Israel’s issue with unlawful immigrants isn’t as well-covered as its terrorism issue, though. Israel is traveling with migrants from Africa to Europe. Some of the migrants who arrive in Israel don’t really depart. Parts of Tel Aviv have been seized by gangs and migrants who operate in their personal no-go areas. Why are you unaware of it? because no one wants to discuss it. Except when it sometimes reports on communist protests against immigrants, the media isn’t particularly interested in covering it, and the pro-Israel camp frequently repeats the information that the establishment disseminates, which is ignoring the issue. The people who live in the less affluent areas of Tel Aviv are those who suffer from the large illegal mysterious migrant population. Nobody is certain of how numerous illegals live in the city. No one has conducted a census it, and no one is possible to produce any reliable data. However, the complete Tel Aviv neighborhood has largely been pillaged and taken over. It has evolved into an exterritorial entity that few seasoned Israelis venture into.
Esther Galili, 67, was brutally murdered by an inebriated Egyptian illegal on Rehov Hagra next month, not far from the house she had lived in for many years. The horrible attack that was not provoked was caught by surveillance cameras. The previous Israeli to enter her street was Galili. Everyone else had fled in terror, and also the local illegals were in danger of dying.
In recent months, four additional victims were murdered near. Four Africans were detained by police last week on suspicion of drug trafficking and agitated assault. The populist tabloids referred to them as” Sudanese refugees ,” despite the fact that genuine refugees from the Darfur region of Sudan only make up a very small portion of Tel Aviv’s immigrant sub-Saharan population. Here is another attack that was videotaped that is comparable. For a very long time, things have been poor. About 60, 000 migrants from Africa are currently residing in Israel, the majority of whom are Egyptian and Sudanese. The vast majority of them reside in southern Tel Aviv, especially within a few blocks of Levinsky Park and the Central Bus Station. However, crime has increased as this group has moved to south Tel Aviv. Israel Police reported earlier this year that there was a 53 % increase in felonies by immigrants in the region in 2012. In part, Israel’s fresh liberal government was elected on the condition that it would eventually begin deporting the illegals. However, such efforts have been thwarted by Israel’s communist judiciary, particularly its Supreme Court. Democrats in the House likewise put pressure on Israel to abandon any plans to deport the immigrant population. Additionally, the government intended to purchase the migrants’ airline tickets by giving them$ 3,500. With riots in the” nicer” part of Tel Aviv, the entire situation has now exploded in a way that no one could have predicted. Eritrean groups engaged in violent conflict with one another over issues in their home country, which resulted in gunfire and critical injuries from the police. Here’s a video. It became dirty. In a southern Tel Aviv neighborhood where several asylum seekers reside, Eritreans from both sides charged at them brandishing construction lumber, metal, rocks, and with least one axe. Blood was spilled on sidewalks, and protesters smashed storefronts and police cars. In a children’s playground, one government supporter was found lying in an area covered in blood.
While officers on horses attempted to control the protesters, who broke through barricades and threw rocks at the police, Israeli police in riot gear fired tear gas, stun grenade, and lived rounds. When officers believed their lives were in danger, they turned to life fire, according to the police. It is presently impossible to ignore the violence. Teams from Magne David Adom treated 114 people in total.
The wounds range in severity from 8 people in a critical condition to 13 people who have sustained moderate injuries to 93 people with minor injuries.
30 of the injured are police officers. These wounds mostly consist of bruises, many of which are caused by stones and discarded objects.
In order to streamline the health care for the injured, hospitals have received 130 doses and blood components from the Magen David Adom blood services. May Golan, a seasoned South Tel Aviv activist who opposed the illegal alien takeover, has blamed the Supreme Court’s communist justices. as did Bezalel Smotrich, the finance minister. The High Court is solely to blame for the riots on Saturday, which were merely a preview of what lies ahead if we do not send the infiltrators back to their countries of origin. The High Court has been preventing any action that would allow the infiltrators to return to their homes for years despite our warnings. The Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich stated on Saturday night that this is exactly why we are leading the administrative system reforms that will enable elected officials to make decisions and carry them out for the safety and security of Israeli citizens. Criminal reform is therefore so serious. Israel is experiencing the same issues as America, Europe, and a large number of different nations. It is under siege by regional leftist protesters and migrant invaders. This parody of the invaders by Caroline Glick’s Latma from ten years before beautifully captured communist hypocrisy.
