Robert Rivernider, a Trump supporter who is also a local official, blamed the charges against him on a local rivalry between local officials who support DeSantis and Robert Rivernider.
A man has been accused of forgery and fraud after authorities claim he cast a ballot in Florida for his late father in the 2020 election. However, the suspect claims the accusations were motivated by racial rivalry between Florida Governor and former President Donald Trump supporters within the GOP. supporters of Ron DeSantis. The ballot was postmarked four days after the father’s death in the middle of October 2020, so election officials in Sumter County did not count it, according to a legal complaint made by William Keen, the county elections supervisor. According to the complaint, when the father’s ballot was examined, the signature on it resembled that of his son and did not differ from any other father-signed ballots. # 13 of the advertisement
According to court records, Robert Rivernider was detained and charged last week with fraud and felony forgery of a common record. Since then, he has been let go. When contacted on Wednesday, Rivernider announced his intention to enter a not guilty plea. He attributed the accusations to a local social rivalry between DeSantis, who is also running for the GOP nomination in 2024, and himself, an effective Trump supporter. He emphasized that about three years after the election, charges were brought. Rivernider remarked,” There is a lot of politics going on around in Sumter County, and they don’t like the fact that I disagree with their system.” Keen received an email asking for comment. Rivernider resides close to The Villages, a sizable retirement community where at least four people have been detained on suspicion of voter fraud since the 2020 election. Advertising &# 13,
Despite the lack of evidence of voter malfeasance in Sunshine State, DeSantis and the Republican-dominated Florida Legislature established a law enforcement agency next year to look into election crimes. The arrests of 20 people for voting illegally in 2020 were the unit’s initial people actions. According to DeSantis, a 2018 constitutional amendment that grants some felons the right to vote after they have been found guilty of murder or other felony physical offenses barred them from voting. Rivernider has been making restitution payments to dozens of victims ever since he was found guilty of planning a$ 20 million real estate flipping scheme in federal court in Connecticut ten years ago. Before they can regain their right to vote in Florida, felons must pay all fines, restitution, and legal fees. This Ron DeSantis Story Deserves A Lot More Attention Than Its GettingVoter Fraud Charges Confuse Floridians And Arresting Officers In Bodycam VideoCharges Dismissed For Florida Man Arrested In Ron Demiss’s Voterfraud Crackdown Robert RiverniderWilliam Keen Robert Rivernider attributed the accusations to a nearby social rivalry between DeSantis, an active Trump supporter, and himself.
Robert Rivernider, a Trump supporter who is also a local official, blamed the charges against him on a local rivalry between local officials who support DeSantis and Robert Rivernider.
Die Kommission kann gemäß Artikel 264 delegierte Rechtsakte erlassen, die Folgendes betreffen: THE VILLAGES, Fla. Ron DeSantis supporters.
A person has been accused of counterfeiting and cheating after investigators report that they observed him submitting a ballot in Florida in the name of his recently deceased dad during the 2020 election. The suspect maintains, however, that the charges have been spurred by the intensity of a partisan rivalry between Trump proponents and those who support Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Backers of Ron DeSantis are upset as votes cast by a man in Sumter County were not added up because it was sent four days after his passing in October 2020. A SUmter County Elections Supervisor, William Keen, launched a criminal charge in relation to the matter. The complaint indicated that the father’s ballot had a signature that was similar to his son’s instead of any other ballot signatures the father had previously. Robert Rivernider was apprehended in the last week due to charges of forging official documents and fraud, as acknowledged by court papers. He was let go from being detained, and Rivernider confirmed that when informed on Wednesday of the charges, he intends to plead innocent. He laid the blame on a political disagreement between himself, a faithful fan of President Trump, and regional administrators whose choice was DeSantis, another candidate in the 2024 Republican presidential nomination cycle.