Senate Democratic leaders are facing a difficult path in Arizona’s Senate Race, where Democrat Ruben Galego could potentially face off against not only a Republican but also Sen. Kyrsten Sienema (I), a Democrat who was a former member. Some Arizona Democrats believe that Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer (D.Y.) would support Gallego even if it was behind the scenes. They cite the animosity between many in the…
In Arizona’s Senate race, Democrat Ruben Gallego could potentially face off against not only a Republican but also Sen. Kyrsten Sinema( I ), an ex-Democrat. Senate Democratic leaders are up against tough opposition. Chuck Schumer, the D-N, is anticipated by some Arizona Democrats as Senate Majority Leader. Y .) will support Gallego, yet if it is in the background, observing the hostility among the… In Arizona’s Senate race, Senate Democratic leaders face a difficult road ahead in which Democrat Ruben Gallego could potentially face off against not only Republicans but also Sen. Kyrsten Sinema( I ), an ex-Democrat. Some Arizona Democrats anticipate Chuck Schumer, D-N, as Senate Majority Leader. Y. ) will support Gallego, yet if it is in the background, observing the hostility among the…
Senate Democratic leaders are facing a difficult path in Arizona’s Senate Race, where Democrat Ruben Galego could potentially face off against not only a Republican but also Sen. Kyrsten Sienema (I), a Democrat who was a former member. Some Arizona Democrats believe that Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer (D.Y.) would support Gallego even if it was behind the scenes. They cite the animosity between many in the…