California, in accordance with Gov. Everyone with particular regard for race, creed, and physical fetish has the right to wear a mask and be castrated at taxpayer expense in Newsom, the land of freedom and opportunity. In fact, California’s government websites have a” suspended states list” because the state is so liberated. Outside of the Civil War, I don’t believe such a thing existed, but ever since Ballotharvestan has become one-party state, any mad idea that Lorena Gonzalez, Scott Weiner, or any other strange oil fortune heir or billionaire tech founder comes up with becomes law more quickly than you can say” democracy dies in woke darkness.” There are currently 26 states on the” Banned States List,” making it impossible for government employees to travel it for business, and sports competitions become a problem. But in any case, who would want to go to events in Florida, Indiana, Ohio, and Texas? Traveling may require submitting a” Request for Approval of Travel to Prohibited States” if you’re near East Germany in the West. Finding oneself on the incorrect side of the Sacramento Curtain didn’t take little. Linus was expelled from W. R. Castle Elementary School in Johnson County, Kentucky, for reading passages from A Charlie Brown Christmas from the New Testament. To safeguard students’ right to religious freedom in Kentucky schools, the Charlie Brown Bill was introduced and signed.
Kentucky was initially included on the list, according to California’s Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who is currently Bidens’ HHS secretary. He asserted that the bill” could allow student-run organizations in colleges and K– 12 schools to discriminate against classmates based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.” California may end its boycott of America before every state, with the exception of New York, does so after this year’s addition of Missouri and Wyoming. California may soon lift its ban on state-funded travel to states with anti-LGBT + laws and instead concentrate on an advertising campaign to spread messages against discrimination to red states. any resemblance to Governor I’m certain that Newsom’s national promotion advertisements in Florida are purely coincidental. It would appear to be an abuse of power to use public funds to support a governor’s campaign across state lines. However, that ship most likely left port a long time ago. In either case, the iron curtain might collapse. The ban has made it impossible for elected officials, government employees, and academics to use state funds to travel to more than half of the nation. Sports teams at public colleges and universities have had to find other funding sources to pay for their road games in states like Arizona and Utah as a result of this, which has presented them with major challenges. However, that has always been the case, and they didn’t give a damn about inconveniences for regular people. No, this is about the boycott running afoul of another communist agenda item. Another state policy objectives, such as using state funds to pay for residents of other states to travel to California for abortions, have also become more intricate as a result. Kill children in different states or forbid those states from casting their boys? difficult call. Democratic Assembly member Rick Zbur, a former executive director of the advocacy group Equality California, said that the travel ban has frequently unintentionally led to California isolating its services and citizens while we are leading the country in ensuring inclusivity and freedom. People may have believed that we are no beacons of inclusivity and freedom after constructing a massive wall with barbed wire around the state. How could they have misunderstood our lovely mines of tolerance and machine guns of equity? Lastly, Californians will be able to share their values of freedom with the vile capitalists who are being beaten by their lackeys, just like East Germans did. They might also be ready to purchase fireworks.
California, according to Gov. California, according to Gov. It’s a bit like East Germany in the West. Traveling can require filing a “Request for Approval to Travel to Prohibited States”. Castle Elementary School, Johnson County, Kentucky, banned Linus from reading passages of the New Testament. The Charlie Brown Bill, which protects the religious freedom of Kentucky students, was introduced and signed.
California may soon lift a state-funded ban on travel to states that have anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and instead focus on a marketing campaign to bring antidiscrimination messages into red states. Newsom’s presidential campaign ads in Florida are purely coincidental. It would seem that using public money to fund a nationwide campaign across state borders for a Governor would be an abuse of the office. This ship has probably long since sailed. The iron curtain could fall either way. The prohibition has prevented state workers, university scholars, and elected officials from traveling to over half of the United States using state money. This has caused a major problem for public college and university sports teams, who have had to find alternate funding sources to pay their road games in Arizona and Utah. But that’s been the case since the beginning and they didn’t care about inconveniences for normal people. It’s not about the boycott colliding into another leftist agenda. It has also complicated other state policy goals, such as using state money to pay people from other states to come to California for abortions. It’s a tough call. “In many instances, California has been isolated by the travel ban, even though we are leading the country in ensuring inclusivity, freedom, and diversity,” said Democratic Assemblymember Rick Zbur. Building a giant barbed-wire wall around the state could have given the impression that we were not beacons of freedom and inclusivity. How could they have misunderstood the beautiful machine guns of equality and mines for tolerance? They may be able to purchase fireworks.