The White House and CNN have denounced Mark Levin, the Fox News radio host who attacked the Jewish heritages of two CNN anchors. Levin, who is Jewish himself, described CNN anchors Wolf Blitzer (who is also Jewish) and Jake Tapper (who is also Jewish) as “self-hating Jews”. He was criticizing the network for its coverage of…
After Fox News radio host Mark Levin attacked the Hebrew heritage of two CNN anchors, the White House joined CNN in denouncing him. In a tirade against CNN’s coverage of … on his radio program this week, Levin, who is also Jewish, called Wolf Blitzer and Jake Tapper” self-hating Jews.” After Fox News radio host Mark Levin attacked the Hebrew heritage of two CNN anchors, the White House joined CNN in denouncing him. Levin, who is also Jewish, called CNN anchors Wolf Blitzer and Jake Tapper” self-hating Jews” during a tirade criticizing the network’s coverage of … on his radio program this week.
The White House and CNN have denounced Mark Levin, the Fox News radio host who attacked the Jewish heritages of two CNN anchors. Levin, who is Jewish himself, described CNN anchors Wolf Blitzer (who is also Jewish) and Jake Tapper (who is also Jewish) as “self-hating Jews”. He was criticizing the network for its coverage of…