DNA testing revealed two more victims on September 11, 2023. The most recent beneficial development in the decades-long effort to return victims to their families is the identification of the remains of two people who died during the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center.
A painstaking process that relies on cutting-edge DNA sequencing techniques to test body fragments recovered in the rubble has now allowed the medical examiner in New York City to link remains to 1, 649 World Trade Center victims.
The effort to identify the remains of 9 / 11 victims has slowed in recent years despite forensic advancements. According to officials, these two good identifications mark the initial since September 2021. The most recent identification took place in 2019.
More than a thousand mortal remains from the attacks of September 11, 2001, have not yet been found. And that’s more than 20 years afterwards. The Twin Towers was a worst-case scenario for identifying bodies. Given the size of the buildings, the heat and density, as well as the large number of dead who traveled from across the tri-state area, frequently without any close relatives nearby, this task is likely not to be completed. The wildfires in Maui were sloppy for a variety of reasons. Hawaii’s authorities have reduced the fatality to at least 97 people as a result of the fatal Maui wildfire. Officials previously stated that they thought the fire had claimed the lives of at least 115 people, but additional testing revealed that some of the victims had many DNA samples. According to Maui Police Chief John Pelletier, the number of people who are missing likewise decreased from 41 to 31.
The damage caused by the fire and the chaos as people tried to flee have made it particularly difficult to calculate the death toll from the Aug. 8 wildfire in Lahaina, according to officials. In some instances, people and animal remains were unintentionally collected together.
The lower tally now represents the” normal and natural” progression of the long-term forensics investigation, according to Byrd, who claimed that the initial death toll was excessive for a number of reasons.
He said,” We examine the body bags that arrive, we take an initial inventory, and we determine how many people are represented there.” A quarter of the bodies apparently lacked functional DNA samples, and when you do the initial tally of all those who have come on, the number tends to be very high because, as you start to do more analysis and examination, you realize that you actually have two bags that were the same person or that they were two different people but you weren’t aware of that. Because they have DNA on file and were more good to be shot, which left bodies more alive, IDF soldiers in Israel were identified very quickly. When the terrorists set fire to their homes to force them out, some of the civilians killed by Hamas were burned to death. Different bodies had been altered in different ways. It has been simpler to obtain DNA samples from family members to test them against because the majority of the non-military dead were from little, close-knit communities. It is even simpler to identify people who were killed at home. However, the process is also drawn out and protracted, with a death toll then exceeding 1,300. Along with the numerous Jewish casualties, there are also the remains of 1,500 Hamas terrorists. It’s not always simple to tell them apart, even though Israeli personnel already bag them and label them as terrorists. The process is also very slow due to the sheer number of dying. Israel had not anticipated anything of this magnitude. Perhaps the burial process has significantly slowed down. Hamas had dispatched a sizable force to defend the towns themselves, as I mentioned in my article from yesterday. Some communities were also thought to harbor terrorists, at least as of today. Additionally, this slows down rescue and recovery efforts. Even though everything here is depressing, there is a reason I’m writing about it. News used to spread as quickly as cable news. That was already poor. It then unfolds as quickly as sociable media. As soon as they swipe an app, users anticipate receiving an immediate packaged story. It doesn’t operate in that manner. Chaos is war. Anything large that needs to be unpacked and put up takes time. Furthermore, nothing is always fully understood. Over 1, 000 human remains from 9 / 11 have still not been found after all this time. Israel can identify them fairly well. It must be because of the period of suicide bombing attacks, which frequently left pieces needing to be put back up. However, it will take some time. There is currently a sizable military deployment. The locations of the attacks essentially serve as a war zone. And terrorists keep emerging. In those circumstances, stories will be put up incorrectly, from casual remarks made by soldiers or rescue workers on the scene, by a media that is eager to work with. We have video of the Hamas terrorists taking themselves up until that point, but it simply provides a partial account of what transpired. The number of fatalities keeps rising. I sincerely hope and pray that they will fail. In some instances, bodies will be actually put back up. The great picture won’t change, but some of the specifics might. a large-scale murder. Rapes and kidnappings occur. families were murdered. Some people will spread conspiracy theories because that is what they do. Wartime is not a TV show that carefully puts everything up and provides immediate gratification, as reasonable people will understand.
