In Jamie Glazov’s newest book, Barack Obama: The Real Legacy: How He Transformed America, Daniel Greenfield makes a special mention of his contributions. State Department representatives requested a special exemption from sanctions on funding terrorists in 2021 and warned that” Has could possibly derive collateral, unexpected benefit from U.S. assistance to Gaza.” While the Biden administration kept the assessment that it was at great risk of funding Hamas a secret, the results could be seen in real time when BiDEN met with Mahmoud Abbas, head of the Palestinian Authority, in 2022 and boasted that,” I reversed the policies of my predecessor and resumed aid to Palestinians.” Terrorist attacks significantly decreased after the Trump administration and Congress stopped providing international aid to the West Bank and Gaza terrorist areas. Thus did the victims. Just three Israelis were killed in total in 2020. When Biden gave the terrorists aid again in 2021, Israeli casualties increased by 90 %. Since then, they have steadily increased, increasing by an additional 82 % from 2021 to 2022 each year Biden was in office. Before the horrible atrocities of the Jewish High Holy Days’ end, twice as many Israelis had died in one month of Biden as in Trump’s year. Even days before the attacks, the money kept coming in. Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the UN ambassador, said she was” pleased to announce that the United States is providing additional funding to support UNRWA” on September 23. In the first few days of October, Secretary of State Blinken overrode Senator Jim Risch’s hold on$ 75 million in funding for UNRWA, which is essentially run by Hamas. Because UNRWA has a” long history of employing people connected to terrorist movements like Hamas” and” uses its schools to store Haz’s weapons ,” Risch and other Republican senators had put an end to their efforts to have Blinken certify every 180 days that the organization satisfies accountability requirements. Sen. Risch remarked,” It is inconceivable that taxpayer money from the United States would be used to support such an organization.” The Biden administration, which was aware that it was the case, found it to be extremely” thinkable.” Nevertheless, in the weeks leading up to Hamas’ attack on Israel, it authorized$ 148 million in aid. 75 million of those funds would be used directly for” humanitarian” needs in Gaza. No halt to aid and no review of prior aid has been announced, despite the fact that 9 Americans have been killed and more are being held as hostages( a number that is possible to rise ). There is every reason to believe that UNRWA will continue to receive payments, irrespective of whether Hamas benefits from them. The United States has given UNRWA more than$ 296 million in 2023 alone, according to Biden’s UN ambassador. Additionally, since 2021, the Biden Administration has contributed close to$ 1 billion. Millions, tens of millions of dollars of that money were unavoidably used to kill, torture, and behead concertgoers, launch rocket launches, kidnap children, or fund Hamas operations. The European Union declared that it would stop providing aid following the atrocities of the High Holy Days. ” A turning point is the level of terror and brutality directed against Israel and its people.” No business can be conducted as normal. The European Commission is reviewing its entire development portfolio, for a total ofEUR 691 million, as the largest donor to the Palestinians, according to an announcement from the EU’s Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi. ” All payments have been suspended immediately. Every project is reviewed. Fresh budget proposals are all postponed until further notice, including those for 2023. a thorough evaluation of the entire portfolio. Alexander Schallenberg, the Austrian Foreign Minister, said,” We will put all development aid payments on ice for the time being.” The scope of the terror is truly appalling. The Biden administration has not made any announcements of this nature. It is such a fracture that one cannot resume normal business. The EU has expressed shock and horror in response to rape, murder, and child suffocation. There hasn’t been anything like it in Washington, D.C., where Samantha Power denounced Hamas on Twitter without mentioning an end or perhaps a review of USAID funding. Additionally, Secretary of State Blinken made no mention of outside assistance. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield expressed her” outrage and horrification” at the” appalling, unprovoked, brutal attacks by Hamas terrorists ,” but she made no mention of ceasing assistance to them. That should be interpreted as a sign that the Biden administration will continue to support terrorists. The Western statements do nothing more than highlight the callousness and lack of humanity in the Biden administration, which has provided press releases, but they do not deviate from its pre-existing agenda. The Biden administration was aware that funding Hamas posed a” high risk” prior to this. Additionally, it could observe an increase in murders and violence while maintaining peace with the funds it was dispersing to extremist groups. Despite that, it persisted. Despite well-documented evidence that Hamas terrorists control the UN agency’s workforce and use its infrastructure to store weapons and launch attacks, it sent$ 148 million to UNRWA earlier this year. The Biden administration was allowing billions of dollars to travel to Iran, which was funding and training the terrorists, while sending hundreds of millions to them. The most recent installment in a series of payments that, like those made by the Obama administration, illegally evaded American laws, in this case by traveling through South Korea, was the recent release of$ 6 billion to Iran through its Qatari allies, who also serve as state sponsors of Hamas. Perhaps worse, Iran’s oil shipments to China were not subject to sanctions imposed by the Biden administration. The Islamist terrorist state was soaking up Chinese money as a result of its enormous increase in shipments to the PRC, even though the sanctions were still in effect on paper. The Biden administration had secretly agreed to stop intercepting and seizing Iranian oil tankers in addition to the$ 6 billion in the prisoner swap deal, allowing the terror state to send 1.6 million barrels to China every day. Iran has been able to profit$ 47 billion from its trade with China under Biden. The FGE energy consulting firm’s managing director, Iman Nasseri, stated in September that” I believe Iranians have been given unofficial confirmation… that there won’t be any more sanctions on the crude buyers as much as they are engaged in the illegal negotiations.” The Biden administration was subtly undermining sanctions even though it insisted they were still in place. Iran’s newly discovered wealth was used to finance the broad infrastructure, plan the High Holy Days atrocities, and launch attacks against Americans in Iraq. The High Holy Days atrocities were undoubtedly funded in part by sanctions relief to Iran and international aid to the criminal areas in Israel, but there is no doubt that quite significant sums of money would have contributed to enabling the attacks to be of an extraordinary scale. Additionally, the Biden administration isn’t actually apologizing or ordering a halt to aid. The disastrous attacks, the assassinated Israelis, raped women, and the caged children achieved the international policy objectives of the Biden administration, which were to weaken Israel and, in particular, Prime Minister Netanyahu, as well as to turn the terrorists into the subject of negotiations, replacing the anti-Iran Abraham Accords with yet another round of counter-Israel peace talks. Hamas would receive the Biden administration’s aid funds, it was forewarned. Every year that money started returning to the criminal areas, it observed an increase in criminal attacks. Its administration was staffed with proponents of terrorism against Israel, including Hady Amr, its envoy to the terrorists, and then the worst day of terror in Israel’s history was the result of its policies. Terrorism is expensive. We are the ones who are responsible for it.
