The majority of people are typically unaware of the vice president. Kamala should be so fortunate with a 51 / 39 disapproval or approval rating. Republicans are really criticizing Joe Biden despite the fact that she has a record of unpopularity. Kamala mistakenly believed she was the heir before realizing she is the albatross. She then reverts to her normal pattern of spewing copious amounts of self-nullifying victimhood. Because they are scared of me, Republicans are attacking me. Harris remarked that the Republicans’ criticisms of her qualifications for office are” not new ,” noting that she was the first woman to be elected district attorney in San Francisco, attorney general of California, senator, and vice president, as well as” representing 1 in 8 Americans.” That is an identity politics resume, hardly a reply. Kamala is a moral successor to Hillary Clinton because of mechanical things like this. Hillary does have a personality, despite the false corrosive smiles. It’s like looking a fish in the eye when you’re kamala. Although it has a large eye, nothing is happening within. However, no one can dispute the fact that she was able to fail up through a number of roles without making any notable progress thanks to her good social connections and choice of bed partners. According to Harris,” They feel the need to attack because they are afraid that we will succeed based on the merit of the work Joe Biden, I, and our administration have done.” I and Joe Biden. People typically attack candidates in political campaigns to prevent them from winning. Another one of Kamala’s absolutely pointless cliches has been created. She is a fragile point that campaigns frequently target. A veep shouldn’t typically be attacked unless they are a weakness. Kamala went on a talking point-word salad tangent when asked about Biden’s age and whether she was prepared to take over. ” Yes, I am, if required. Joe Biden, however, will be okay. And let me add that Joe Biden and I work together every day. With a traditional investment in no just roads and bridges but also high-speed internet, the work we are doing to address problems like lead pipes, and I could go on and on, under Joe Biden’s leadership, we have transformed and are still transforming the infrastructure of America. Republicans don’t fear her because they find her to be helpful. like her inability to handle a straightforward abortion question. Harris called for the reinstatement of Roe v. Wade’s protections after Brennan pressed him on which week of pregnancy abortion access should be prohibited.
Harris said,” Let me be very clear.” ” The president has been obvious since day one, and I have been crystal obvious.” We must reinstate the safeguards outlined in Roe v. Wade into the law. Congress has the authority and power to pass legislation to reinstate those protections since the Supreme Court took it, and Joe Biden will sign that legislation. But that’s what we’re after.
Harris reiterated her call to restore the Roe v. Wade protections when asked if they should be restricted to a particular week of pregnancy, but she declined to give an exact date.
In reference to the month in which the Supreme Court overturned the historic decision that guaranteed a legal right to abortion, she said,” We’re not trying to do anything that did not exist before June of last year.”
Brennan then pressed Harris about the accusations made by Republicans regarding her position on abortion, saying,” I’m asking you for the specifics it, because Republicans say that Democrats can perform abortions up until, you know, birth because there isn’t a specific date for cutting it off.”
Before Brennan again questioned whether she needed to be more” precise” about acceptable limits on abortion access, Harris said the idea was” ridiculous” and a” mischaracterization of the point.” Kamala is just really bad at it, despite the fact that a politician saying,” Let me be clear ,” is code for” let me avoid specifics and reframe the issue.” Finally there’s this amusing conversation about immigration. MARGARET BRENNAN: However, CBP’s migration data indicates that the number of Guatemalan migrants is increasing. Peru, Ecuador, and Honduras. Therefore, the administration claimed that the reason the border crossings decreased earlier in the summer was because your policies were effective. As they did in the month of August, they are then rising again. Does that indicate the tactic is not longer effective?
Definitely not, Vice President Harris. It implies that we must continue to pay attention to a number of problems related to the unusual migration that, once more, we are witnessing throughout the world and from which America is never exempt. You are aware of my philos.
MARGARET BRENNAN: But, despite the rising numbers, do you believe the strategy is effective?
