Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., declared victory after a New York appellate court temporarily lifted a ban on former President Trump’s attorneys talking about the staff of the trial judge in his New York civil case fraud. “I am happy to see that my ethics complaint to…
Elise Stefanik ( R- N ) in response Y. ) declared victory following the temporary lifting of a gag order prohibiting former President Trump and his attorneys from mentioning the trial judge’s staff in his New York legal fraud case by an appeals court. ” After my ethics complaint to the New York Commission on…, I am pleased to see that… Elise Stefanik (R-N) is the respondent. Y. ) declared victory following the temporary lifting of a gag order prohibiting former President Trump and his attorneys from discussing the trial judge’s staff in his legal fraud case in New York. After submitting an ethics complaint to the New York Commission, I am pleased to see that…
Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., declared victory after a New York appellate court temporarily lifted a ban on former President Trump’s attorneys talking about the staff of the trial judge in his New York civil case fraud. “I am happy to see that my ethics complaint to…