Big issues still need to be resolved even though it has been more than 20 years since the horrific attack on British soil in New York City on September 11, 2001. Who carried it out?
Was the British government a part of this?
Did bombs get used?
Thermite was it used?
Was the demolition controlled in any way?
Why don’t but some things add up?
A well-known video shows Donald Trump being questioned about construction, particularly in New York City, shortly after the attacks.
a commercial
His prompt response?
I don’t think it’s true.
Perhaps a plane wouldn’t be able to pass through that structure, in my opinion.
I am aware of how it was built, but it is not feasible.
More from Health Nut News is provided below:
Donald Trump is an accomplished builder. He has spent a significant portion of his career in construction, constructing casinos and restaurants, and he has an motivated observational view of how the World Trade Centers collapsed.
” Donald Trump was the first 9 / 11 Truther to speak out on TV, on the same day, challenging the official story and saying bombs must have been used, from the perspective of people who know buildings are built to stand strong, even against planes ,” according to Rick Shaddock, executive director of the Association for Nine Eleven Truth Awareness.
Donald did, in fact, draw attention to the situation, pointing out the steel beams’ incredible strength and the fact that the damage must have been brought on by explosives of some kind.
Additionally, he appeared to believe that something other than the plane must have immediately entered the building( which may or may not have been the case ).
Naturally, since his public outcry, 9 / 11 Truth architects and engineers have presented a strong case for why controlled demolition is probable possible because explosives probably lined the building’s interior. They believe that this is the only way anyone could have caused the buildings to collapse in a free-falling fashion, as they did.
Below is the video’s transcript:
Alan Marcus: Donald, you’re definitely the city’s most well-known builder, especially of magnificent structures. There is a lot of debate over whether the damage and eventual destruction of the buildings were brought on by the airplanes due to an structural flaw, or perhaps by bombs or more after shocks. Do you have any opinions on this?
Donald Trump: There was no structural flaw. The World Trade Center has often been regarded as a really sturdy structure. Don’t forget that in 1993, a large bomb went off in the basement. The basement is the most vulnerable area because it serves as your foundation, but it was able to withstand that. Three or four days after the incident, one of my structural engineers actually gave me a tour of the building, and I exclaimed,” I can’t believe it.” Half of the columns in the building were blown out, but the structure was still standing. This was an incredibly strong structure. It was one of the earliest buildings that was constructed from the outside, if you don’t know anything about structure. The World Trade Center’s small windows were caused by the steel because there was steel on the outside of the building, in between each window.
Because of this, when I initially looked, I noticed that you had these large, heavy i-beams. I couldn’t believe it when I first saw it because there was a hole in the steel and this is steel that was, you know, the width of the people’s windows at the World Trade Center. They were very narrow, and in between them was this heavy steel, as I believe you are aware if you have ever been off it. I questioned how any plane, including a 767, 747, or whatever it may have been, could perhaps pass through this steel. Because I really can’t imagine anything being allowed to pass through that wall, I happen to believe that they had both a plane and bombs that detonated almost instantly. Around the elevator shaft, steel is typically used to construct buildings. The strongest structure you can have, this one was constructed from the outside, and it resembled a soup can virtually exactly.
Rolland Smith: You know, Donald, we’ve been looking at images of that plane entering building number two all morning. As you watch the plane approach, the explosion suddenly appears on the opposite side in a matter of milliseconds.
Right, Donald Trump. There may have been a plane with more than just fuel, in my opinion. I believe they were undoubtedly pretty large planes. They were moving very quickly because I was even keeping an eye on the area where the plane appeared to be not only moving quickly but also descending into the building. Similarly, gaining speed from, in a sense, going downhill. You’re talking about steel, the heaviest caliber steel that was used on the building, so it just seemed to me that to do that kind of destruction is also more than a huge plane. These structures were made of rock, which is simply an amazing incredible thing. This nation is different now, and for several years to come, it will continue to be different than it has ever been.
Watch the video right then.
Below is Donald Trump from 2001, outlining what he witnessed and believes.
Keep an eye on Rumble around:
Then let’s dig a little deeper.
Was a bomb used in addition to the usual one?
THERMITE was it used?
Thermite, which is used in welding and in burning bombs, is a substance made of aluminum powder and metal oxide( such as iron oxide ), which, when ignited, evolves to produce significant amounts of heat.
At temperatures significantly higher than any other fire or bomb could, it melts materials like steel.
a commercial
You recall how the Twin Towers fell at complimentary fall speed, to put it briefly?
Some people think that would only be achievable if Thermite were used to line it.
