

In Jamie Glazov’s newest book, Barack Obama: The Real Legacy: How He Transformed America, Daniel Greenfield makes a special mention of his contributions. We are engaged in a conflict between primitives and humans. The rest is just a detail. When planes crashed into skyscrapers, some of us woke up to that war. others when we noticed videos of beheadings going viral on social media. Another terrible wake-up call is what we witnessed in Israel, where Hamas terrorists raped, mutilated, and defiled corpses. There will be a ton more. We also haven’t come to terms with what we’re fighting outside of politics and geopolitics. Muslim warfare is never the cause of the barbarism of killing women and children, holding them as hostages, and posting images of their dead bodies on social media. The essence of Islam is cruelty, beheading, burning to death, torturing, and mutilating. Since Mohammed’s time more than a thousand years ago, Muslim warfare has been conducted in this manner. Whether it be ISIS fighting different Muslims, Azebajani soldiers killing Armenians, Hamas attacking Israelis or Islamist terrorists planning carnage in European countries, it is still practiced in this manner. Islam emerged from a conflict between barbarians and the Byzantine and Persian cultured societies. Despite educational mythology, its empires experienced power struggles that started with Sunnis and Shiites, and all of its historical and scientific achievements were taken from conquered peoples. Its vision never went beyond rape and slavery. The cycle started up again when civilization eventually overthrew the Ottoman Empire with some assistance from its inner barbarians. Israel is merely one front in a larger conflict between primitives and advanced civilization. And no every tribe of savage worships Allah. The National hemisphere is home to inner city gangs that torture and behead their victims. And there are civilization’s offspring who develop into savages. Savagery is a decision; it is not an innate trait. People who are born into savagery have the potential to become cultured, whereas those who live in the highest echelons of civilization can prey on us like the most ferocious animals. How do civilised societies deal with savagery is the question. Do we hold the savages responsible for becoming what they are as a result of our capitalism and colonialism, despite the fact that they behaved in this manner long before modern western civilization yet reached anything? Or do we set out to educate them, create present nations for them to live in, and instruct them in civilized behavior? To make peace with them and educate them, we have dispatched our sons and daughters. The virtues of the heroic savage were welcomed and celebrated by our societies. We attempted to restructure our societies to accommodate savages after realizing that we could never coexist with them. All of that has been tried, and the savages’ violence continues to drown civilization. The basic truth is that there is an inherent conflict between civilization and savagery. Savages are offended by civilization’s existence. When they come across one, they want to obliterate it. Because, in contrast to Islam, peace is a requirement of civilization, there can be no peace with savages. You must be civilized if you want peace. The conclusion of a powerful conquest, which then prepares the stage for the second one, is the only thing that savages consider peace to be worth. Savages see no reason why they shouldn’t take something or someone if they are too poor to defend themselves, whereas civilised people develop sophisticated exchange mechanisms. If there are no obvious repercussions, no amount of lectures will actually be able to persuade a savage that anything other than clan ties should keep him from robbing women or stealing cars. This is due to the fact that, in contrast to civilised people, savages lack both conscience and soul. Islam is totally a religion of power, in contrast to Judaism and Christianity, which are both religions of the soul. Everything is reduced to conquest by its genocidal chant,” Allahu Akbar ,” which declares Allah’s physical supremacy over all other religions through the military victories of its adherents. War serves to confirm the veracity of Islam. Jihadists are demonstrating that Islam is real and that the religions of the conquered are fake when they conquer and rape non-Muslims. Because of this, ISIS Jihadists would claim that the Iraqi girls they were raping had become” closer to Allah” because civilizations have become very sophisticated and decadent to comprehend such ideas. When confronted with barbarism, they fall into a logic rabbit hole that explains how civilised people interacted with the barbarians. Did they offend them, topple their governments, or create obscene cartoons? Did capitalism abandon them in the global economy? How did we neglect to include welfare checks for the most recent generation of immigrants? These facile lessons are useless. Because you failed to integrate it, a hyena won’t eat your chickens. Hyenas do exactly that. Savages strive to be the alpha predators, while man is a predator in his most basic form. Because they give space for the arts and sciences and because they consider other things besides how they are better than their neighbors, civilizations become better predators. They do this by killing their sons and raping their daughters. However, when civilizations spend too much time contemplating, they fail to remember that one of the reasons they existed was to create something superior to a state of savagery. Depraved civilizations internalize all criticism, and their