The Department of Transportation announced on Wednesday that Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg visited Ukraine in a surprise trip to meet with government officials to discuss the country’s economic recovery. Buttigieg is expected to discuss efforts to “return Ukraine economic self-sufficiency,” which includes supporting investments in transportation infrastructure, according to the Department of Transportation. He is…
The Department of Transportation announced on Wednesday that transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg paid a surprise trip to Ukraine to meet with top officials to talk about the county’s financial recovery. According to the department, Buttigieg will talk about initiatives to “return Ukraine to monetary self-sufficiency,” such as funding transportation infrastructure projects that” will return to private sector led growth.” He is… The Department of Transportation announced on Wednesday that transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg made a surprise trip to Ukraine to meet with top officials to talk about the county’s financial recovery. According to the department, Buttigieg will talk about initiatives to “return Ukraine to financial self-sufficiency,” such as funding transportation infrastructure projects that will” Return to private sector led growth.” He is…
The Department of Transportation announced on Wednesday that Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg visited Ukraine in a surprise trip to meet with government officials to discuss the country’s economic recovery. Buttigieg is expected to discuss efforts to “return Ukraine economic self-sufficiency,” which includes supporting investments in transportation infrastructure, according to the Department of Transportation. He is…