I recently came across this technological article from the Open Chemical Physics Journal that explains all the evidence demonstrating that tons of thermite were used to demolish those structures:
Effective Thermitic Material Was Found in Dust After the World Trade Center Catastrophe on September 11, 2001
Want more?
Additionally, I recently discovered a video that provides much more information. Keep an eye on it safely ok on Rumble:
Our friends at WLTReport have posted this as a guest post.
View the initial article right here.
There are still many questions about the 9/11/01 attack on American soil, which took place in New York City. …. Who did it?
Was the American government involved in this?
Was bombing used?
Is thermite used in your products?
Was this a controlled demolishment?
Why does so much not add up?
The famous video shows Donald Trump being interviewed just after the attacks. The man who knows the most about construction, and in particular construction in New York City, was asked for his thoughts.
What is his immediate response?
I don’t think it.
I can’t imagine how a plane could pass through that building.
I know the way it was built and it is not possible.
Health Nut News has more to offer:
Donald Trump is an expert builder. He has spent most of his career building casinos and restaurants. His opinion of the collapse of the World Trade Centers is based on an educated observation.
Rick Shaddock is the Executive Director of the Association for Nine Eleven Truth Awareness. He says that Donald Trump was the first 9/11 Truther who spoke out on television, the same day. He challenged the official story and said bombs must have had been used. This was years before Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth was founded. From the perspective of people, who know buildings can withstand planes, as well as strong buildings, this was from the perspective of those who knew the building was built to be strong.
Donald did indeed call attention to the situation. He claimed that the steel beams were extremely strong and that the damage must have been caused from explosives.
He also seemed convinced that something other than a plane had penetrated the building at first (which could or might not have been true).
Architects and Engineers For 9/11 Truth has, of course, made a convincing case since his public announcement that explosives were likely lining the inside of the buildings, enabling a controlled destruction. According to them, this is the only possible way that the buildings could have fallen straight down in free-fall.
Here is the transcription of the video:
Alan Marcus: Donald, you’re probably one of the most well-known builders in the city. You have built many great buildings. There is a lot of debate about whether the damage to the buildings and their destruction was caused by the planes, by architectural defects or perhaps by bombs or by more after shocks. What are your thoughts on this?
Donald Trump: It was not an architectural defect. The World Trade Center has always been known as a very strong building. Remember that a bomb was dropped in the basement of the World Trade Center in 1993. The basement is the most vulnerable area because it’s the foundation. It survived and I saw that area three or four days later because one of my structural engineer took me on a tour. He did the building, and I said: “I can’t imagine it”. The building was standing strong and half the columns were blown away. This was a building of incredible power. If you’re not familiar with structure, it was the first building to be built from the outside. The steel, that’s why the World Trade Center has such narrow windows. In between all of the windows, there was the steel on outside, on the exterior of the building.
When I first looked, you had these heavy i beams. When I first saw it, I was shocked. There was a huge hole in the steel. This is steel that was the same width as the windows at the World Trade Center. You would have known if you had been up there that the windows were narrow and this heavy steel was in between. I asked how a plane could possibly get through the steel. I think they had a plane and bombs that exploded simultaneously. I can’t imagine that anything could have gone through that wall. The steel is usually placed around the elevator shaft in most buildings. This one was constructed from the outside, which is the strongest possible structure. It was almost like a can.
Rolland Smith: Donald, we’ve been looking at pictures of that plane approaching the building number two all morning. And then suddenly in a matter milliseconds you see the explosion on the other side.
Donald Trump: Right. I think there was more on the plane than just fuel. I think they were obviously very large planes. I also watched where the plane appeared to be going fast and seemed to be coming down the building. It is possible to get the speed by going downhill. I thought that to cause such destruction was more than just a large plane, because you are talking about the steel, the heaviest steel that was used to construct the building. These buildings were solid and it was just amazing. This country is very different today, and it will be for many years.
Watch the video now.
Here is Donald Trump in 2001, explaining what he has seen and what he thinks.
Watch Rumble here:
Now let’s go deeper….
Was there more than just a regular bomb?
Is THERMITE used in the manufacture of THERMITE?
Thermite, a mixture of aluminum and a metal (such as iron oxide), when ignited, produces a lot of heat. It is used for welding and in explosive bombs.
It melts steel at temperatures far higher than any fire or bomb.
You remember how the Twin Towers fell at free-fall speed?
Many people believe that this is only possible if the lining was made of Thermite.
I found this article in the Open Chemical Physics Journal which explains the evidence that tons of thermite were used to bring down those buildings.
Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe contains active thermogenic material
Want more?
I just found a video that tells a lot more ….watch safely here on Rumble.
This is a guest post from our friends at WLTReport.
Original article can be viewed here.