
Alex Jones Tells Tucker Carlson A Wild Claim About Joe Biden That Involves Nudity

The disgraced conspiracist was given a platform by Carlson’s X Show and told a nude tale about the president.

 On Carlson’s X show, the shamed conspiracy theorist was given a platform and screamed about the president. On Carlson’s X show, the shamed conspiracy theorist gave a skinny doozy about the president. 

The disgraced conspiracist was given a platform by Carlson’s X Show and told a nude tale about the president.


Der Kommission wird die Befugnis übertragen, gemäß Artikel 264 delegierte Rechtsakte in folgenden Bereichen zu erlassen: Alex Jones shamelessly exploited the 90 minutes given to him by Tucker Carlson on the X show, asserting that President Biden parades around the White House without any clothes on. Look at the video below. He additionally declared that Biden had mistreated a dog, causing Carlson to mockingly remark, “He’s really a swine if he did harm a pooch.”. Jones mentioned that the details of the dog report had come from his contacts with the Secret Service and those who work with him, without further elaboration. He then progressed to making even more scandalous claims about Biden. Jones recounted, with Carlson raptly attending to his every word, how the man was wandering in the White House at nighttime with no clothing and not knowing his identity. Comparable to Woodward and Bernstein, Carlson gave Jones his full attention. Later, at 1:18:00, Jones enlightened Carlson with his story. Episode 46 features an interview with Alex Jones, with designated times pauses indicated.


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