
“Fight Like Hell” — Democrats EXPOSED In Their Own Words

Maybe it’s time to look at the Dems if President Trump can be impeached, indicted, persecuted, and prosecuted over something as innocent as saying” Fight like Hell.” Look at their own words, please.
I appreciate Kyle Becker, one of my men, posting this.
You’re absolutely correct, sir!
You might want to watch this if your claim is that Trump incited the Capitol riots because he said,” Fight like hell.”
It will blow your mind, so make certain to sit down.
You might want to watch this if your claim is that Trump incited the Capitol riots because he said,” Fight like hell.”
Make certain to sit down because it will completely blow your mind. pic. VLPopmxcuF on twitter.com
On August 8, 2023, Kyle Becker(@ kylenabecker )
I find everything to be VERY harsh, but that’s not how things work around here.
It seems like a very good time for me to remind you that we DO NOT support violence or calls for violence then that President Trump has been indicted FOUR times.
Maintain your composure.
Maintain your composure.
And maintain a swivel of your head because I’m beginning to suspect that they might attempt to stage another J6 immediately.
Team Khaki Pants, you know.
We do not support violence, so let me be as obvious as possible.
We do support your constitutionally protected right to protest and gather( seems like I’ve read about it in the First Amendment, perhaps )? However, we must act in a lawful and peaceful manner.
Therefore, kindly allow me to reiterate this FULL Public Service Announcement.
I predict you’ll enjoy this one, and after you finish reading it, please let me know in the comments.
Wherever we may find the truth, our goal at WLTReport is to research and publish it.
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The truth that the MSM enjoys ignoring …
The truth that the MSM enjoys hiding …
The MSM enjoys twisting the truth.
Because truth can defend itself, we correct the record and release it like a lion.
That is our goal, then.
NOTE: Calling for or supporting violence is no and never has been our mission.
You might think it’s ridiculous that I also have to print that, and I’d concur.
Of course, we were the ones who consistently denounced and called out the violence, looting, and city-burning that occurred in the summer of 2020.
In America, that kind of conduct has NO PLACE.
Therefore, we want to be crystal clear about where we stand.
We support the Constitution as well.
Free and fair elections are what we support.
We advocate for justice and truth.
I therefore hope that this clarifies any confusion or questions that may have existed.
BUT A DISCLAIMER: I am powerless to influence the actions of God’s Angel Army.
There is a verse in the Bible that reads,” As for me and my house.”
Therefore, that is what I can speak for: Me( Noah ) and my home( WLTReport ).
I am unable to comment on the activities of God’s Angel Army.
They sort of have their own thoughts and don’t often pay attention to what men want to do.
a commercial
What am I referring to?
Only this …
Only a short excerpt from the Bible’s 2 Kings Chapter 6 in this story.
Know that tale, do you?
Maybe you should hear it straight away.
I’ll give a summary.
Elisha is confined to Dothan.
Elisha’s assistant panics because the King of Aram has surrounded the city and believes everything is lost. He believes they have no other option.
Next Elisha utters the well-known phrase,” Those who are with us are more than those with them.”
That appeared to be completely incorrect to someone who is simply looking at the physical.
The people who are looking right then and believing that” nothing has ever happened” believe that all of the prophecies and prayers have been wholly false.
However, Elisha was looking into the spiritual realm and noticed that despite King Aram’s armies encircling the city, the King was really surrounded by hordes of Heavenly Angels. totally outclassed. The hills surrounding the King’s army were filled with horses and fire chariots drawn by angels!
And that, my friends, is where I think we are right now.
You can see it, too, right?
I’ve bolded my favourite part ok for you to read:
Israel and the king of Aram were then at war. He said,” I will set up my camp in such and such a place ,” after consulting with his officers.
9 The king of Israel received a message from the man of God warning him to” beware of passing that place, for the Arameans are going over it.” The king of Israel then checked the location that the man of God had pointed out. Elisha repeatedly forewarned the king, causing him to be on his guard in such locations.
11 The king of Aram was furious about this. He called his officers together and asked them,” Tell me!” Who among us is on the side of the Israelite king?
Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the pretty words you speak in your bedroom, according to one of his officers. None of us, My Lord the King.
The king commanded,” Go, find out where he is, so I can send men and capture him.” He is in Dothan, according to the report. 14 He then dispatched horses, chariots, and a sizable force it. They traveled at night and encircled the city.
The city was surrounded by an army of horses and chariots when the servant of the man of God rose and left first the following morning. Oh no, Lord! How should we proceed? The janitor enquired.
The prophet responded,” Don’t be afraid.” The phrase” those who are with us are greater than those with them” is used.
Elisha prayed,” Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see ,” at the age of 17. Finally the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, revealing the hills surrounding Elisha filled with horses and fire chariots.
Elisha prayed to the Lord,” Strike this army with blindness ,” as the enemy descended toward him. As Elisha had requested, he therefore blinded them.
They were informed by Elisha at the age of 19 that this was not the city and this is not a road. I’ll show you the man you’re looking for if you follow me. He then took them to Samaria.
Elisha commanded,” Lord, open the eyes of these men so they can see ,” after they had arrived in the city. When the Lord finally opened their eyes, they were able to see inside Samaria.
21 The Israelite king asked Elisha,” Should I kill them, my father?” when he saw them. Should I murder them?
22″ Do not murder them ,” he retorted. Would you use your personal sword or bow to kill those you have captured? Put food and water in front of them so they can eat and drink before returning to their master. 23 After preparing a lavish feast for them, he sent them on their way after they had finished eating and drinking, and they went back to their master. As a result, the Aram bands stopped plundering Israel’s territory.
There you have it.
As for me and my family, we support the truth, justice, the Constitution, freedom, liberty, free and fair elections, life in liberty and the pursuit of justice …
And we don’t support or call for violence. Period.
However, I do not speak for the angels I see encircling this nation on its figurative hillsides.
I’ll give you this new message from Tim Sheets if you want a much more information on the angels:
embedded content
This is a guest post from our WLTReport friends.
Below is the unique article to be seen. 