Israel is on the migration route from Africa to Europe. Many migrants who reach Israel never leave. Why don’t you have any idea? Nobody wants to talk about this. The media is not interested in covering the issue except for the occasional report on pro-migrant protests. The pro-Israel camp tends repeat the propaganda that the establishment is pushing out, which is ignoring this problem. The poorer areas of Tel Aviv are the ones who suffer from the large illegal alien migrant populations. No one knows for sure how many illegals live in the city. No one has done a census in the city and it is unlikely that anyone will come up with credible statistics. A whole Tel Aviv neighbourhood has been ripped from the city and commandeered. It has become a territory that few Israeli veterans venture into.
Esther Galili, 67, was brutally beaten by an Eritrean illegal intoxicated on Rehov Hagra last month, just around the corner of the home she lived for decades. Surveillance cameras captured the unprovoked, gruesome attack. Galili was last Israeli in her street. All the others fled in fear and even illegals living there are afraid for their lives.
In recent months, four other victims were also murdered in the area. Four Africans were arrested last week on charges of aggravated assault and drug trafficking. The populist tabloids referred to them as “Sudanese Refugees,” even though genuine refugees from Sudan’s Darfur Region constitute only a tiny fraction of Tel Aviv’s migrant sub Saharan population. Here’s another attack captured on video. Israel is now home for around 60,000 African migrants, mostly Eritreans and Sudanese. The vast majority live in south Tel Aviv. They are concentrated in a few blocks around Tel Aviv Central Bus Station and Levinsky Park. Israel Police reported earlier this year that felonies committed by migrants in south Tel Aviv increased 53 percent in 2012. Unfortunately, Israel’s leftist judiciary and especially its Supreme Court has blocked such attempts. House Democrats also pressed Israel to drop plans to deport migrants. And this was a plan by the government to give the migrants $3.500 and buy them tickets. Now the whole thing exploded into a way no one could ignore, with riots taking place in the nicer part of Tel Aviv. Here’s a video of Eritreans clashing with each other, and with the police over issues in their homeland. Gunfire and serious injuries were caused. It got ugly. Eritreans on both sides fought with construction lumber, metal pieces, rocks and at least one large axe in a south Tel Aviv neighborhood where many asylum seekers reside. Protesters broke shop windows and police vehicles, and blood was spattered on the sidewalks. One government supporter lay in a pool of blood on a playground for children.
Israeli police in riot-gear fired tear gas, stun rounds, and live rounds as officers on horseback attempted to control the protesters who broke through the barricades and hurled rocks at the police. The police said they used live fire to protect themselves. The violence is now unavoidable. Magen David Adom teams treated an overall of 114 people.
The injuries are of varying severity: 8 people are in serious condition, while 13 others have moderate injuries and 93 others have mild injuries.
Thirty of the injured are police officers. These injuries are primarily bruises, with many of them being caused by stones and other objects.
May Golan, an activist from South Tel Aviv who has been fighting illegal aliens for years, has blamed the leftist Supreme Court justices. Bezalel SMotrich, the Finance Minister, said: “The Saturday riots were just a preview of what we will face if we don’t return the infiltrators back to their countries. The High Court is the only responsible party.” Since years, we have warned and the High Court has blocked any action that could allow infiltrators to return to their homes. This is exactly why we are leading reforms in the judiciary that will allow elected officials make decisions and carry out those decisions for the citizens of Israel and their safety and security,” said Finance Minister Bezalel SMotrich on Saturday night. It is under siege from both migrant invaders as well as domestic pro-leftist demonstrators. This parody by Caroline Glick’s Latma, which was created a decade ago, perfectly captured the leftist hypocrisy about the invaders.