VICE PRESIDENT HARRIS: Total, we are seeing progress, but there will be fluctuations because there won’t be a constant. That is typical, simply like how the weather and other factors, like local elections and what they might entail, change over time. It doesn’t mean that we should keep our feet off the gas; rather, we need to maintain our concentration and realize that there needs to be both a long-term and short term strategy. And this is the bottom:
When the numbers dropped for two months, was it very early to say that the strategy was effective? MARGARET BRENNAN
VICE PRESIDENT HARRIS: My argument is that concentrating on the root causes and carrying out the work we have been doing to bring American investment into those nations in a way that supports their economies and fights corruption really works. This is terrifying just in the sense of how unprepared Kamala is to carry out even the most fundamental responsibilities of a social surrogate, let alone any position with real obligations.
Most people don’t know the name of the vice president. With 51/39 disapproval/approval, Kamala should be so lucky. Joe Biden is unpopular to a record and yet Republicans attack her because she is even more unpopular. Kamala thought that she was the heir, but now she realizes she is the albatross. And so she defaults to her usual manner of spewing intensive gobs of self-nullifying victimhood.Republicans are attacking me… because they’re afraid of me.Harris said the Republicans’ attacks against her abilities to serve in office are “not new,” noting that she was the first woman elected district attorney of San Francisco and the first woman to be attorney general of California, as well as having “represented 1 in 8 Americans” as a senator and being the first female vice president.That’s an identity politics resume, not a response. This robotic stuff makes Kamala the spiritual successor to Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton has a personality, despite the fake poisonous smiles. Kamala’s eyes are like a fish. It’s like looking into a fish’s eye. But there’s nothing going on in that eye. Kamala has come up with another of her meaningless cliches. She is a weak point, and campaigns often attack them. When asked about Biden’s aging and whether she was ready to take the reins, Kamala went off on a word salad tangent. “Yes, I am if necessary.” Joe Biden will be fine. Let me tell you: I work every day with Joe Biden. No doubt.Republicans don’t fear her, they find that she is useful. Harris’ inability to answer a simple abortion question was a sign of her lack of confidence. When Brennan asked Harris what week of pregnancy abortion access should be restricted, Harris said that she wanted to restore the protections of Roe V. Wade.
Harris said, “Let me make this very clear.” “I have been clear since day one. The president has been clear. We must put the protections in Roe v. Wade back into law. Since the Supreme Court ruled against it, Congress has the ability and power to pass legislation to restore those protections to law. Joe Biden will sign this bill. “That is what we want.”
When asked if abortion access protections could be limited to one week of pregnancy, Harris reiterated that she wanted to restore the protections provided by Roe v. Wade. She declined to give a time frame.
“We are not trying to do something that didn’t exist before June last year,” she said, referring to the month in which the Supreme Court overturned a landmark ruling that guaranteed constitutional rights to abortion.
Brennan then pressed Harris on Republicans’ allegations about her stance regarding abortion: “I’m requesting specifics because Republicans claim that the lack of a precise cut-off date — you know this — allows Democrats to perform abortions up until, you’ll recall, birth.”
The CBP data shows that Guatemalan migrants are on the rise. Honduras, Ecuador, Peru. When the border crossings decreased earlier in the summer, your administration claimed that it was because of your policies. Now, they are going up again as they did in August. Does this mean the strategy no longer works?
VICE PRESIDENT Harri: No, absolutely not. It means that we need to focus on a number issues relating to irregular migration, which is a problem that is seen around the world. America is not immune. You know my philosophy
MARGARET BRENNAN : Do you think that the strategy is still working despite the fact that the numbers are up?
VICE PRESIDENT Harris: We are making progress in general, but we will see fluctuations. This is normal. Just like the weather changes and- and circumstances change, such as elections and what they might mean. It doesn’t mean we should stop working. We must stay focused and understand that there needs to be both a long-term and short-term plan. Here’s the bottom line:
MARGARET BRENNA: Was it too early to say the strategy was working if the numbers went down two months?
VICE PRESIDENT Harri: My point is focusing on root cause, and doing the works that we have done to bring U.S. Investment into those countries in a manner that is supportive to their economies and supportive to fighting corruption actually works. This is terrifying in the sense that Kamala seems unprepared to perform even the most basic duties as a political surrogate let alone any position that has actual responsibilities.