In a 60-minute interview, Emad Shargi, one of the Iranian-Americans Biden traded for$ 6 billion and for numerous Iranian agents in the US, stated that” hostage-taking didn’t start with us and it’s not going away.” In the United States and in Europe, it is our responsibility to develop policies that prevent the kidnapping of honest people. The most obvious thing that Persian Americans oppose, for obvious reasons, is a travel ban to Iran, and those policies must be more severe than sanctioning someone. as well as to any nation that regularly holds Americans hostage in exchange for their citizens. similar to Russia. perhaps China as well. If Americans are prohibited from visiting Iran, the ayatollahs will find it harder to find hostages. What other options are there besides defense intervention? We could trade hostages for a couple Egyptian regime members or their families who are visiting the United States by shipping them to Gitmo, as the Iranians do. Beyond that, our options are meaningless. Shargi was a two citizen of Iran and America, so I feel bad for him. It shouldn’t even be lawful to hold two citizenship with an enemy state. He spent a lot of time in Iran, and after he was detained and tortured, we were forced to trade$ 6 billion in Iranian regime agents. Here, there is not a particularly great response. Civis Romanus Sum, I am a Roman Citizen, and you had to answer to the Empire were all that was required back in the days of the Roman Empire. When an American was taken hostage, Teddy Roosevelt gave the Jihadis of his time a straightforward choice:” Perdicaris dead or Raisuli dead.” The United States fought to protect Israeli Americans’ rights when they traveled to Russia during the Czarist era. To ensure the safety of Americans, you must either be willing to use force or significant monetary leverage. We can at least stop encouraging the taking of hostages because we don’t want to do either one. There is only one way to negotiate with terrorists.
Emad Shargi was one of the Iranian Americans that Biden traded for $6 billion in exchange for multiple Iranian agents working in the United States. He gave an interview to 60 Minutes in which he stated, “Hostage taking didn’t begin with us and won’t stop with us.” It is our duty to develop policies in the United States and Europe that will prevent innocent people from being taken hostage. These policies must be stronger than sanctions. “The Iranian-Americans are against a travel ban for obvious reasons. As well as any country that takes Americans hostage in order to trade for its people. Like Russia. And maybe China. We could do as the Iranians, which is to take a few Iranian regime officials or their families visiting the United States and ship them to Gitmo and then trade them for hostages. Beyond that, we have no meaningful alternatives. Dual citizenship with an opponent state shouldn’t be legal. He spent a lot of time in Iran, and when he was imprisoned and tortured we had to trade Iranian regime agent and $6 billion. There’s never been a good answer. In the Roman Empire you only had to say Civis Romanus sum, I am a Roman citizen, to be held accountable to the Empire. Teddy Roosevelt gave the Jihadis a simple ultimatum, “Perdicaris dead or Raisuli alive” when an American was held hostage. Under Czarist rule the United States struggled with the rights of Jewish Americans visiting Russia. We can stop encouraging the taking of hostages, since we are not willing to do both. Negotiating with terrorists has only one outcome.