
How Obama Enabled Hamas’ Terror Attack on Israel

Editor’s note: It is crucial to emphasize that Barack Obama gave the jihad terror group in Gaza its power and contributed to its present mayhem and destruction inside the Jewish state as we horrifiedly observe Hamas’ present bloodthirsty and savage terror attack inside Israel. Barack Obama’s Real Legacy: How He Transformed America, a new book by Jamie Glazov, explores this gloomy reality. Frontpage Editors have decided that it is serious to publish a chapter in Daniel Greenfield’s book How Obama Funded the Murder of Israelis below due to the terrifying situation in Israel right now. Make sure to read the engrossing chapter and order Barack Obama’s True Legacy, which includes numerous additional essays on how Obama betrayed and hurt America and Israel. How Obama Financed the Murder of Israelis, Chapter 6. A terrorist rammed a truck into Jewish cadets who were exiting the bus in Jerusalem in 2017, according to Daniel Greenfield. Over a dozen more Israelis were hurt, and four of them, three of whom were women, were killed. The criminal Fadi al-Qanbar was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers, but the Palestinian Authority was set to pay his widow a 2,900 Israeli shekel lifetime pension as compensation. i ] The West Bank’s average salary is 1,720 NIS. The terrorist was referred to as a” Shahid” or religious martyr for Islam by the Palestinian Authority media, despite the fact that he was said to have been motivated by ISIS. The money continued to come despite this most recent act, which showed the connection between our international aid to the Palestinian Authority, Islamist terrorism, yet terrorist activity connected to ISIS, and the murder of Israelis. The Obama administration hurried to transfer$ 221 million in funds to the Palestinian Authority that Republicans had been blocking a couple weeks after the mass murder of Israelis in Jerusalem. Secretary of State John Kerry rushed the money to the terrorists hours before President Trump was sworn in. What kind of impact would$ 221 million have? The Martyrs Fund budget for the Palestinian Authority for 2017 set aside$ 153 million in salaries for terrorists who had been or were held captive by Israel, and an additional$ 190 million for their families. ] v ] The$ 21 million represented a sizeable portion of the” Pay to Slay” budget allotted for encouraging murders of this nature. It paid off, too. 2017 saw an increase in the number of Israelis killed in terrorist attacks. ] vi ] From 400 to 1, 100 lone wolf attack plots were reported. Additionally, the Martyrs Fund served as a crucial tool for inciting these attacks by guaranteeing terrorists who survived would receive ample lifetime incomes and providing them with the assurance that their families would be well taken care of in the event of their deaths. The Sabbath attack on the Salomon family, who were celebrating the birth of a new family member, was one of the Jewish murders supported in 2017; it resulted in the murder of Chaya and Elad, Yosef’s son and daughter, as well as the stabbing death of seventy-year-old YESEFT Saltomon and the injuries of his wife, Tova Salamon. ” I saw two houses, and I heard voices and laughter coming from one of them.” The criminal Omar el-Abed eventually explained,” So I decided to get into the one that had laughter.” The murderer, who had smiled throughout the trial, was estimated to have been paid 12, 000 NIS in 2018 by the Israeli Defense Ministry, and he would make up to 12 millionNIS, or$ 3.5 million, over the course of his lifetime. Money is substitutable, despite some claims that the Obama administration did not intend for United States foreign aid to be used for the Martyrs Fund and its” Pay to Slay” program. The Palestinian Authority was given the financial freedom to invest money in the murder of Jews thanks to British overseas aid. When the increase in murders closely followed the rise in international aid from 2001 to 2007, it was now clear that there was a link between this and violence. However, the Obama