Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the House (D-Calif.), denied Friday that she broke her promise to Rep. Kevin McCarthy when he was removed as Speaker during this week’s historic voting. Kevin McCarthy claims that you broke a promise made to him to keep Democrats behind him in the event of a vote against him ….
When Rep. Kevin McCarthy was fired from his position during this week’s historic vote, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi( D-California) denied on Friday that she had broken a promise to him. According to Kevin McCarthy, you basically broke his promise to support Democrats in the event of a vote against him. When Rep. Kevin McCarthy was fired from his position during this week’s historic vote, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi( D-California) denied on Friday that she had broken a promise to him. According to Kevin McCarthy, you basically broke his promise to support Democrats in the event of a vote against him.
Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the House (D-Calif.), denied Friday that she broke her promise to Rep. Kevin McCarthy when he was removed as Speaker during this week’s historic voting. Kevin McCarthy claims that you broke a promise made to him to keep Democrats behind him in the event of a vote against him ….