Fauci, who once dominated the news, emerges from his burrow every couple months to foretell another season of masking. It’s long past the point where he receives any real attention. The original pandemic theater oracle has devolved into background noise. Fauci appearances have also become widespread, many like COVID – 19 has. In the midst of an increase in COVID cases across the nation, previous White House chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci defended masking on Saturday, expressing his hope that people would take health officials’ advice.
Fauci expressed concern that Americans won’t heed recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention( CDC ) in an interview on CNN, even if masking is once more required.
I worry that people won’t follow recommendations, he said. Fauci was opposed to masks before he was in favor of them.” I would hope that if we get to the point where the volume of cases is quite and organizations like the CDC recommends that people wear Masks— CDC does no mandate anything— I would abide by that recommendation and take into account the risks to themselves and their families.” There are no significant data points demonstrating that masks reduced the impact, and the notion that they can solve anything has been disproved in study after study. Fauci once remarked,” There’s no reason to be walking about with a mask ,” before after admitting that he had lied to everyone to safeguard the supply of masks for medical professionals. I don’t regret anything I said at the time because it was accurate given the circumstances. Fauci questions why he and the CDC have zero credibility after hearing in our task force meetings that we have a significant issue with the lack of PPEs and masks for the health providers who put themselves in danger every day to care for sick people. The use of COVID theater is widespread and social. People who are interested in it have already bought into it. The majority of people have abandoned it and will continue to do so in spite of warnings and Fauci’s reprimands. Elections may once again be the real threat, no specific individuals. In 2020, COVID was used to significantly alter election regulations. There is reason to believe that at least some of the people who benefited from it might give it another shot.
Fauci, a man who used to dominate the news, emerges from his burrow every few months to predict another season of masking. It’s past the point when anyone pays attention to him. Fauci’s appearances are now commonplace, just as COVID-19 is.
In an interview with CNN, Fauci expressed concern that Americans will not listen to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) recommendations — even if masking is required again.
He said, “I’m concerned that people won’t abide by recommendations.” Fauci was initially against masks. In the past, Fauci said, “There’s no need to wear a mask,” and later admitted that he lied in order to secure masks for health workers. I don’t regret what I said because it was true in the context at the time. In our task force meetings, we were told that there is a serious shortage of PPEs and Masks for health care providers who put themselves in harm’s ways every day to treat sick people.” And Fauci wonders why he has zero credibility. COVID theater is endemic and culture. People who pay attention have already bought in. The real threat to elections may not be to individuals but to elections. COVID was used in 2020 to drastically change election rules. It’s reasonable to assume that some of the people who benefited may try it again.