Ukultur is a really helpful word in Norway, where I reside. Of course, the word” kultur” refers to culture. A culture that lacks, well, culture is referred to as ukultur. which is to say, a barbaric-preaching and-practicing culture. Islam is the world’s greatest culture. And the Gaza Strip has the highest concentration of uculture in the whole Islamic world. In the completely misguided hope that the local savages would choose to civilize themselves if given sufficient money, America and other European countries have poured amazing sums of money into that small region for decades. This idea has never been anything other than insane. Why? Here is the reason. Yet at its best, Islam is not something to write about at home. It’s a violence-obsessed ideology that preaches the conquest and murder of non-Muslims while posing as an orderly religion. Islam is less harsh in some regions of the Arab world than it is in others. However, Islam dials up to eleven in the Gaza Strip, which has been ruled by Hamas, a extremist group, since 2007. Being so close to the Hebrew enemy must make the Jew’s hatred impossible to contain, despite the fact that the enemy provides Gazans with everything from water to emergency medical care. Thus the fences and walls. This is why the Iron Dome appeared to be a failure this time. However, despite having nothing but Jew-hatred on their minds, the dollars, euros, pounds, and kroner have continued to flow to these monsters. And not only to Iran, which contributes to Hamas’ funding. Iran received$ 1.7 billion from the Obama administration in 2016. The Biden Administration sent$ 6 billion in September. Iran was persuaded by Biden’s supporters to guarantee that those funds would only be used for” charitable purposes”– as if anyone could believe the Persian government’S assurances. What percentage of those National funds that were sent to Iran and Gaza were used to purchase the weapons that killed innocent Israelis yesterday? Photos that were censored by the mainstream media could be seen on social media yesterday, if only fleetingly. They depicted the brutal abuse of Jewish women and children. Palestinians are never treated that way by Israel. To avoid sounding cliché, Israel has transformed from a desolate country to an oasis since its founding in 1948, fostering freedom, prosperity, and scientific advancement. In other words, productivity. Despite receiving probably the highest level of international humanitarian aid per person on the whole planet, the people of Gaza appear to have never been particularly driven to work hard. Contrarily, there haven’t been many places on the planet— certainly not many that are so small— that have been so committed to destruction. ukultur, to put it briefly. And the more money they receive from the people they despise, the stronger their desire to use it to exterminate those pretty people appears to be. I already mentioned that I’m from Norway. The number of Palestinians killed up to that point was mentioned in yesterday’s evening news on the Norway state TV station NRK. After giving time for a Hamas defender, NRK’s reporter in Jerusalem claimed that young Palestinians were killing Israelis because they believed they had” no future” for themselves. His correspondent in Beirut said that Israel was receiving” a taste of its own medicine ,” which is not surprising. Like many other Europeans, some Norwegians have grown up being exposed to Arab propaganda. With them, the hell. The current conflict is as near to being a black-and-white issue as any animal situation can get. Israel is a developed nation. Zaz is a form of savagery. We’ve just finished the Nobel Prize season, so let’s avoid using big artillery or citing statistical errors that countless others have already noted. Despite the fact that Scandinavians are known for being anti-Semitic, Jews make up 0.2 % of the world’s population but have received 22 % Nobel Prizes. Muslims make up 24 % of the world’s population, but they have only received 1.4 % Nobel Prizes, including the one given to Yasir Arafat, which was for peace. I believe I once made a joke in an article that the Nobel Prizes are unfair to Muslims because there isn’t an award for, say, bombing children’s hospitals, only as the SATs allegedly unfairly to some cultural groups because they expect you to know words like regatta. But right now, I don’t feel like laughing. On the occasion of the Yom Kippur War’s 50th anniversary, Israel was attacked. I’m old enough to recall that conflict. I had no idea that fifty years afterwards, Muslims in Gaza would still be unable to organize and would continue to focus their lives on killing Jews. Can there be any good from this terrible attack? Yes, provided that people pay attention and discover the truth. It has been claimed that Israel’s 9 / 11 attacks occurred yesterday. Since September 11, Islam’s detractors have done a fantastic job of portraying Muslims as victims rather than as terrorists. It would be great if this atrocity could make Americans and others realize what a disgusting lie that is. Regarding Israel’s retaliation, an old friend of mine posted online yesterday that the German leadership did not hold the Allies responsible when Dresden was commemorated on its 40th anniversary of being destroyed by American bombers. They had every right to blame Hitler. Therefore, my friend continued, whatever Israel does in response to the attack from yesterday, Hamas’ hands are covered in blood. Each and every drop of it. every drop.
