Joe Biden has done more than any other U.S. President to increase the influence, revenue, and corruption of Latin American criminal cartels, human traffickers, and organized crime. I can almost hear them shouting “Viva, El Presidente!” and “Vivan a los fronteras abiertas!” (Long live the open borders!) Here’s a headline from a recent Wall Street Journal article: “Smuggling…
Joe Biden has done more than any other U.S. president to increase the power, wealth, and corruption of organized crime, animal smugglers, or Latin American cartels. Their cries for” Viva, el Presidente” are almost audible to me! Additionally,” Vivan a las fronteras abiertas” ( Long live free borders! ) The headline of a recent Wall Street Journal article reads,” Smuggling… Joe Biden has done more than any other U.S. president to increase the power, wealth, and corruption of Spanish American cartels, human smuggling, or organized crime. I can almost hear them shouting,” Viva, el Presidente!” Additionally,” Vivan a las fronteras abiertas” ( Long live borders that are open! ) The headline of a recent Wall Street Journal article reads,” Smuggling…
Joe Biden has done more than any other U.S. President to increase the influence, revenue, and corruption of Latin American criminal cartels, human traffickers, and organized crime. I can almost hear them shouting “Viva, El Presidente!” and “Vivan a los fronteras abiertas!” (Long live the open borders!) Here’s a headline from a recent Wall Street Journal article: “Smuggling…