administration saw a sharp rise in support for the terrorists in charge of the Palestinian Authority. Bilateral assistance increased from an average of$ 170 million during the Bush administration to$ 400 million in 2008 and close to$ 1 billion by 2009. The new annual average increased to$ 400 million, but terror victims actually paid the price. The Trump administration cut off the Palestinian Authority’s access to international aid on a ruthless basis, but the harm had already been done. Due to years of booming funding, the infrastructure of individual” lone wolf” terror had been established, and the Israelis killed by” Pay to Slay” terrorists would not be revived. However, the international aid provided by the Obama administration to the Palestinian Authority was only a small portion of the overall funding for terrorism. Hamas, the PA’s sporadic rival and ally, made up the other half of the terror story. The Obama administration had unlawfully transferred$ 1.7 billion to Iran in 2016. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ ( IRGC) deputy chief asserted ownership of the ransom. President Trump designated the IRGC as a Foreign Terrorist Organization, making it the center of Islamist terrorism in the area. [/ xii ] Mark Toner, a spokesman for the State Department, said,” We can always hand it over to someone who can give it to the IRGC.” [/ xiv ] In the meantime, the Obama administration attempted to grant Iran access to the US financial system by converting billions into dollars and then euros. ] xv ] Following the$ 1.7 billion payment, Iran increased its military spending by the same sum. According to estimates, the IRGC receives 65 percent of the defense budget. Additionally, the IRGC supports, trains, and finances a number of Muslim criminal organizations, including Hamas. This includes the missiles that Hamas has been launching at Israel and that have landed on Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. [ xviii ] Iran was able to increase its investment in regional conflicts thanks to the billions spent on sanctions relief. [ xix ] In 2017, Hamas declared that it had resumed receiving assistance from Iran. Iran increased aid to Hamas in 2019 from$ 70 million annually to$ 30 million per month. Beyond Hamas, Iran also supports Islamic Jihad( PIJ ), which was at the forefront of the most recent round of rocket attacks on Israel in the fall of 2019. Similar to Hamas’ rockets, these were created with the help of Iran’s Islamic Republic. Ali Akbar Velayati, the Supreme Leader of Iran’s foreign affairs advisor, acknowledged that” the majority of the weapons used by the Palestinians came from Iran, or that Iran helped ] ed ] the Palestines manufacture their own weapons ,” demonstrating the extent of Iranian involvement in Islamic terrorism in Israel. [ xxii ] The Obama administration significantly increased support for the Palestinian Authority. Yet though the terrorist organization was funding the murder of Jews, it continued to pour money into the Palestinian Authority. It gave Iran$ 1.7 billion in payments and additional billions in sanctions relief. Additionally, Iran was allowed to increase funding for the IRGC and pay more to terrorist organizations like Hamas thanks to sanctions relief. These figures represent actual Israelis and Americans who have been hurt or killed; they are not only abstractions. The Obama administration was conscious of the repercussions of its billion-dollar investment in Iran and the Palestinian Authority. It was aware that the funds would be used to murder Jews. The precise number of Americans and Jews who perished as a result of those billions will not be known. No single bill is likely to have ended up in the hands of a terrorist who killed someone who was Jewish, even when the payments were made in cash, as was the case with the$ 400 million in foreign currency that was flown over to Iran. However, money is malleable. The infrastructure of terror receives billions of dollars, which is blood money. The crimes committed by the terror networks that feed off that