If Trump can be impeached, indicted, persecuted, and prosecuted for something as innocent as saying “Fight like Hell”, perhaps it’s about time we looked at the Dems. Take a look at their words?
Kyle Becker, thank you for posting this.
You are absolutely right, sir!

You might want to watch if you believe that Trump incited riots at the Capitol because he said, “fight like hell.”
It will blow your mind.


You might want to watch if you believe that Trump incited riots at the Capitol because he said, “fight like hell.”
It will blow your mind if you are not sitting down. pic.twitter.com/vLPopmxcuF
Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker), August 8, 2023

This is not how we do things here.
It seems like the perfect time to remind you that we DO NOT support violence, or calls for violence.
Keep calm.
Keep your cool.
Keep your head swivelled, because I am starting to believe that they may try to stage another J6 in the near future.
You know Team Khaki Pants.
I want to be very clear: we do NOT support violence.
We do support your Constitutionally-protected right to protest and assemble (seems like I’ve read something about that somewhere, maybe in the First Amendment?) We must protest peacefully and legally.
Please allow me to repeat this entire Public Service Announcement…
I think you’ll like this one. I’d love to hear your comments after reading it.
WLTReport’s mission is to print and research the truth wherever it may be found.

The truth that the MSM prefers to ignore…
The truth that the MSM loves to hide…
The MSM loves to twist the truth.
We correct the record, and like a lion we release the truth because it can defend herself.
This is our mission.
Our mission has never been to promote violence or call for violence.
You may think that it is absurd that I have to print this, and I would agree…
We are the ones who have constantly condemned and warned against all the violence, looting, and burning of cities during summer 2020.
This kind of behavior is not acceptable in America.
We want to be clear about our position.
We also support the Constitution.
We support free and fair elections.
We stand for justice and truth.
In case there was confusion or a question, I hope that this clarifies things.
BUT A DISCLAIMER : I am not responsible for the actions of God’s Angel Army.
In the Bible there is a verse which says, “As for myself and my house …”
That’s all I can say — me (Noah), and my house (WLTReport).
I cannot speak for God’s Angel Army and what they choose to do.
They tend to have their own mind and don’t listen to what the man wants to do.

What am I talking?
Just this…
This is a short story from 2 Kings Chapter 6 in the Bible.
Do you know this story?
You may need to hear this right now.
I’ll summarize…
Elisha is trapped at Dothan.
Elisha’s assistant panics, thinking that all is lost. He believes they have no escape.
Elisha then says the famous words, “Those with us are more important than those with them.”
The person who only looks at the physical would have thought that the statement was 100% incorrect.
The people who are thinking right now that “nothing ever happened” think that all the prayers and prophecies were completely wrong.
Elisha, however, was looking into the spiritual realm and he saw that even though King Aram’s army was surrounding the city there were actually Hosts upon Hosts Heavenly Angels around the King. Completely outmatched. Angels riding horses and chariots of flame surrounded the King’s Army!
This is where I think we are at the moment, my friends.
You can see it?
You can read it here. I’ve bolded the part that I like:

Now, the king of Aram fought Israel. After consulting with his officers he said: “I will set my camp up in such and such an area.”
The man of God warned the king to be careful when passing the place because the Arameans were going there. 10 So, the king checked the place that the man of God had indicated. Elisha warned him repeatedly, so he was always on guard.
The king of Aram was furious. He called his officers to him and demanded, “Tell Me!” Which of us is on King Israel’s side?
“None of us,” said an officer, “but Elisha the prophet in Israel tells the king the words you say in your bedroom.”
13 The king sent a report to find out where the man was. The report said that he was in Dothan. 14 He then sent horses, chariots, and a large force there. They surrounded the city at night.
15 When the servant went out the next morning early, an army of horses and chariots surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! The servant asked, “What shall we do?”
The prophet replied, “Don’t worry.” “Those with us are greater than those with them.”
Elisha prayed to the Lord to open the servant’s eyelids, and the Lord did so. The servant saw the hills filled with horses and chariots full of fire all around Elisha.
As the enemy approached, Elisha asked the Lord to blind them. So, he did as Elisha requested.
Elisha said to them, “This isn’t the road or the city. Follow me and I will take you to the man that you are searching for.” He led them to Samaria.
Elisha, after they entered the city, said to the Lord, “Open their eyes so they can see.” And the Lord opened their eyelids and they looked and there they were inside Samaria.
Elisha asked the king, “Shall i kill them, my Father?” 21 When he saw them, the king of Israel asked Elisha: “Shall i kill them, My father?” Shall I kill these people?
22 “Don’t kill them,” he replied. Would you kill someone you’ve captured with your own bow or sword? Set food and water in front of them so they can eat and drink, then return to their master. 23 So he prepared for them a large feast, and when they were done eating and drinking he sent them off, and they returned back to their owner. So the bands of Aram stopped raiding Israel.

Here you go.
As for myself and my home, we stand up for truth, justice and the Constitution. We also support free and fair elections. The American dream, freedom, life and liberty are also important.
We do not support or encourage violence. Period.
The angels that I see on the hillsides of this country, I cannot speak for them.
You can read this recent message by Tim Sheets if you want to know more about angels.

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This is a guest post from our friends at WLTReport.
Original article can be viewed here.


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