Kevin McCarthy, former Speaker of the House (R-Calif.), is asking how the small number Republicans who voted against him last week led to the ongoing turmoil within the GOP conference. Members are scrambling to find a Speaker. “What’s validating for me is how you allowed 4 percent of the Conference to do this…
Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy( R-California ) is pondering how the small number of Republicans who voted to remove him last week contributed to the GOP conference’s ongoing unrest as its members looked for a new Speaker. How do you allow 4 % of the conference to do this? That is what validates it in my opinion. Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy( R-California ) is pondering how the small number of Republicans who voted to remove him last week contributed to the GOP conference’s ongoing unrest as its members looked for a new Speaker. ” How do you allow 4 % of the conference to do this is validating to me.
Kevin McCarthy, former Speaker of the House (R-Calif.), is asking how the small number Republicans who voted against him last week led to the ongoing turmoil within the GOP conference. Members are scrambling to find a Speaker. “What’s validating for me is how you allowed 4 percent of the Conference to do this…