infrastructure, at any level of scale from large terror groups like Hamas or Hezbollah to the individual” lone wolf” Islamic terrorist who expects to receive a generous salary from the Palestinian Authority and are on the political conscience of their funders, no matter how indirect they may claim that their contributions are. The billions of dollars that the Obama administration injected into the infrastructure of terror was used to murder Jews. These people are no abstractions or statistics. They are as true as Chaya Salomon who opened the door at a knock and was stabbed to death by a terrorist. Chaya, a minute – grade teacher, ran for help even as she was dying of her wounds. ” Dear student, when I give the report cards at the end of the semester, I am constantly reminded of another report card, almost like at school”, she had written in a final message to her students. ” It is given by our Father in Heaven, Who is everywhere. But instead of the ordinary subjects and exam grades, He gives grades in the following subjects: friendliness, patience, understanding, love, kindness, responsibility, gratitude, humility. And that another report card is important, yet more than any other grade”. ] xxiii ] Chaya did not have to die. The Obama administration made a decision to keep funding the Palestinian Authority that had been funding the murder of grandfathers and grandmothers, rabbis and subsequent – grade teachers, children and their parents. That decision may have helped lead to Chana’s death. The report card of the Obama administration reflects no simple statistics. It is marked with blood. Notes :] i ] Ruthie Blum,” Widow of Terrorist Who Committed Deadly Jerusalem Truck – Ramming Attack to Receive$ 760 Lifetime Monthly Allowance From Palestinian Authority”, Algemeiner.com, Jan. 11, 2017: https:// www.algemeiner.com / 2017 / 01 / 11 / widow-of-terrorist-who-committed-deadly-jerusalem-truck-ramming-attack-to-receive-760-lifetime-monthly-allowance-from-palestinian-authority /. [ ii ] Dan Diker,” Understanding Israel’s Assessment of ISIS – Inspired Terrorism”. The Jerusalem Post, Jan. 12, 2017: https:// www.jpost.com / Opinion / Understanding-Israels-assessment-of-ISIS-inspired-terrorism-478163. [ iii ] Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik. ” PA: Terrorist Who Killed Four in Truck Ramming Attack Died for Allah: PMW Analysis”. Palestinian Media Watch, Jan. 10, 2017: https:// palwatch.org / page / 11467. [ iv ] Matthew Lee,” US Sent$ 221 Million to Palestinians in Obama’s Last Hours”, Associated Press, Jan. 23, 2017: https :// apnews.com / b8446cbf5b504b1abaf49eb0d646367b / US-sent-$ 221-million-to-Palestinians-in-Obama’s-last-hours. [ v ] Lieber, Dov. ” PA Payments to Prisoners,’ Martyr’ Families Then Similar Half Its European Administrative Aid”. The Times of Israel, July 31, 2017: https :// www.timesofisrael.com / pa-payments-to-prisoners-martyr-families-now-equal-half-its-foreign-aid /. [ vi ] Anna Ahronheim,” 2017 Numbers: Terrorists Slayed 20 Israelis, 3, 617 Palestinians Arrested”, The Jerusalem Post, Jan. 7, 2018: https :// www.jpost.com / Arab-Israeli-Conflict / Terrorists-killed-20-Israelis-in-2017 – 533008. [ vii ] David Israel,” Terrorist Who Murdered Salomon Family: I Picked a House with Sounds of Laughter”, The Jewish Press, Oct. 4, 2018: https:// www.jewishpress.com / news / eye-on-palestine / palestinian-authority / terrorist-who-murdered-salomon-family-i-picked-a-house-with-sounds-of-laughter / 2018 / 10 / 04 /. [ viii ]” Defense Ministry: Terrorists Will Get NIS 10 Million Each from PA”, The Times of Israel, May 6, 2018: https :// www.timesofisrael.com / defense-ministry-terrorists-will-get-nis-10-million-each-from-pa /. [ ix ] Steven Stotsky,” Does Foreign Aid Fuel Palestinian Violence”? Middle East Forum, 2008: https:// www.meforum.org / 1926 / does-foreign-aid-fuel-palestinian-violence /. [ x ]” U. S. Foreign Aid to the Palestinians”, Congressional Research Service, Mar. 18, 2016: https:// www.everycrsreport.com / files / 20160318_ RS22967_ 2711096fe48c81141d951aaab19d3bcca0e7fe71.pdf. [ xi ] Adam Kredo,” Obama Admin Provided Iranian Terror Orgs With$ 37.4M in Cash”, Washington Free Beacon, Sept. 13, 2016: https:// freebeacon.com / national-security / report-obama-admin-provided-iranian-terror-orgs-37 – 4-million-cash /. [ xii ] Saeed Ghasseminejad,” Iranian Officials: Obama – Era Prisoner Release Was’ Ransom,'” Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Oct. 24, 2018: https:// www.fdd.org / analysis / 2017 / 03 / 03 / iranian-officials-obama-era-prisoner-release-was-ransom /. [ xiii ]” Statement from the President on the Designation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a Foreign Terrorist Organization”, The White House, The United States Government, Apr. 8, 2019: https:// www.whitehouse.gov / briefings-statements / statement-president-designation-islamic-revolutionary-guard-corps-foreign-terrorist-organization /. [ xiv ] Pete Kasperowicz,” State Department Can’t Say Who in Iran Got Another$ 1.3 Billion”, Washington Examiner, Aug. 22, 2016: https:// www.washingtonexaminer.com / state-department-cant-say-who-in-iran-got-another-13-billion. [ xv ]” The Obama Administration Secretly Sought to Give Iran Access to the US Financial System”, Associated Press, June 6, 2018: https:// www.cnbc.com / 2018 / 06 / 06 / the-obama-administration-secretly-sought-to-give-iran-access-to-the-us-financial-system.html. [ xvi ] Eli Lake,” U. S. Taxpayers Are Funding Iran’s Military Expansion”, Bloomberg.com, June 9, 2016: https:// www.bloomberg.com / view / articles / 2016 – 06 – 09 / u-s-taxpayers-are-funding-iran-s-military-expansion. [ xvii ] Adam Kredo,” Obama Admin Provided Iranian Terror Orgs With$ 37.4M in Cash”, Washington Free Beacon, Sept. 13, 2016: https:// freebeacon.com / national-security / report-obama-admin-provided-iranian-terror-orgs-37 – 4-million-cash /. [ xviii ] Sen. Ashish Kumar. The Washington Times published an article titled” Iran Admits Giving Hamas Technology for Missiles” on November 21, 2012. Jay Solomon and Carol E. Lee [ xix ]. The Wall Street Journal published an article titled” A Tally of Iran Sanctions Relief Includes More Than$ 10 Billion in Cash, Gold” on December 30, 2016, at https:// www.wsj.com / articles / a-tally-of-iran-sanctions-relief-includes-more-than-10-billion-cash-gold-1483112751. [ xx ]” New Hamas Leader Says It Is Getting Aid Again From Iran” Associated Press, August 29, 2017: https:// www.cnbc.com / 07 / 08 / 29 / new-HAMAS-leader-says-it-is-getting-aid-again-from-iran.html Michael Bachner,” Iran Said Increasing Hamas Funding to$ 30m Per Month, Wants Intel on Israel ,” [ xxi ] The Times of Israel, August 5, 2019: http :// www.timesofisrael.com / iran-agrees-to-increase-hamas funding to$ 30 million per month report. /] xxii ]” Iran Provided Most of Hamas’ Weapons” by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, August 31, 2014: https :// mfa.gov.il / MFA / ForeignPolicy / Iranian-provided-most-Hamas-weapons-31-Aug-2014.ax [/ xxii ]” Chaya Salomon.” One Family: http :// www.onefamilytogether.org / chaya-salomon 

The new book by Jamie Glazov, Barack Obama’s Tru Legacy: How he Transformed America, documents the dark reality. Frontpage Editors felt it was important to publish a chapter from the book How Obama Funded Murder of Israelis, written by Shillman fellow Daniel Greenfield. *Chapter 6, How Obama Funded Murder of Israelis. By Daniel GreenfieldIn Jerusalem in 2017, 2017 began with the terrorist ramming his truck into Israeli cadets as they were getting off a bus. Four Israelis, including three women, were killed and more than a dozen others were injured. The terrorist Fadi al Qanbar was killed by Israeli soldiers. However, his widow would receive a monthly pension for life of 2,900 shekels Israeli from the Palestinian Authority. [i] In the West Bank, the average salary is 1,720 NIS. The Palestinian Authority media referred to him as a “Shahid”, or religious martyr, for Islam despite the fact that he was allegedly inspired by ISIS[ii]. [iii] In spite of this latest act which demonstrated the connection between our foreign aid