Rep. Rashida Tlaib is doubling down on the lies and the smears. Her support for terrorists has not been ambiguous. And the terrorists love her back. A Canary Mission report documents some of the intersections between Tlaib and Hamas. Canary Mission can confirm that Rashida Tlaib has substantial fundraising ties to Hamas supporters. She employed no less than three Hamas – linked activists to fundraise for her 2018 election campaign, one of whom spent 8 months in prison for his alleged connections to Hamas. That includes Salah Sarsour who” was reportedly a Hamas activist who served eight months in prison in 1995 for his connections to the terror group, including giving Hamas members money”. As well as Rafeeq Jaber, a co – founder of CAIR, who hosted a Tlaib fundraiser and” directed two Hamas front groups in the U. S. to’ promote] the Holy Land Foundation ] in every way we can’ and to distribute Hamas propaganda materials, including an August 2001 editorial that advocated martyrdom operations and the killing of Jewish people”. But we’re also talking about some of the infrastructure that runs through CAIR and most of the Islamist front groups that prominently operate in America. And finances a chunk of the Left. American Muslims for Palestine is being sued for terror financing, particularly for funneling money to Hamas, a U. S. designated terrorist organization. The case might even bring terrible political fallout for a number of politicians who are associated with British Muslims for Palestine, including:
Reps. Rashida Tlaib( D – MI )
Ilhan Omar( D – MN )
Andre Carson( D – IN )
Betty McCollum( D – MN )
Donald Payne Jr.( D – NJ )
Debbie Dingell( D – MI )
Judy Chu( D – CA )
Ayanna Pressley( D – MA) It’s a network and its scope goes well beyond this. Tlaib is really the most obvious of the bunch.
Rashida Tlaib has stepped up her lies and smears. Her support for terrorists is clear. She employed no less than three Hamas-linked activists to fundraise for her 2018 election campaign, one of whom spent 8 months in prison for his alleged connections to Hamas. She used no less than three Hamas linked activists to fundraise her 2018 election campaign. One of them spent eight months in jail for his alleged Hamas connections, including giving Hamas member money. The case could also have negative political consequences for several politicians associated with American Muslims For Palestine. These include:
Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI)
Ilhan Omar (D-MN)
Andre Carson (D-IN)
Betty McCollum, D-MN
Donald Payne Jr.
Debbie Dingell (D-MI)
Judy Chu (D-CA)
Ayanna Pressley, D-MA: It’s a vast network that goes far beyond this. Tlaib’s name is the most obvious.