Tim Sheehy, a Republican candidate for the Montana Senate, raised more than $2.8 Million during the third quarter to unseat Senator Jon Tester (D), according to his campaign. The campaign stated in a press release that the majority of this total, $2.2million, was raised from donations, while $650,000 came from personal contributions and loan. It…
Tim Sheehy, a Republican senator from Montana, raised more than$ 2.8 million in the third quarter in an effort to unseat Sen. Jon Tester ( D ), according to his campaign’s announcement on Tuesday. According to a press release from the campaign, donors contributed the majority of the$ 2.2 million in total, while loans and personal contributions made up the other$ 650,000. It… Tim Sheehy, a Republican senator from Montana, raised more than$ 2.8 million in the third quarter of his campaign to unseat Sen. Jon Tester( D ). The campaign claimed in a press release that the majority of that sum,$ 2.2 million, came from donors’ contributions, with$ 650,000 coming from loans and personal contributions. It…
Tim Sheehy, a Republican candidate for the Montana Senate, raised more than $2.8 Million during the third quarter to unseat Senator Jon Tester (D), according to his campaign. The campaign stated in a press release that the majority of this total, $2.2million, was raised from donations, while $650,000 came from personal contributions and loan. It…