for the Palestinian Authority and Islamic terrorism or even terrorism related with ISIS and the murders of Israelis, money continued to flow. After the massacre of Israelis in Jerusalem a few weeks ago, the Obama administration transferred $221 million to the Palestinian Authority despite Republican opposition. [iv]Hours before President Trump’s inauguration, Secretary of State John Kerry sent the money to terrorists. What difference could $221 million make to the world? The Palestinian Authority’s Martyrs Fund 2017 budget allocated $153 millions in salaries to terrorists that had been or were jailed by Israel, and another $190 to their families. [v] The amount of $221 million was a significant percentage of the budget for “Pay to Slay”, which was used to encourage murders such as these. It paid off. In 2017, the number of Israelis who died in terrorist attacks increased. The number of lone-wolf attacks increased from 400 to 1,100. The Martyrs Fund played a major role in incentivizing terrorist attacks. It provided a generous lifetime income to terrorists who survived and, if they died, gave them the assurance that their families would be well cared for. “I saw two homes; from one I heard voices, and from the other laughter. Omar el-Abed later explained that he chose to enter the house with laughter. The Israeli Defense Ministry estimated that in 2018, the murderer who had smiled throughout the trial had been paid 12,000 NIS and would earn up to 12 million NIS ($3.5 million) over his lifetime. Money is fungible, and some have argued that the Obama administration did not intend to give foreign aid to the Martyrs Fund or its “Pay to Slay’ program. American foreign aid gave the Palestinian Authority the financial freedom they needed to invest in funding the murder of Jews. The link between foreign aid and violent acts was already demonstrated when the increase in murders from 2001 to 2007 closely followed the increase of foreign aid. [ix] But Obama’s era brought a massive increase of assistance to terrorists who run the Palestinian Authority. In 2008, bilateral assistance increased from an average of $170 millions during the Bush years to $400 million and in 2009 it approached $1 billion. The new average was $400 million per year, but the real cost was paid by terror victim. [x] Although the Trump administration aggressively reduced foreign aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA), the damage was already done. The Israelis killed by “Pay to Slay”, terrorists, would not be brought to life. And the years of booming financing had built up an infrastructure of “lone-wolf” terror. The Obama administration’s foreign assistance to the Palestinian Authority is only a part of the funding of terror. Hamas, the PA’s occasional ally and rival, was the other half of the terror funding picture. In 2016, the Obama administration illegally transferred $1.7billion to Iran. [xi] According to the deputy chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the ransom was paid by the IRGC. [xii] President Trump designated the IRGC as a Foreign Terrorist Organization because it is a hub for Islamic terrorism. Mark Toner, State Department spokesman, admitted that “we can always give it to someone who can give it to the IRGC.” [xiv] The Obama administration even tried to give Iran financial access to the United States, converting millions into dollars and then euro. [xv] Iran increased its military spending by the same amount after receiving the $1.7 billion payment. [xvi] According to estimates, 65 percent of Iran’s military budget is allocated to the IRGC. [xvii] The IRGC also funds, trains and aids a number of Islamic terrorist groups including Hamas. Hamas’ missiles, which were fired at Israel and fell on Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, are included in this. The billions of dollars in sanctions relief allowed Iran’s investment in the conflict in the region to increase. [xix] Hamas announced in 2017 that it had resumed aid from Iran. In 2019, Iran increased its aid to Hamas, from $70 million per year to $30 millions per month. [xxi] Iran supports Islamic Jihad, which was the main cause of the recent rocket attacks against Israel in the fall 2019. These rockets were developed, like Hamas’s rockets, with the help of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The extent of Iran’s involvement in Islamic terrorism in Israel can be measured by an admission by Ali Akbar Velayati, foreign affairs adviser to the Supreme Leader of Iran that, “most of the weapons used by the Palestinians came from Iran, or that Iran help[ed] the Palestinians manufacture the weapons themselves.”