DNA testing will identify two more victims on September 11, 2023. The remains of two victims who died in 9/11’s attack on the World Trade Center were identified. This is the latest positive identification after decades of efforts to return victims to families.
New York City’s Medical Examiner has been able to identify the remains of 1,649 World Trade Center victims. This was a long and difficult process that relied on advanced DNA sequencing techniques for testing body fragments found in the rubble.
Despite advances in forensics, efforts to identify the remains 9/11 victims have slowed down in recent years. Officials said that the two positive identifications were the first since September 20,21. The last positive identifications were made in 2019.
Authorities in Hawaii have revised the number of deaths resulting from the deadly Maui fire down to at least 95 people. The number of deaths from the deadly Maui wildfire has been revised down to at least 97 people. Previously, officials believed that at least 115 had died in the blaze. However, further testing revealed they had multiple samples of DNA from some victims. The number of missing people also decreased from 41 to 31 according to Maui Police Chief John Pelletier.
Officials said that determining the death toll of the wildfire that occurred in Lahaina on August 8 has been particularly difficult because of the destruction caused by the fire, and the chaos created as people fled. In some cases, animal bones were collected inadvertently with human remains.
Byrd said that the initial death toll was too high due to several factors, and that the current lower tally is the “normal” and “natural” progression of a long-term forensics inquiry.
“We do an initial count of all the bodies that have been brought in, and we determine how many people there are,” he said. “When you first count all the bags that have been brought in, you tend to get a high number because you don’t realize you have two bags with the same person, or two bags with the same two people, but you didn’t know that.” And apparently, a quarter had no usable samples. In Israel, IDF soldiers are identified fairly quickly, because they have DNA records and were more likely shot, which left their bodies more intact. Hamas terrorists burned some civilians to death in their homes when they forced them to leave. Other bodies were mutilated. Since most of the nonmilitary dead came from small, close-knit towns, it was easier to obtain DNA samples from their family members. Those who died in their own homes are also easier for authorities to identify. It’s a long, drawn-out process. The death toll has now surpassed 1,300. The Israeli personnel are currently bagging them and marking them as terrorists. However, it is not always easy for them to be distinguished. Israel never anticipated a tragedy of this magnitude. Hamas sent in a massive force yesterday to hold the towns. As I mentioned in my article from yesterday, Israel had never planned for anything on this scale. As of today, there was still suspicion that terrorists were hiding in some communities. This also slows rescue and recovery efforts. All of this is grim, but there’s an important reason why I’m writing about. News used to be broadcast at the speed of cable. It was bad enough. Now, it happens at the speed and volume of social media. People expect a packaged story to be available instantly as soon as they swipe an app. It doesn’t really work like that. War is chaos. It takes time to unpack and piece together something big. Nothing is ever known for sure. Over 1,000 human remains from the 9/11 attacks have not been identified after all this time. Israel is good at identifying the remains. It was due to the suicide bombings of old, which left many fragments that had to be put together. It’s going take some time. Right now, there is a massive military presence. The places where these attacks took place are essentially a warzone. In addition, terrorists are still appearing. In such conditions, stories are fabricated from the off-hand remarks of rescue workers or soldiers at the scene by a media eager to find something to report. I hope and pray they will fall. In some cases, bodies will literally be pieced together. The details may change but the overall picture will not. Mass murder. Rapes and kidnappings. Murdered families. There are those who spread conspiracy theories just because that’s what they do. People who are decent will understand that wartime, unlike a TV program that neatly packages all the information and offers immediate satisfaction, is a crisis.