Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said on Tuesday that he believes there is a greater risk today of a terrorist act in the United States than it was during the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. This is because of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. “I think we’re more at risk today for a terrorist attack in the United States…
Sen. Ted Cruz( R-Texas) stated on Tuesday that he thinks the likelihood of a terrorist attack in the US is at its highest level since the attacks on September 11, 2001, which were caused by the ongoing conflict between Israel and the violent organization Hamases. ” I think we’re more vulnerable today to a significant terrorist attack in the United States… Sen. Ted Cruz( R-Texas) stated on Tuesday that he thinks the threat of a terrorist attack in the US is at its highest level since the attacks on September 11, 2001, which were caused by Israel’s ongoing conflict with the violent organization Haz. ” I think a significant terrorist attack in the United States is more likely to occur today.
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said on Tuesday that he believes there is a greater risk today of a terrorist act in the United States than it was during the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. This is because of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. “I think we’re more at risk today for a terrorist attack in the United States…