The words we use to describe ourselves are important. Notes To Self socks will remind you and others that you are smart, beautiful, brave, amazing or amazing. In a world of mental health concerns, a Kansas mother from the heartland began weaving inspirational messages to put on your […]
The post Kansas Woman Turns Feet Into Inspiring Signboard for Positive Affirmations – Look appeared first on Good News Network.
The things we tell ourselves are important. With Notes To Self socks, you can then remind yourself—and others—that you are wonderful, intelligent, brave, or gorgeous because words make all the difference. A Kansas mother from the heartland of America started weaving motivating messages to put on your mind in a world where emotional health is becoming more and more important.
The second article to appear on Good News Network was titled Kansas Woman Turns Your Feet Into an Inspiring Billboard For Positive Affirmations-LOOK.