More than 100 congressional employees participated in a vigil Wednesday in front of Capitol building, calling on members to support a truce in the ongoing conflict between Hamas & Israel. “We are Capitol Hill staffers, and we can no longer remain silent. We were horrified at the brutal October…
Wednesday, more than 100 members of Congress took part in a vigil in front of the Capitol building, urging them to support the cessation of hostilities in the continuing conflict between Hamas and Israel. ” We are Capitol Hill legislative staff members, and we are no longer at ease keeping quiet.” We were horrified by October’s brutality. A vigil in front of the Capitol building on Wednesday was attended by more than 100 parliamentary staff members who urged Congress to support a cease-fire in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. ” We are Capitol Hill legislative staff members, and we are no longer at ease keeping quiet.” The terrible October frightened us.
More than 100 congressional employees participated in a vigil Wednesday in front of Capitol building, calling on members to support a truce in the ongoing conflict between Hamas & Israel. “We are Capitol Hill staffers, and we can no longer remain silent. We were horrified at the brutal October…