When proponents of certain pandemic medical measures claim that the picture was incomplete at the time, it’s one thing; when politicians put in place clearly discriminatory regimes, another, the situation is quite different. Gov. Newsom, who almost lost his job and promised a path to the presidency, is attempting to clean up his record in advance of an upcoming debate with Governor. DeSantis, by pretending to be honest. It was the” science ,” as you can see. It kept shifting in our favor. Gov. Given what he now knows about the pandemic, Gavin Newsom claimed that criticism of California’s strict Covid – 19 restrictions was true and would have taken a completely different approach.
In a taped interview that was scheduled to air on NBC’s” Meet the Press” on Sunday, Newsom said,” I think we would’ve done everything differently.”
In terms of our social wisdom, I believe that we have all evolved. We were ignorant of what we were unaware of. We are experts in looking back. Then that we’re all geniuses, kindly. We were unaware that skate parks and benches in outside parks were safer than Hollywood sets. We were unaware that smaller businesses are safer than Amazon warehouses. Newsom was unaware that it might not go well to eat at the French Laundry with his friends while everyone else was forewarned that they would perish if they left their homes. There is a lot of social blame because Newsom won’t admit to certain faults. ” We” all erred in some way. Chuck Todd, the host, pressed the California Democrat on specifics, including whether Newsom and state officials had been very accommodating to the film industry during times of rigid distance restrictions, such as when Californians were forbidden from attending family funerals. There is a lot of humility, in my opinion. And we were unaware of our ignorance. And it wasn’t really me; it was all of us ,” Newsom retorted. It’s enormous how humble you are. The state governor and the man in the parking lot both made mistakes. Let’s not hold anyone responsible; just know that the next time, we’ll proceed entirely different. The governor mostly stuck to generalizations despite Todd’s persistent prodding on specifics where Newsom would have made various decisions in his hard-hit state, such as the protracted closure of in-person learning at schools.
At the same time, Newsom lamented the pandemic’s political nature and how every choice he made, as well as those of his counterparts in different states and the White House, was viewed through a biased lens.
It should be concerning to all of us that health suddenly turned political, he said. You’re right, moving ahead, we’ll have to pay a high price for that. Although” we” really meant” I” in the previous quote, that’s what it means here as well. However, it won’t break us because we’re remarkably resilient. Newsom is a very strong person. Hating him for his violent policies won’t make him change. If Biden loses, he will be the first in line for the presidency because of his wealth. He sincerely apologizes for the things he won’t say, but they are really everyone’s fault. They also won’t stop him from attempting to take over the nation.
Gov. Newsom, who almost lost his job, and promised a path to the presidency, tries to rewrite his history ahead of a possible debate with Gov. DeSantis is playing innocent. It kept changing on us. Gov. Gavin Newsom said that criticism of California’s strict Covid-19 restrictions is valid and he would take a completely different approach given what he now knows about the pandemic.
Newsom said, “I think we’d’ve done everything different,” in a recorded interview that will air on NBC Sunday’s “Meet the Press”.
“I think we’ve all evolved in terms of collective wisdom. We didn’t even know what we didn’t know. In retrospect, we’re experts. Please. We didn’t realize that skate parks and outdoor park benches were safer than Hollywood sets. We didn’t realize that Amazon warehouses are not safer than small business? Newsom didn’t think that eating at the French Laundry while everyone else was told that they would die leaving their homes might look bad? “We” made mistakes.Host Chuck Todd pressed Newsom on specifics. “I think that there’s a great deal of humility. We didn’t even know what we didn’t know. Newsom replied, “It was not me; it was us collectively.” The humility is overwhelming. Everyone made mistakes, including the state governor and that guy in the parking garage. Let’s not point fingers at anyone. We’ll do it the same way next time.
Newsom also lamented the partisan nature and partisan view of the pandemic, and how he and his counterparts in other state and the White House viewed every decision through a partisan lens.
“It’s alarming that suddenly health has become partisan,” said he. “And we’re going pay a price for that, you’re correct, moving forward. But it won’t break because we’re remarkably resistant.” Much as “we” meant “I” when quoted in the previous quote so it is here. Newsom is incredibly strong. He won’t be broken by being hated for his abusive policy. He has money and is first in line for the presidency if Biden loses. He is sorry for things he won’t say, but they are all his fault. They won’t stop him trying to rule the nation.