasArrived @TheStormRedux August 7, 2023

You are going to love the ending!
Please vote in our new poll.
NATIONAL POLL – Trump or Biden, who should go to GITMO?

This is a guest post from our friends at WLTReport.
Original article can be viewed here.


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