peoples constantly argue and believe that their own people are the source of the worst things in the world. Savages serve as a reminder. Similar to how a hurricane or famine serve as reminders of the alternatives to homes and food, savages serve to do the same for civilization. However, civilizations that are truly indulgent require constant reminders of all of these things. We must constantly be reminded that food doesn’t magically appear from the grocery store, that living in a house is not the normal state of being, and that never having savages kill you in your home is an alternative way of life. Give tolerant savages sufficient rope, and they’ll treat you in all of these ways. additionally. It is important to distinguish between savagery and stupidity. Savages have brought down civilizations, and they themselves built them after becoming cultured. The sophisticated and cunning of savages. They are skilled at finding ways around any barriers and security systems that civilized people erect to protect themselves and are aware of the flaws in those people. Cultures that allow savages to hang out for an extended period of time will collapse. In fact, tolerating barbarians is a sign that civilization has become indulgent. Accepting and defending savages signals that the end is near. Savages are driven away by sustainable civilizations. They do it not only for their own safety but also because driving out barbarians is what makes a civilization civilized. When civilizations lose sight of the distinction between themselves and the savages, they lose their sense of right and wrong and are unable to articulate the justifications for why barbarism is bad. They can also argue in favor of the criminals even when confronted with the worst crimes inconceivable. Defenders will rally to explain why the problem is really more difficult than it first appears. Hamas terrorists can rape and kill their victims. This frequently occurs with Islamist terrorists. There is no clear distinction between right and wrong in primitive and decrepit civilizations. Everything is arbitrary and unscrupulous, so there are some situations where raping a woman, killing her, and then posting her body image on social media is the right thing to do. Because of this, civilization must defeat savagery without hesitation, apology, or sympathy in order to both win and rebuild itself. Laws of war and negotiations are for a higher civilization. Savages are owed nothing because they make no contributions. They only uphold agreements when it is convenient for them. Their morality is nonexistent, and their word is stupid. A civilization will have to learn all of this the hard way if it does not comprehend it. The suppression of savagery, both internally and externally, is the foundation of civilizations. Learning, art, science, and ideas flourish when civilizations subdue savages. Additionally, civilizations lose their people, morality, and ultimately their very existence when they permit savages to ravage them. The conflict between civilization and savagery is the most divine type of conflict. These wars allowed for the development of Christianity and Judaism, never to mention all the concepts of western civilization as well as those of Asia and India. When more, this is the conflict that defines our time. Either civilization or the primitives will win out. Any attempt to find a compromise is suicide. Either our grandchildren will achieve great things or they will be hunted by roving savages like the young girls in Israel or those who are also pursued in European venues. The complete and total annihilation of the barbarians— not only in Israel, but also in America, Europe, India, and Asia, as well as elsewhere in the world— is the foundation of all human hopes. This is the crisis of humanity, no the struggle of any one country. Either humanity will advance or decline. 

[Read Daniel Greenfield’s contribution to Jamie Glazov’s new book, Barack Obama’s Tru Legacy: How he Transformed America. We’re in a battle between savages, and civilisation. The rest is just a detail. Some of us were awakened to the war when planes crashed through skyscrapers. Some of us woke up to the war when planes crashed into skyscrapers. Hamas terrorists in Israel raping, defiling and mutilating corpses is another bloody warning. There will be more. Beyond the politics and geopolitics, there is still a lack of understanding of what we are fighting. The barbarism that involves killing women and children and taking them hostage, then posting photos of their dead body on social media, does not represent a by-product of Islamic war, but the entire point. Cruelty and beheading, torturing, and mutilating, are the essence and foundation of Islam. Islamic warfare has been practiced in this way since Mohammed’s time for over a 1000 years. It is how it is still practiced today, whether ISIS is fighting other Muslims, Azebajani soldiers are killing Armenians or Hamas is attacking Israelis. Its vision was never more than rape and slave trade. Its empires, starting with Sunnis, fell into power struggles. And its cultural and scientific achievements were looted by conquered peoples. The cycle began again when civilization, with the help of its own barbarians in the Ottoman empire, finally overthrew the empire. Israel is only one front in the global war between savages vs. civilization. Not all savages worship Allah. Inner city gangs in the American hemisphere behead and torture victims. There are also children who have grown up in civilized societies but turn into savages. Savagery is a choice, not a condition. Civilized societies must confront savagery. Do we blame