Republicans have long resented the federal government’s involvement with education. But lawmakers in Tennessee may take an unprecedented step to end Washington’s “excessive interference”. They have formed a committee of 10 members to investigate the issue. Others argue that the $1.8 billion is used for the most disadvantaged children and…
Republicans have long opposed the federal government’s involvement in education, but Tennessee lawmakers are considering doing something extraordinary by refusing all federal funding in order to stop” extreme overreach” in Washington. While some claim that the$ 1.8 billion goes to the most underprivileged students, lawmakers that have established a 10-member committee to look into the issue. Republicans have long disliked the federal government’s involvement in education, but Tennessee lawmakers are considering taking an extraordinary step by refusing all federal funding in order to put an end to” extreme overreach” by Washington. Legislators there have established a 10-member committee to look into the issue, while others contend that$ 1.8 billion is allocated to the most underprivileged students and…
Republicans have long resented the federal government’s involvement with education. But lawmakers in Tennessee may take an unprecedented step to end Washington’s “excessive interference”. They have formed a committee of 10 members to investigate the issue. Others argue that the $1.8 billion is used for the most disadvantaged children and…