In Norway, my home country, there is an extremely useful word: ukultur. Culture, of course, is the word for a culture that lacks culture. Ukultur is a word that describes a culture lacking culture. That is to say a culture which preaches and practices barbarism. There is no greater ukultur in the world than Islam. And in the entire Islamic World, there is no more concentrated concentration of ukultur in the Gaza Strip. This is because the West has poured enormous sums of money into this tiny area, in the hope that the savages living there will civilize themselves if they are given enough money. Islam, even when it is at its best, does not have much to offer. The hatred of Jews must be too strong to contain, even though the Jewish enemies provide Gazans with everything from emergency health care to water. Hence the walls and fences. Iron Dome failed to work this time. And yet, the money has continued to flow to these monsters who have nothing but hatred for Jews on their minds. Not only to Hamas but also to Iran which funds Hamas. In 2016, the Obama Administration sent $1.7 billion to Iran. In September, the Biden administration sent $6 billion. Biden’s people convinced Iran that the funds would be used only for “humanitarian reasons” – as though anyone could believe the Iranian regime. Yesterday, photos that were censored in the mainstream media, could be seen briefly on social media. They showed Israeli women and children being cruelly brutalized.Israel does not treat Palestinians that way.Not to descend into cliche, but since its founding in 1948, Israel has turned a desert into an oasis – a civilized hub of freedom, prosperity, and technological innovation.In short, productiveness.Meanwhile the people of Gaza, despite receiving perhaps the highest level of international humanitarian aid per capita on the entire planet, seem never to have been particularly motivated to be productive.On the contrary, few places on the planet – certainly few places so small – have been so devoted to destruction.In short, ukultur. The more money they receive from the people they despise, the more determined they are to use that money to destroy them. I’ve already mentioned that I live here in Norway. Yesterday, the Norwegian state television channel, NRK began its evening news with a list of Palestinians who had been killed to that point. It then gave time to an apologist of Hamas. Then, NRK’s correspondent in Jerusalem stated that young Palestinians were massacring Israelis as they saw “no future” in themselves. NRK’s man in Beirut said that Israel was getting “a taste its own medicine.” No surprise. As with many Europeans, Norwegians have been indoctrinated by Palestinian propaganda from an early age. Israel is civilization. The current conflict is the closest human circumstance can come to being a black and white question. Gaza is barbarism. Not to use heavy artillery or to cite statistics that have been pointed out by many others, but we just went through Nobel Prize season. Jews make up 0.2% of the world population, but have won 22% of Nobel Prizes (even though Scandinavians can be notoriously anti-Semitic).Meanwhile, Muslims make up 24% of the world population, but have won 1.4% of Nobel Prizes – and half of those were Peace prizes, including the one to Yasir Arafat.I think I once joked in an article that, just as the SATs are purportedly unfair to certain ethnic groups because they expect you to know words like regatta, the Nobel Prizes are unfair to Muslims because there’s no award for, say, bombing children’s hospitals.But I don’t feel like joking now.This attack on Israel happened on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War. I’m old and can remember the war. Can anything good come out of this evil attack, if people pay attention and learn the truth? It’s been said yesterday’s attacks are Israel’s 9/11. Since 9/11, Islamists have done an excellent job of portraying Muslims as victims and not terrorists. If this atrocity can make Americans, and others realize how grotesquely false that lie is, then that’s good. As for Israel’s response, yesterday, an old friend of mine posted online that when Dresden commemorated its fortieth year anniversary of being destroyed by British bombers, German leadership blamed Hitler. Yes, indeed. Every drop.