ourselves that capitalism and colonialism made the savages into what they are, even though they behaved in this manner long before modern western civilisation amounted to much? Or do we go out to reeducate, build modern nations for the savages and teach them how to become civilized. We have sent our sons and daughter to make peace and educate them. Our societies embraced and celebrated the virtues of noble savages. We tried to reshape our societies when we realized we couldn’t coexist with savages. The truth is, civilization and savagery have always been at war. They want to destroy civilizations when they see them. Peace is not possible with savages, because, contrary to Islam’s teachings, peace is a prerequisite for civilization. You must be civilized to have peace. Civilized people have developed complex exchange mechanisms, but savages do not see any reason to refuse taking something or someone when they are unable to defend themselves. There is no way to convince a savage, who has no conscience and no soul, that stealing a vehicle or raping someone else will have any consequences. The genocidal chant “Allahu akbar” proclaims the physical superiority of Allah over all other religions, and the military victories of the followers of Islam are the only thing that matters. War is a way to validate Islam’s truth. Jihadists who rape non Muslims prove that Islam is true, and the religions they conquered to be false. ISIS Jihadists told the Yazidi women they raped that rape made them “closer” to Allah. Civilizations are too sophisticated and degenerate to understand such concepts. Faced with barbarism they fall into a rabbit hole of dialectics that explains savages by describing how civilized people interacted. Did they hurt their feelings? Did they overthrow their government or draw mean cartoons to them? Did capitalism leave these people adrift on the global economy? How did we fail in integrating the newest immigrants with all of the welfare checks? These sophomoric sessions have no point. You didn’t integrate a hyena, so it won’t eat any of your chickens. It’s what hyenas are like. At the base, man is a predator. Savages strive to become the alpha predators. Civilizations are superior predators when they allow for arts and science, and they don’t think about how they can be superior to their neighbors. They will do anything to prove this, including killing their children and raping them. Decadent civilisations internalize criticism, and their peoples quarrel endlessly. They think that the worst things in the universe are those that exist within their own people. Savages show us the truth. Just as a hurricane shows us the alternative of houses, and a famine shows us the alternative of food, so savages show us the alternative of civilization. Unfortunately, truly decadent societies need constant reminders. We must be reminded constantly that food does not appear in a supermarket, houses are not a natural state, and that not being killed by savages at home is a way of life. Tolerate savages and give them enough rope, and they will do these things to us. Savagery is not the same as stupidity. Civilizations were destroyed by savages, and civilisations were built by savages that became civilized. Savages are cunning and clever. They are alert to the weaknesses of civilized people and experts at finding ways around whatever walls and security systems that civilized people build to protect themselves.Civilizations that spend enough time allowing savages to hang around will fall. Tolerating savages can be a sign of a civilization’s degeneration. The end is near if you welcome and advocate for savages. Viable civilizations drive savages away. When civilizations lose their sense of what is right and wrong and can no longer explain what savagery means, they are unable to defend themselves. Even when confronted with the most horrific crimes, they will still defend the criminals. Hamas terrorists can rape or kill their victims and their defenders will rally around to explain that the issue is more complex than it appears. It happens all the time with Islamic terrorists. Savages and decadent civilisations have no concept of right and incorrect. Everything is subjectively opportunistic, and there are scenarios where raping a female, killing her, and then posting a picture of her dead body on social media to show her family is actually right. Negotiations and war laws are for civilizations that are similar. Savages are owed nothing because they offer nothing. They only keep agreements when it suits them. Civilizations are built by suppressing savagery, both internally and externally. When civilizations defeat savages learning, art and science flourish. When civilizations allow savages ravage them they lose their people, morality, and eventually their very existence. No form of war is sacredr than that of civilization versus savagery. These wars made Christianity, Judaism and all the ideas of western and Indian civilizations, as well as Asia and India possible. Either civilization will win or the savages. Any attempt to find a middle-ground is suicide. Our grandchildren will either achieve great things, or they will be hunted down by roaming savages. Like the teenage girls who were attacked at a concert held in Israel or the similar hunts in Europe. All the hopes of humanity depend on the total and utter defeat of the savages. Not just in Israel but also in America, Europe, India, Asia and other parts of the world. This is not a struggle between nations, but a crisis that affects all of humanity. Either humanity will rise, or we will fall.


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