President Biden announced on Wednesday that he and Chinese President Xi Jinping had reached three areas of cooperation, while the president also said he pushed for some of the most contentious issues between Washington DC and Beijing. After what seemed to be a friendly bilateral meeting, the president called Xi a “dictator”.
On Wednesday, President Biden declared that he had reached three crucial areas of cooperation with Chinese President Xi Jinping, despite the latter’s claims that the president had pushed hard on some of the most contentious issues between Beijing and Washington. Following what appeared to be a pleasant diplomatic summit, the president referred to Xi as “dictator” While Chinese President Xi Jinping claimed that he pushed hard on some of the most contentious issues between Washington and Beijing, President Biden announced on Wednesday that they had reached three crucial areas of cooperation. Following what appeared to be a pleasant diplomatic summit, the president referred to Xi as “dictator”
President Biden announced on Wednesday that he and Chinese President Xi Jinping had reached three areas of cooperation, while the president also said he pushed for some of the most contentious issues between Washington DC and Beijing. After what seemed to be a friendly bilateral meeting, the president called Xi a “dictator”.