There is outrage, condemnation, and hysteria whenever Israel must militarily enter one of the cities or towns known as” refugee camps ,” largely because the UN insists on funding its perpetual” retirees” regardless of how many generations have passed. Politicians start equating Israel with the Nazis whenever it has to deal with Islamist terrorists hiding out in an UNRWA facility that is being used as a bomb factory or rocket launch pad. However, there is an odd silence when the terrorists are torturing one another. First on Saturday, fighting broke out between the Fatah group of the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Islamic groups, leaving three people dead and ten others injured.
Friday, at least 20 people were hurt.
Fatah had charged the Islamic organizations with killing one of their best defense leaders on July 30.
Earlier this summer, Fatah and members of the Jund al – Sham group engaged in several days of street battles in the Ein el – Hilweh camp, which resulted in 13 fatalities and dozens injuries.
Since August 3, there has been an uneasy truce, but tensions are expected to return because Islamist groups have not turned over the suspects in the Fatah general’s murder to the Syrian judiciary as requested by a committee of Palestinian factions last month. The” good” terrorists we fund are Fatah, the PLO, and the Palestinian Authority, if you’re confused. Due to the ongoing fighting, many camp residents were evicted from their homes as the militants fired RPGs and machine guns at one another.
An audio recording attributed to Haitham al-Shabi, an official from the” Muslim Youth” group, in which he claimed the group was launching a battle to” purge the Ain al – Hilweh camp of apostates ,” was posted on social media, according to the Lebanese LBCI television network.
13 people were killed in clashes between Fatah and Islamic groups in the refugee camp in late July and early August. The clashes caused thousands of people to be displaced. The UNRWA bases and bomb factories that serve as schools are the prized goals in this area. UNRWA reported that violent groups had taken control of several of the camps’ schools in the weeks following the ceasefire. A source in the camp’s Arab leadership told AFP under the condition of anonymity that the fighting was centered on a school compound owned by UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees. Prior to this, UNRWA had issued a warning that the camp’s schools were being overrun by militants. Does anyone else always work in the classrooms? Funding UNRWA entails funding terrorists. And in this instance, terrorists are fighting for control of UNRWA, their most valuable resource. There would be outrage if Israel were present. The story is buried on Page 54 because the terrorists are doing it to each another.
When Israel has to fight Islamic terrorists ensconced in UNRWA facilities that are being used as a bomb factory or launching site for rocket attacks, politicians start comparing Israel to the Nazis. Politicians compare Israel to Nazis when Israel has to fight Islamic terrorists who are ensconced inside UNRWA facilities that are being used as bomb factories or launch sites for rocket attacks.
On Friday, at least 20 people were injured.
Fatah accused the Islamist groups on July 30 of killing one of its top military officials.
Earlier this year, several days of street fighting between Fatah members and Jund al-Sham members in the Ein el-Hilweh Camp left 13 dead and dozens injured.
The renewed fighting caused many residents to be displaced from their homes as the militants fired machine guns and RPGs at each other.
According to the Lebanese LBCI TV network, an audio file circulated on social networks attributed to Haitham al-Shaabi. He was an official of the “Muslim Youth”, in which he stated that the group was launching a “battle to purge the Ain al-Hilweh Camp of apostates.”
The clashes caused thousands of people to be displaced. The prized objectives are the UNRWA bases and bomb factories that operate as schools. The clashes caused thousands of people to be displaced. The prized targets are the UNRWA schools and bomb factories that serve as bases. Funding UNRWA is funding terrorists. In this case, it’s terrorists fighting for control of their ultimate resource… UNRWA. If Israel was there, there would have been outrage. The story is buried on Page 53 because the terrorists are doing this to each other.