NBC News has received voicemails from the office of Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., threatening her and family. NBC reports that a caller said in a voicemail, “I’m a militant group.” “I can’t wate until our group sees u one day, and I can rip ur f—ing rag from your head…
Voicemails from Rep. Ilhan Omar( D-Minn. )’ s office threatening her and her family have been shared with NBC News. According to NBC, a caller in one of the voicemails claims,” I’m from the violent group.” ” I can’t wait until our group sees you one day so I can rip your f— ing rag off of your head.” Voicemails from Rep. Ilhan Omar( D-Minn. )’ s office about callers threatening her and her family have been shared with NBC News. According to NBC, a caller in one of the voicemails says,” I’m from’ a militant group. ” I can’t wait until our group sees you one day so I can rip your f— ing rag off of your head.”
NBC News has received voicemails from the office of Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., threatening her and family. NBC reports that a caller said in a voicemail, “I’m a militant group.” “I can’t wate until our group sees u one day, and I can rip ur f—ing rag from your head…