[xxii]The Obama administration dramatically boosted aid to the Palestinian Authority. The Obama administration continued to pour money into the Palestinian Authority, despite the fact that the terror network was funding Jewish murder. It paid Iran $1.7 billion and provided billions in sanctions relief. Iran was able use sanctions relief to increase funding for the IRGC and increase payments to terrorist groups like Hamas. These numbers aren’t just abstracts, they translate to Israelis and Americans who were injured or killed. The Obama administration knew the consequences of the billions of dollars it had poured in to the Palestinian Authority and Iran. It knew the money would be spent to kill Jews. We will never be able to know how many Jews and Americans were killed by those billions. Money is fungible. When billions of dollars are poured into terror infrastructure, it is blood money. The crimes committed by terror networks that feed on that infrastructure are on the conscience of their funders. These people aren’t abstracts or statistics. They are as real and as tragic as Chaya Salomon, who opened the door to a knocking terrorist only to be stabbed by him. Chaya Salomon, a teacher in the second grade, ran to get help as she lay dying from her wounds. “Dear Student, when I hand out the report cards at semester’s end, I am always prompted by another report card. It is almost like being at school,” was her final message. It is given by the Father in Heaven who is everywhere. Instead of the usual subjects and exam grades He gives grades for the following: friendliness. patience, understanding. love, kindness. responsibility. gratitude. humility. This other report card is more important than any other grade.”[xxiii] Chaya didn’t have to die. The Obama administration decided to continue funding the Palestinian Authority, which had funded the murder of grandparents and grandmothers, second-grade teachers and rabbis, as well as children and their parents. The report card of the Obama Administration reflects more than just statistics. It is marked with blood.Notes:[i] Ruthie Blum, “Widow of Terrorist Who Committed Deadly Jerusalem Truck-Ramming Attack to Receive $760 Lifetime Monthly Allowance From Palestinian Authority,” Algemeiner.com, Jan. 11, 2017: https://www.algemeiner.com/2017/01/11/widow-of-terrorist-who-committed-deadly-jerusalem-truck-ramming-attack-to-receive-760-lifetime-monthly-allowance-from-palestinian-authority/. [ii] Dan Diker, “Understanding Israel’s Assessment of ISIS-Inspired Terrorism.” The Jerusalem Post, Jan. 12, 2017: https://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Understanding-Israels-assessment-of-ISIS-inspired-terrorism-478163. Itamar Marcus, Nan Jacques Zilberdik. “PA: Terrorist Who Killed Four in Truck Ramming Attack Died for Allah: PMW Analysis.” Palestinian Media Watch, Jan. 10, 2017: https://palwatch.org/page/11467. [iv] Matthew Lee, “US Sent $221 Million to Palestinians in Obama’s Last Hours,” Associated Press, Jan. 23, 2017: https://apnews.com/b8446cbf5b504b1abaf49eb0d646367b/US-sent-$221-million-to-Palestinians-in-Obama’s-last-hours. [v] Lieber, Dov. “PA Payments to Prisoners, ‘Martyr’ Families Now Equal Half Its Foreign Budgetary Aid.” The Times of Israel, July 31, 2017: https://www.timesofisrael.com/pa-payments-to-prisoners-martyr-families-now-equal-half-its-foreign-aid/. [vi] Anna Ahronheim, “2017 Numbers: Terrorists Slayed 20 Israelis, 3,617 Palestinians Arrested,” The Jerusalem Post, Jan. 7, 