Bloomberg’s recent analysis found that the estimated annual amount the U.S. pays on its debt exceeded $1 trillion at the end October. These annualized interest cost — which were calculated based on U.S. Treasury’s data on outstanding monthly debt balances and the average interest rate — have doubled in the last 19 month, according to…
According to a new Bloomberg analysis, the estimated annual amount the U.S. is paying on its debt crossed$ 1 trillion at the end of October. According to…, these annualized interest costs have doubled over the past 19 months. They were calculated using U.S. Treasury data on regular outstanding debt balances and common interest. According to a new Bloomberg analysis, the estimated annual amount the U.S. is paying on its debt crossed$ 1 trillion at the end of October. According to… over the past 19 months, these annualized interest costs, which were calculated using U.S. Treasury data on regular outstanding debt balances and ordinary interest, have doubled.
Bloomberg’s recent analysis found that the estimated annual amount the U.S. pays on its debt exceeded $1 trillion at the end October. These annualized interest cost — which were calculated based on U.S. Treasury’s data on outstanding monthly debt balances and the average interest rate — have doubled in the last 19 month, according to…