Mike Johnson, a little-known speaker of the House, has been in office for two weeks. The country has had time to digest his views about cultural and economic issues. He opposes the right to abortion, same-sex marriage, and LGBTQ rights. He says that the Bible shapes his worldview. He was the leader of efforts to keep Donald Trump as president…
Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, who was much known before, has given the nation two weeks to consider his opinions on social and economic issues. He is against LGBTQ rights, same-sex marriage, and abortion. He claims that the Bible influences his worldview. He served as the driving force behind efforts to keep Donald Trump in office. The nation has had two weeks to consider Mike Johnson’s opinions on social and financial issues as Speaker of the House, a little-known before. He is against LGBTQ rights, same-sex marriage, and abortion. He claims that his worldview is shaped by the Bible. He served as the driving force behind efforts to keep Donald Trump in office.
Mike Johnson, a little-known speaker of the House, has been in office for two weeks. The country has had time to digest his views about cultural and economic issues. He opposes the right to abortion, same-sex marriage, and LGBTQ rights. He says that the Bible shapes his worldview. He was the leader of efforts to keep Donald Trump as president…