Top Trump campaign advisors tried to dampen down a flurry of reports about possible second-term policies and personnel plans that the former President Trump might implement if he won reelection in November. The statement from Susie Wiles, and Chris LaCivita seemed to be addressing the reports from The New York Times, and Washington Post regarding Trump’s…
Major Trump campaign advisers attempted to stop a wave of reports about potential second-term personnel and policy plans that the former president would put into place if he wins reelection next November. According to reports in The New York Times and The Washington Post about Trump’s…, Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita made the statement. Major Trump campaign advisers attempted to stop a wave of reports about potential personnel and second-term policy changes that the former president would make if he were to win reelection in November. According to reports from The New York Times and Washington Post about Trump’s…, Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita made the statement.
Top Trump campaign advisors tried to dampen down a flurry of reports about possible second-term policies and personnel plans that the former President Trump might implement if he won reelection in November. The statement from Susie Wiles, and Chris LaCivita seemed to be addressing the reports from The New York Times, and Washington Post regarding Trump’s…