Daniel Greenfield’s contributions to Jamie Glazov’s new book, Barack Obama’s Tru Legacy: How he Transformed America are worth reading. In 2021, State Department officials warned there was a “high risk Hamas might derive indirect, accidental benefits from U.S. aid to Gaza”. They asked for a special exception from sanctions on financing terrorists. In 2022, Biden met Mahmoud Abubas, the terror leader of the Palestinian Authority, and boasted, “I reversed my predecessor’s policies and resumed assistance to the Palestinians – more than half a billion in 2021.” While the Biden administration kept The number of terrorist attacks fell sharply after the Trump administration and Congress cut off foreign aid for the terrorist areas in Gaza and the West Bank. The number of casualties also dropped. In 2020, only 3 Israelis died. In 2021, after Biden restored aid for terrorists, Israeli deaths soared by 900%. They have consistently increased every year Biden has been in office, up 82% from the years 2021 to 2022. Even before the horrific atrocities that followed the Jewish High Holy Days ended, twice as many Israelis were killed in a month under Biden as in a year under Trump. The money continued to flow even days before the attacks. On September 23, UN ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield announced that the United States was providing more than $73 millions in additional funding to UNRWA. In the first days in October, Secretary Blinken overrode Senator Jim Risch’s hold on $75 million of funding for UNRWA which is largely staff by Hamas. Risch, along with other Republican Senators, had imposed a “hold” on UNRWA funding. They required that Blinken certify that UNRWA meets the accountability criteria every 180 days because it has a “long history of hiring people connected to terrorist groups like Hamas”, and “using its school to store Hamas arms.” It authorized $148 million of aid in the weeks leading up to Hamas’s attack on Israel. Even after 9 Americans were murdered and many more taken hostage, the aid continues. Biden’s UN ambassador revealed that the United States contributed more than $296 millions to UNRWA in 2023 alone. The Biden Administration has contributed almost $1 billion since 2021.” Millions and tens millions of dollars of this money were used to murder, torture, and behead concert-goers, to launch rockets, kidnap, and finance Hamas operations. It can’t be business as usual. The European Commission, as the largest donor to the Palestinians, is reviewing its entire development portfolio, worth EUR 691m, announced EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood & Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi. “All payments are immediately suspended. All projects are being reviewed. All new budget proposals including those for 2023 have been postponed. Comprehensive assessment of the entire portfolio. The scale of the terror was so horrific. It’s so fractious that it is impossible to go back to normal business. The EU has responded with shock and horror at rapes and murders as well as caged children. Samantha Power condemned Hamas on Twitter, but did not mention a review or a stop to USAID funding. Secretary of State Blinken also said nothing about foreign aid. The Biden administration knew that there was a high risk that it was funding Hamas. It could see the violence and deaths rising as it sent money into terrorist areas. It continued to do so despite the evidence. The Biden administration did not enforce sanctions against Iran’s oil shipments into China, despite the fact that the sanctions were still in place. The Biden administration, while claiming that sanctions were still in place, was secretly agreeing to stop intercepting and securing Iranian oil tankers, allowing the terror state 1.6 million barrels of oil to be shipped to China every day. Iran has gained $47 billion in trade with China under Biden. In September, Iman Nasseri of the FGE Energy Consulting firm said, “I believe Iranians have received unwritten confirmation that there will be no further sanctions on crude buyers so long as they’re engaged in the negotiations”. The Biden administration was secretly undermining the sanctions while claiming they were still in effect. Iran’s newfound money was used to finance the planning and infrastructure for the High Holy Days massacres and launch attacks against Americans in Iraq. The Biden administration watched as terrorist attacks increased every year when money was redirected to terrorist areas. It staffed its administration with terrorists and its envoy, Hady Amr. Now, its policies have paid off, with the worst terror day in Israel’s recent history. We are the ones who pay for it.