In a recent interview with The Atlantic, retiring Senator Mitt Romney took on former Vice President Mike Pence who has tried to distance himself from Donald Trump following the January 6 uprising. No one has ever been “more loyal, willing to smile at absurdities, or more willing to attribute God’s will to those things that are not right.
Getty Images / Anna Moneymaker
Fight misinformation by subscribing to Mother Jones Daily’s completely newsletter and keeping up with important news. Former Vice President Mike Pence, who has tried to distance himself from Donald Trump since the January 6 insurrection, was exposed by retiring Sen. Mitt Romney in a new interview in The Atlantic.
No one has ever been” more devoted, more tolerant of absurdities, and more willing to attribute God’s will to things that were wicked than Mike Pence ,” according to Romney.
During an interview with CNN on Sunday, Pence responded to Romney in a very penceian manner.
Pence remarked,” Look, Mitt Romney has no idea what I was doing in the administration.” I haven’t spoken with Mitt Romney in a long time. He may retire and go off into retirement.
Pence didn’t often think that way about Romney, according to The Daily Beast. Last year, he praised him in a book as” a fine, public-spirited man with sacrificial heart.”
Pence has made an effort to strike a delicate balance with Trump, criticizing his boss for pressuring him to rescind the 2020 election while expressing his” extreme pride” in the record of the Trump administration. That approach hasn’t been effective thus far. Pence now has a 7 % lead in the GOP presidential election.
Former Vice President Mike Pence, who has tried to distance himself from Donald Trump since the January 6 insurrection, was exposed by retiring Sen. Mitt Romney in a new interview in The Atlantic. Nobody has ever been” more devoted, more tolerant of absurdities, and more willing to attribute God’s will to things that are absurd.”
In a recent interview with The Atlantic, retiring Senator Mitt Romney took on former Vice President Mike Pence who has tried to distance himself from Donald Trump following the January 6 uprising. No one has ever been “more loyal, willing to smile at absurdities, or more willing to attribute God’s will to those things that are not right.
A photograph of Anna Moneymaker taken by Getty Images is shown. Jeff Flake of Arizona warned against taking news stories too lightly.
Subscribe to The Atlantic’s free Mother Jones Daily newsletter and keep up to date on the news that matters, so you can combat disinformation. Recently, Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona, who is retiring, stated in an interview with The Atlantic that it is essential to be careful when osberving stories. Mitt Romney strongly reprimanded Mike Pence for attempting to seclude himself from Donald Trump since the January 6 riot. He argued that no one has been more devoted than Pence, to accept nonsense with a grin and to attribute divine purpose in a wrongful episode. In a conversation with CNN yesterday, Pence refuted Romney’s statements bluntly, indicating “Romney has no clue what I was doing in the administration”. It has been a long time since I’ve communicated with Mitt Romney. He can retire. According to the Daily Beast, Pence didn’t have positive sentiment toward Romney in the past. He extolled him in a book published last year as someone who is “noble, altruistic, and has a tendency to put others first.” Vice President Pence has taken on a difficult task in trying to maintain equilibrium with President Trump, denouncing his authority for endeavouring to invalidate the 2020 presidential election while still declaring himself to be “supremely pleased” with the Trump administration’s accomplishments.