2018: https://www.jpost.com/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Terrorists-killed-20-Israelis-in-2017-533008. [vii] David Israel, “Terrorist Who Murdered Salomon Family: I Picked a House with Sounds of Laughter,” The Jewish Press, Oct. 4, 2018: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/eye-on-palestine/palestinian-authority/terrorist-who-murdered-salomon-family-i-picked-a-house-with-sounds-of-laughter/2018/10/04/. [viii] “Defense Ministry: Terrorists Will Get NIS 10 Million Each from PA,” The Times of Israel, May 6, 2018: https://www.timesofisrael.com/defense-ministry-terrorists-will-get-nis-10-million-each-from-pa/. [ix] Steven Stotsky, “Does Foreign Aid Fuel Palestinian Violence?” Middle East Forum, 2008: https://www.meforum.org/1926/does-foreign-aid-fuel-palestinian-violence/. [x] “U.S. “U.S. 18, 2016: https://www.everycrsreport.com/files/20160318_RS22967_2711096fe48c81141d951aaab19d3bcca0e7fe71.pdf. [xi] Adam Kredo, “Obama Admin Provided Iranian Terror Orgs With $37.4M in Cash,” Washington Free Beacon, Sept. 13, 2016: https://freebeacon.com/national-security/report-obama-admin-provided-iranian-terror-orgs-37-4-million-cash/. [xii] Saeed Ghasseminejad, “Iranian Officials: Obama-Era Prisoner Release Was ‘Ransom,'” Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Oct. 24, 2018: https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2017/03/03/iranian-officials-obama-era-prisoner-release-was-ransom/. [xiii] Statement from the President on Designation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps As a Foreign Terrorist Organization, The White House, United States Government, April. 8, 2019: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/statement-president-designation-islamic-revolutionary-guard-corps-foreign-terrorist-organization/. [xiv] Pete Kasperowicz, “State Department Can’t Say Who in Iran Got Another $1.3 Billion,” Washington Examiner, Aug. 22, 2016: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/state-department-cant-say-who-in-iran-got-another-13-billion. [xv] “The Obama Administration Secretly Sought to Give Iran Access to the US Financial System,” Associated Press, June 6, 2018: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/06/06/the-obama-administration-secretly-sought-to-give-iran-access-to-the-us-financial-system.html. [xvi] Eli Lake “U.S. Taxpayers Are Funding Iran’s Military Expansion,” Bloomberg.com, June 9, 2016: https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2016-06-09/u-s-taxpayers-are-funding-iran-s-military-expansion. [xvii] Adam Kredo, “Obama Admin Provided Iranian Terror Orgs With $37.4M in Cash,” Washington Free Beacon, Sept. 13, 2016: https://freebeacon.com/national-security/report-obama-admin-provided-iranian-terror-orgs-37-4-million-cash/. [xviii] Sen. Ashish Kumar. “Iran Admits Giving Hamas Technology for Missiles,” The Washington Times, Nov. 21, 2012: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/nov/21/iran-admits-giving-hamas-technology-for-missiles/. [xix] Carol E. Lee, Jay Solomon. “A Tally of Iran Sanctions Relief Includes More Than $10 Billion in Cash, Gold,” The Wall Street Journal, Dec. 30, 2016: https://www.wsj.com/articles/a-tally-of-iran-sanctions-relief-includes-more-than-10-billion-in-cash-gold-1483112751. [xx] “New Hamas Leader Says It Is Getting Aid Again from Iran,” Associated Press, Aug. 29, 2017: https://www.cnbc.com/2017/08/29/new-hamas-leader-says-it-is-getting-aid-again-from-iran.html. [xxi] Michael Bachner, “Iran Said Increasing Hamas Funding to $30m per Month, Wants Intel on Israel.” The Times of Israel, Aug. 5, 2019: https://www.timesofisrael.com/iran-agrees-to-increase-hamas-funding-to-30-million-per-month-report. /[xxii] “Iran Provided Most of Hamas’ Weapons,” Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Aug. 31, 2014: https://mfa.gov.il/MFA/ForeignPolicy/Iran/SupportTerror/Pages/Iran-provided-most-of-Hamas-weapons-31-Aug-2014.aspx. [xxiii] “Chaya Salomon.” One Family: https://www.onefamilytogether.org/chaya-salomon/.


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